Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Thursday, June 1, 2017

How Socialism Penalizes Hard Workers And Rewards Those In Poverty

Socialism is such a big topic that it could never be covered in one or two articles. What I would like to do is to present Socialism in small bites, so the reader can begin to grasp the ideology of everything going on around us today, in this country, specifically.

I want to start with the aspect of this ideology that talks about the social structure, mainly the different income brackets and how Socialism seeks to resolve the issue of poverty vs. the way God would have us see it.

Even an article like that could end up being pages, so let's narrow it down further. Let's talk about those in the poverty level, and those who are at the top.

According to the ideology of Socialism, those who are successful and make money, the so called 'Upper Class' are not in the place of being rich because they worked hard. Socialism does not put a value on hard work. It sees the wealthy as people who 'stole' to get what they have.

They didn't physically steal things and become materialistic. You see, according to those who think like Obama does, supposedly, the founders of our country 'stole' from the Indians, Mexicans, and the slaves. Obama and his ilk think that we should be 'paying' back, instead of working hard at our jobs to be successful. In fact, wasn't it Obama who originated the phrase, 'You didn't build that' referring to people's businesses that they built?

Those who think like Obama believe that our nation was founded on conquest. Long before America became a country, Spanish Conquistadors periodically came to this land to find gold. They were nasty people, for the most part. But they never actually conquered this nation.

America really began with the Pilgrims. They came over here and settled. They worked hard and build their community. They even worked with the Indians and made friends with them.

Other groups came over to America. Some were God-fearing people who trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Others came and went, depending upon how much gold they found.

A group finally came together and in 1776, a new nation was started. It was not founded by conquering anyone or any group of people here.

Before long, we had immigrants coming over here. Many were from Europe, but there were also other nations represented here. They came over because there was a beginning, thriving civilization here, where they could work hard together and build this nation.

Although I do not know if our Forefathers of this nation were actually born again believers in Jesus Christ, we do know that they were God fearing people. Many of them valued God's word and you can find many Scriptural passages in their writings.

So, they built this nation, and here we are today. We are the most prosperous nation around. But Socialism doesn't like this idea. Socialism thinks that all people should be equal. That also includes all nations. One nation should not be more prosperous than another.

Where does that leave America then? When Obama was president, he was not supportive of the military. Nor was he sympathetic to those who went to war. Why? Because Socialism thinks that everyone should be equal. We shouldn't be defending our nation the way we have been. We need to let other nations have our wealth, and if we have a strong military to protect us, we will continue to be protecting our wealth.

Socialism seeks to undermine the achiever. The person who works hard to make a living and is successful should be penalized. The way they are penalized is by being forced to give to those at the bottom of the pole, those in poverty. Much of this is done through taxation.

This video is short and to the point. Socialism would not agree with this video. But this is how a healthy society will work

The church should be doing everything possible to minister to the poor. If the church in America is healthy, then the church will be helping the poor.

Socialism thinks that helping the poor is done by giving handouts to those in poverty. But it is really jobs that are needed, not handouts. Handouts only keep people in poverty.

You can give a man a fish, and feed him for a day. You can teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. I don't know who said this, but it makes sense.

Socialism seeks to give people fish for a day. And the next day. And the day after that. The fish will never run out because the rich people will be taxed to death to provide all the fish needed to feed the poor, on a continual basis.

But, what if a poor person can actually do work? How much better would that be? This would restore dignity back to the poor person. Realistically speaking, poverty can be alleviated by giving people work to do. But under a Socialistic regime, hard work and achievement are not valued. And those who are successful in their jobs are penalized.

Does this make sense? Is this what we want? Progressive Liberals are going to universities everywhere teaching their philosophy to young people today.

Is it any wonder that so many young adults complain that 'life isn't fair'?

For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 ESV

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