Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Liberal Left Creates, Defends, and Provides For The Victimized Groups They Have Created

I have touched on this in some of my writings, but, I want to write it out so I can clearly communicate some of the issues we are going through. There is much need for praying for our country.

Our country is way different than what it was 50+ years ago, so young people are not going to have the appreciation for this that they could have if they would have learned History correctly.

The Liberal Left is trying to accomplish the goal of 1. making government big, 2. taking rights away from people and giving them to others, and 3. creating an empire that is hard to take down, and which will continue to take under its wings, other places of authority.

One small thing I want to point out is #2 above. They want to take away the rights from the average person and give them to others.

First, you have to understand their ideology. They believe everyone has to be equal. That means basically, that any inequalities are wrong. So, if one man makes $300,000 a year, and another man makes $12,000, that is considered 'unfair'.

But they are building their own empire out of a made up case of people who are 'victims'. They are dividing people up and reclassifying them. Then, anyone who disagrees with the groups they have created are called 'Bullies'. Victims are the people who experience the 'unfairness' of society.

For example, the man who is at the top of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant business wrote out a statement that he believes marriage is made up of one man and one woman. Automatically, he became a bully. The LGBT went nuts. The world looked on as the LGBT were becoming 'victimized'

But really, it is not so much as the LGBT, as it is the activist groups behind them. People in America, whether they are straight or gay, have learned to live in a society where there are homosexuals and transgenders. The problem comes when someone stands up for the opposite of what the LGBT stands for. They become the bullies then, and special protection rights are created for the LGBT or whatever group it is that the activists are standing up for.

The problem is not with the LGBT. It is with the activists, who are total Left-wingers. They are creating groups which are minority groups, and then daring anyone to oppose them. As soon as there is opposition, the opposing party becomes the bully and the specialized group becomes the victim. They are using this tactic to win the votes of these so called 'victimized' people.

The Left specializes in helping the 'victimized' groups. That is where they depend on their votes to come from. They bribe them by giving them handouts, and promising them free items and services, all at the expense of the hard worker who responsibly takes care of himself and his family.

We know Biblically, that corruption will bring destruction. The Left is made up of people who, probably without knowing it, are puppets for the devil. They are doing the devil's bidding and are out to destroy God's people. It was that way from the beginning of time, and will continue, if allowed, to go on until the end of time.

If the Liberal Left has its way, there will be three classes of people, at least. The Liberal Left claims that everyone should be equal and have everything equally, yet, what will end up happening is that there will be, at the top, the Elite. Then the people will be in the middle. But there will also be an 'underclass' at the bottom. The Liberal Left is not only hypocritical, but it is also deceitful.

In a socialistic society, the leadership will lead one to believe that everyone will have everything. That is just not true. The Elite will have everything, and will dole it out wherever they wish. Those on the bottom, the underclass, will have nothing, except the handouts from the government. They will always be in poverty with no way to recover. Everyone, except the Elite, will suffer.

If you can look at accurate History (not the rewritten version), then you will see what happens when communism takes over a country. Remember, communism rejects any idea of God, and people must serve the Government. When God is rejected, the country will fail. People will starve to death. It is not the Utopia that John Lennon wrote about in his song, in the early 70s.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (Burke). It's time to take up arms and fight this battle with the spiritual weapons God has given to us. If we do nothing, evil will march down our streets and into our homes, We will be destroyed.

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