Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Permeate The Land With God's Word, Not Socialistic Ideology

As God opens our eyes to the spiritual dimension of what's going on in this country, let's be faithful in praying.

David wasn't shy about praying that God would oppose those who oppose Him. Some of his prayers were pretty strong against those who were his enemies.

The Bible says to pray for our enemies. Why? So they can become powerful and defeat us and continue to make fun of God? No, we pray for them so that God will grant them repentance and faith. If they don't repent, we pray for God to remove them from their place of leadership or authority. We pray that God will disable them. And, we pray for those in the church, that God will empower His church with the Holy Spirit.

Socialism doesn't take over a country by a people group conquering that country. Socialism takes root because of infiltration. It also becomes affective because the average citizen is ignorant of what socialism is.

Most people don't understand that they have to protect the freedoms in this country that our forefathers fought so hard for. They don't understand that freedom is not really free. Somebody had to pay for our freedom. But we enjoy the benefits of the freedom that was bought for us.

There are no big guns coming in forcing people to become socialists. Socialism is not like Isis. People do not conquer a land to take over the government. They do it by appealing to our greed. They use deceptive methods to trick us into thinking that Socialism is good and fair. That is just a lie.

Socialism promises that everyone will be equal. We all know that each person has value in God's sight. But God designed each person uniquely with specific gifts and talents for that person to use in the community God places him or her in. But with Socialism, the uniqueness is taken away. There are no talent shows. There are no pieces of art that are created by an artist that can have a high value. Socialism would consider that 'unfair' if someone has such a great talent but another person doesn't have that same talent, and therefore does not get the same recognition as the artist, and will not get the same amount of reward, be it monetary status.

Socialism is an ideology that takes over the country one step at a time. If the ideology can be taught in public schools and universities, then our children will grow up thinking that Socialism is normal and right. And we wonder why our children are turning out to be 'Snowflakes'.

But, there is another side to this too, that people who believe in Jesus Christ should know. The word of God is powerful and we can use it in this spiritual battle.

One idea is to permeate our land with the word of God. God's word will take affect in the lives of many people. People who know God's word can learn to become discerning. God's word teaches us how to pray. We can use God's word in our praying, especially when we are praying for our country.

There is nothing more that the devil will hate than to have to fight for a country where the people know the word of God. And where the people know the God of the Bible.

The word of God gives us the information on how we can be reconciled back to God. We are given the ministry of reconciliation and God will use us to minister to many people.

Today, people aren't even familiar with the 10 Commandments. And those who are, still live in sin. Somehow, they think they are forgiven by God, even though they haven't repented of their sins. This should be a good motivation for us to share the Gospel message.

God's word has a very different message than the ideology of Socialism. We need to learn to be discerning so we can separate light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, that truth from error.

Many professing Christians spend all their time on issues that are non-essentials. They spend too much time arguing on things like the King James Version Only, hunting down and destroying false teachers, and a host of other things. We need to humble ourselves and learn from God's word what He would be saying to us. And we need to be praying for our churches, families, co-workers, friends, neighbors, pastors, leaders, and those who are leading our country.

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