Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Unlocked Doors At Night And Fenceless Yards

Why do people build fences? What are some reasons fences would be built?

We build fences to keep our children in the yard, as well as our pets. If they leave the yard, they could be in danger (depending upon the age of the child).

Fences also keep other people from entering one's yard. Those who jump over fences are trespassing. The boundaries of the yard are off limits to them.

Of course, fences don't totally keep people out of the yard. But why is it not good for some people to enter the yard?

There are child predators that would love to come into the yard and take children away from their homes. Many of these children are shipped to another country and are sold under the black market. Most of them will probably never see their families again. Some of them will be killed. Others will be used in the child pornography business.

Children feel safe where there are boundaries. An experiment was done in a school yard. Children who were allowed to go out for recess in a school that had no fence around it, stayed close to the building. But after a fence was put around the school building, when the children went out for recess, they were more comfortable with going out into the school yard, and didn't feel the need to stick close to the building anymore.

What is it about us that makes us think that putting up a wall to keep other people out of our country, especially those who are drug dealers, is an act of bigotry? Other countries have boundaries around them to keep foreigners out. They understand that those visiting their countries might not have good intentions.

Why would we think that people want to do our country good, in light of what happened in Genesis 3? When Eve was deceived into eating the forbidden fruit, everything changed. People were born with selfish hearts. Even now, down the road many years, people are just as selfish as they were back then.

Do we lock our doors at night? Suppose someone comes to the door at 1 am, and you answer it. What are some things that could happen? This actually did happen to us one time. We answered the door and the woman, who had a child with her, needed money. We found out by asking around that this woman was on drugs, looking for money to pay for her drug habit. But there are horror stories of what happens to people during the night when they were sleeping.

What if we let people trespass the boundaries around our country, and then give them preferential treatment over those who are hard working citizens of this country? Is it fair and just to change our boundaries so that others can trespass against us? How long are we going to believe the lie that says that we 'stole' from other people and we must give everything back (which is done by treating illegal aliens as privileged American citizens, and taking away the rights of the American citizen)?

What is so hard about seeing the problem with this?

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