The big thing that is wrong with Socialism, is that it takes the power or freedom away from the people, and gives it to the government. Also, the government takes the freedoms away from most people and gives that power to small groups such as the LGBT.
Socialism is the working out of an ideology that is both fascinating and scary. It is dangerous because if embraced and employed, it will take away our freedoms. It is a well thought out strategy that seeks to empower the government and allows for the government to grow bigger and more powerful. The government, supposedly in return, will provide for the people. The people will also have to be dedicated to the government. This includes all people except for the 'underclass' which will be the main supporter of this type of government as the government will provide freebies and handouts to them continually to win their favor and receive their votes.
Obama and Clinton are not the only ones pushing for this type of government. There is a whole network of people in the top leadership of this nation, who are trying to implement Socialism.
Socialism not only takes away our freedoms and gives special empowering to small groups, but it seeks to equalize everyone. Everyone will be a human clone of the same mold in this type of setting.
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I wonder if this student would be willing to share her grades with another student who has a lower grade average? |
Socialism punishes those who work hard (achievers). In a normal society, there are those who work hard and develop their skills and talents, and make a lot of money. What they provide is what the people want, so they have the support of people to keep them in business. But Socialism does not like this because it violates the idea of people being equal or the same.
Socialism also rewards those who are in poverty, but does not seek to find a way to help those who are poor to come out of poverty. Socialism will keep people in poverty by giving out handouts. The poor will have no incentive to work simply because they won't have to. In return, Socialistic leaders will count on the vote of those in the 'underclass' because they have won their favor. This underclass group will continue to grow also.
So, in a Socialistic society, a person in poverty will always be in poverty. On the other side of the coin, a person who works hard at his or her job, and really enjoys what he or she is doing, will be penalized. One method used to penalize these people is to tax them to death. That way, the taxes can go to help to pay for the freebies given to the underclass and to help stop the population from growing. (And some of these freebies will include support from Planned Parenthood and money to help pay for sex change operations).
One other thing about people who believe in Socialism; they really do hate human beings.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today, and he had a good point. I never made this connection before. There is the thought that Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate the black population. This is a common conclusion that many have made. But as I listen to the words posted by Socialists, I am beginning also to see a connection here. Socialists hate human beings.
One of the big issues today is climate change. Human beings, especially those in America, are to blame for it. You see, we breathe in oxygen, and we exhale carbon dioxide. That is one reason people believe that humans are to blame for climate change. If we didn't have so many people on this planet, we wouldn't be having this problem, they would think.
The way to eliminate the problem is to prevent people from being born. Another lie is that the planet is already overcrowded. But, if you were to be able to look at the planet from, let's say, an airplane in the sky, you would see that there is a lot of unoccupied land. Actually, the amount of people we have on this planet would take a lot less space than we realize. Plus, God has a way of working through problems like that when they come. Oh yeah, that's right. Socialists for the most part don't believe in God, or don't believe that He is who He says He is. They have made up their own gods they worship, and the main one is the government.
I have heard also recently, about a push for a one-world government. When I first started hearing about this, it brought back memories of when I was a teenager learning the Bible. Back then, there was a lot of teaching on the 'last days' and things that should be happening during that time period. There was an understanding that there would be a one-world government. The Anti-Christ (really it was the Beast) was at the top of this one-world government thing. So, it almost sounds like a prophecy just waiting to come to fruition.
Here is a book I recommend highly. It is not intended to be a book about Socialism, yet, the same principles are applied in this book. It explicitly explains how we can help poor people without hurting them. When we help them in a wrong way, they will never come out of poverty. Many of us, even with good intentions, try to help the homeless by giving out handouts. What they need is work, not handouts. Handouts are nice here and there, but will not solve or even help them to come out of poverty. Eventually, handouts take away from the dignity of the person being helped. Socialism does the same thing. It destroys the dignity of a person, and gives them a false sense of worth.
And don't forget that the most important thing we can do for our country is to pray!!!
Remember, God never intended for human beings to be clones!! Each person was created unique and with dignity, given special talents and abilities to help others and to provide for themselves and their families. Don't let Socialism take that away!!
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