Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, August 25, 2017

Violent Activity Is A Decoy For What Is Going On Behind The Scenes

It's all a decoy. Antifa, Neo-Nazis, Fascism activities, even our president, are all decoys to take our attention off what is really going on behind the scenes.

While we are focusing on all the evil, vicious activities going on, the Left is implementing their agenda in our government.

Magicians use a technique called, 'misdirection'. It leads the audience to look at or focus on something else while the magician is using a technique that could be seen by the people. Since they are focusing on the act of misdirection, they don't even see the secret activity of the magician. It makes the magician look like he has super powers!

It is as simple as that, and that is all I have to say about it today.

While you are looking at the serious problems in front of your eyes,
we will continue to do our work of leading the country astray
behind the scenes

Monday, August 21, 2017

History Being Erased Then Rewritten

We can call people whatever we want. We can put labels on people that we wish to describe them with. But that doesn't mean that the person we are labeling is actually what we are labeling him or her with.

We see this in the world of religion, many times. There are people who call themselves 'Christians', usually because they don't understand what that term means. Sometimes, they are twisting God's arm to make themselves believe they are Biblical believers in Jesus Christ when they know they actually aren't.

But we do this with other people as well. It is a form of judging, but without the facts to back the claim up.

I have noticed that the labeling from the Left almost always relates to some action or belief system that they themselves are embracing. There is a lot of hypocrisy in what they are doing.

Terminology is also changing. For example, a Fascist used to be on the Left. Somehow, it got moved over to the right. When I looked up the definition of Fascist in a modern, online dictionary, the word was defined as being on the far right. How did that happen?

It happened simply because people are rewriting History. Not only History is being changed and rewritten, but also terms in the dictionary are also being redefined.

It all ties in with the narrative and plans of the Left to gain control of our nation. Those on the Left have been smart enough to infiltrate our school systems and colleges, and now young people coming out of college look at us as if we had two heads!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Creating 'Victim Groups' Destroys Our Society

The Left is the group which is trying to bring us under Socialism, which leads to Communism. The Left is accomplishing this by destroying our society, the way it exists today.

One way they are destroying it is by creating 'victim' groups of people. These people will, in turn, support the Leftists as they run their campaigns. They create victim groups with a pretense of rescuing them from those who are 'abusing' them.

Some of these 'victim' groups are; homosexuals, transgenders, women, children, illegal immigrants, blacks, as well as other ethnical minority groups.

People who are in these groups are considered 'victims' and the Democratic party, as it operates today, will come to their rescue. This will create a class of people who will support them.

Those who say anything against people in these victimized groups are called 'Bullies'. Do you know the only people in America who are not in these victimized groups? They are the white males in this country. They are considered the Bullies and the Left is trying to bring them down and 'put them in their place'.

If you are a white male, you should be outraged by this. The thinking is so absurd. I understand that there are bad apples in every group of people, and there are bad apples in the white male group as well as in all other groups. But one or two bad apples doesn't make the whole group bad.

Do we see what they are trying to do to us? They are taking away the power from the white males and basically stripping them of any authority or power they have. This also ties in with their false belief of inequality of people. Men and women should be equal in every way. Transgenders, men, women, children are all the same. There is no diversity. Everyone gets the same rights and privileges, as well as pay. No one is recognized for their skills or service. But we can see through the inconsistencies of even this way of thinking.

One other thing I have noticed too. The Left likes to put people groups against each other. The Enemy of our souls whispers things in the ears of these puppets like 'white people hate blacks.' and 'black people hate whites'. Or maybe even something like 'Pence is planning to go against Trump so he can win the 2020 election'. Then a division starts and there is enmity against two people or two people groups because people believe the lies they heard.

A person in our society is either a 'victim' or a
'Bully'. A Bully is one who offends a victim.
This is the ideology of the Liberal Left. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that there is another group that really has been victimized. But this group of people actually end up destroyed. It is the group of unborn babies who are rejected and unwanted by his or her parents. But the mom in these cases, thinks she is the victim, since it is not fair that she got pregnant. But in reality, she is the bully.

Those who think rationally, live with people who are absurd. How can we live together? How long will this last before God takes action against this?

This is why we need to be turning to God and praying for our country.

Read Genesis 19 for some enlightenment.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tale Of Two Countries

We live in a land where there are two separate countries. Two entirely different countries vying for control of the land. Who will win?

One side stands up for freedom, but not freedom as we have known it. It is a freedom for them from the boundaries and standards that we have held onto since the beginning of this country. It is a freedom that takes away freedom from the other side.

The other side stands up for freedom as well. Freedom is never free though. Many have lost their lives to establish this kind of freedom. It provides freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to own guns. It also provides protection from those who would do us harm.

The first kind of freedom listed above, will end up in anarchy. The second freedom listed will end up in peace for all, except perhaps those on the opposite side of freedom.

Which one will you embrace? The freedom where people live in absurdity, or the freedom which leads to peace, but at a cost?

If we don't hold onto what we've been given, we will ultimately end up in chaos. Is that what we want? Do we want our grandchildren and following generations to destroy themselves, or do we want to teach them the way of peace?

Please pray for the church in America, and pray for our country.

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the
United States of America. And to its
Republic, for which it stands, one
nation, under God, indivisible with
liberty and justice for all"

Sunday, August 6, 2017

More Persecution In Politics Than In Religion

It is amazing to me to watch the happenings going on politicly today. It is very strange when there is more persecution in talking about Donald Trump being our president and supporting him than it is in talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My take on this whole thing is that it is a spiritual battle we are in. Donald Trump just happens to be the main character involved.

This whole issue ironically, is really not even about Trump. It is about the Liberal Left marching their way into the White House and taking over. When Trump was elected as president, their plans fell apart for continuing their momentum and strategy. And now they are vengeful and irate.

What is really ironic and concerning though, are the professing Christians who are doing the persecuting!

I was at someone's house, for example, and there were three of us talking about the new president and what he was actually trying to accomplish, when the owner of the house, who was selling produce in her garage, told us to be quiet. Shhhh. There wasn't time for an explanation, but a young woman was coming to pick up the produce she had ordered. It was time to change the subject, if you know what I mean.

But why is Donald Trump's presidency so perilous to the Liberal Left? There are some very important reasons I think, and will try to share.

1. Trump stopped the plans and momentum of the Left. This is what happened in a nut shell.

We have dropped the ball when it comes to standing up for the truth, as revealed in Scriptures. For example, if we were holding onto the Scriptures and walking in truth in the last 50 or so years, we would have been prepared to stop Madalyn Murray O'Hair when she brought her bogus case of 'separation of church and state' to the Supreme Court which resulted in prayer being taken out of schools. What happened when she was successful? Nothing. Professing Christians could have cared less. They went on with life as usual, not seeing the consequences of their apathy.

2. The Left has strategically placed their people in the White House over the years. Now that we have someone who is exposing them and even firing those who are suspicious, they are like bees whose hive has been disturbed.

3. The Left has successfully used the mainstream media to influence people to think a certain way, to follow their narrative. Sadly, this is where I believe some professing Christians have been deceived as well.

First, we should evaluate a person, not based upon opinions of others, although we can objectively look at those opinions and consider them. But if we want to get a true evaluation of someone, we really need to hear from that person himself, and not let others form our opinions on him. We need to watch and study the person and form our own evaluation.

I have had people respond to positive things I would say about Trump by sending me to a web page which incriminates him falsely. I would think that those who oppose Trump would be smart enough to make their own evaluations, but, I can tell that they formed their opinion of whether they would like him or not before they even knew anything about him. Because they chose to dislike him, they go along with what the mainstream media is saying about Trump. They are essentially joining in and condoning the slander against this man.

Years ago, I was involved in a church situation where slander destroyed the main leader's credibility. It started when one of the top leaders in this family of churches was not in agreement with what the other top leaders were bringing to the table. This man got out of the ministry, and basically stabbed the main leader in the back. He took some scenarios of situations in some of the related churches, and stretched out a story that made it look like the main leader was a sexual predator.

Articles were written by this former leader and sent to the Huffington Post, as well as other mainstream media avenues. Before long, the whole ministry fell apart. A couple of court sessions were brought about, involving this main leader, who was never found guilty on the charges brought against him.

But the relentless accusations didn't stop. I am sure they are still going on today. Anyone on social media is familiar with this story, and, will probably side with the side of slander, simply because we do not know any better unless we personally know the people involved and why this case came about in the first place.

This is a classic case where people tend to side with what they hear instead of trying to objectively and honestly look at both sides of the situation.

This is a spiritual battle and we have to ask ourselves, 'whose side are we on'? This is not a matter of Trump vs. Hillary. This battle necessitates our need to be discerning, so we can separate light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, and truth from error.

Are we going to hold onto our biases and end up siding with evil because we think it is more important to oust Donald Trump than it is to go along with his agenda to clean up the White House and secure our country from outsiders that intend harm? We are working against ourselves and what we really claim to believe in and hold on to, if it is more important to us to try to get Trump out of office than it is to get our nation back to reality.

If we want our country to be run by Snowflakes who have no clue of what the real issues are, then continue on agreeing with the Left about how bad Donald Trump is for our country. But if we want to do things right, then find those areas where we can support Trump and what he is trying to accomplish for this nation.

We need to stop being divided. When Obama was president, no one acted out scenes to murder him. We wanted him out of office, but to work against him with hate was not God's way of doing things. Why are we, who hold Biblical truths as precious, so eager to join in with the hatred of those who are opposed to the current president? We have a higher standard we hold to, and we have faith in a God who can do wonders, even in people who are corrupt.

God is still in the business of changing hearts that are open to Him.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Liberal Left Creates, Defends, and Provides For The Victimized Groups They Have Created

I have touched on this in some of my writings, but, I want to write it out so I can clearly communicate some of the issues we are going through. There is much need for praying for our country.

Our country is way different than what it was 50+ years ago, so young people are not going to have the appreciation for this that they could have if they would have learned History correctly.

The Liberal Left is trying to accomplish the goal of 1. making government big, 2. taking rights away from people and giving them to others, and 3. creating an empire that is hard to take down, and which will continue to take under its wings, other places of authority.

One small thing I want to point out is #2 above. They want to take away the rights from the average person and give them to others.

First, you have to understand their ideology. They believe everyone has to be equal. That means basically, that any inequalities are wrong. So, if one man makes $300,000 a year, and another man makes $12,000, that is considered 'unfair'.

But they are building their own empire out of a made up case of people who are 'victims'. They are dividing people up and reclassifying them. Then, anyone who disagrees with the groups they have created are called 'Bullies'. Victims are the people who experience the 'unfairness' of society.

For example, the man who is at the top of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant business wrote out a statement that he believes marriage is made up of one man and one woman. Automatically, he became a bully. The LGBT went nuts. The world looked on as the LGBT were becoming 'victimized'

But really, it is not so much as the LGBT, as it is the activist groups behind them. People in America, whether they are straight or gay, have learned to live in a society where there are homosexuals and transgenders. The problem comes when someone stands up for the opposite of what the LGBT stands for. They become the bullies then, and special protection rights are created for the LGBT or whatever group it is that the activists are standing up for.

The problem is not with the LGBT. It is with the activists, who are total Left-wingers. They are creating groups which are minority groups, and then daring anyone to oppose them. As soon as there is opposition, the opposing party becomes the bully and the specialized group becomes the victim. They are using this tactic to win the votes of these so called 'victimized' people.

The Left specializes in helping the 'victimized' groups. That is where they depend on their votes to come from. They bribe them by giving them handouts, and promising them free items and services, all at the expense of the hard worker who responsibly takes care of himself and his family.

We know Biblically, that corruption will bring destruction. The Left is made up of people who, probably without knowing it, are puppets for the devil. They are doing the devil's bidding and are out to destroy God's people. It was that way from the beginning of time, and will continue, if allowed, to go on until the end of time.

If the Liberal Left has its way, there will be three classes of people, at least. The Liberal Left claims that everyone should be equal and have everything equally, yet, what will end up happening is that there will be, at the top, the Elite. Then the people will be in the middle. But there will also be an 'underclass' at the bottom. The Liberal Left is not only hypocritical, but it is also deceitful.

In a socialistic society, the leadership will lead one to believe that everyone will have everything. That is just not true. The Elite will have everything, and will dole it out wherever they wish. Those on the bottom, the underclass, will have nothing, except the handouts from the government. They will always be in poverty with no way to recover. Everyone, except the Elite, will suffer.

If you can look at accurate History (not the rewritten version), then you will see what happens when communism takes over a country. Remember, communism rejects any idea of God, and people must serve the Government. When God is rejected, the country will fail. People will starve to death. It is not the Utopia that John Lennon wrote about in his song, in the early 70s.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (Burke). It's time to take up arms and fight this battle with the spiritual weapons God has given to us. If we do nothing, evil will march down our streets and into our homes, We will be destroyed.