Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Let's Take From Peter To Pay Paul And All Paul's Friends

We have been through one of the strangest and most memorable elections of our lives. What we have seen is a whole lot of angry people who are reacting to the results of the election.

Why so much anger and why are so many people angry because Donald Trump is the elected president? I can give you a very simple reason why. They hate Donald Trump simply because his election victory got in the way of their march to establish Socialism in this country.

Our country was not founded by people who killed other people groups and took over their land. The original people who came to America in the 1600s, for the most part, were people who were looking for a place to live where they could worship God the way they understood worship to be. They didn't want to be in a country where the king called the shots concerning spiritual things. The king in their country did not worship the true and living God, yet he had authority over the church of England.

I think if Marco Rubio became president, he would have been scathed as well. I just don't know if he would have had the stamina to stand and continue to withstand all the attacks he would have received.

Donald Trump is tough. He has an unbelievable stamina. He also is surrounding himself with men of God as his advisors. We do not know if Donald Trump knows the Lord or not, but we do know, that there is a trust in God that is evident in him, at least for our country and his leadership.

Here is a video of a rally on a college campus. It shows the enthusiasm of both the speaker and the students. This is what college students face today.

Socialism leads people to believe that they can have things for free. It is an 'entitlement' mentality that supposedly will be fulfilled if Socialistic people are elected into office.

But in reality, it is an ideology that provides for certain groups to have free things like health care and education. It doesn't indicate, at least up front, where the money to pay for those things will come from. But any thinking person can figure out that the money to pay for all the freebies will come from somewhere, and that somewhere is from those who work hard to make a living.

Remember, Socialism punishes the achievers. Those who work hard at their jobs to provide for their families are penalized under Socialism. They will be required to pay for the freebies that our kids want. Just because they have worked hard and achieved a certain level in a work status, Socialists would say that is unfair. It is not equal to someone who doesn't have those work skills or that level of development of the skills. So, that must be punished so that everyone can be made equal.

It's like a child in school, who doesn't make much money, yet his parents provide for him or her. Socialism sees people who work hard and make enough money to live on as the targets for taking their money through taxes. These taxes help pay for welfare, abortions, health care, and any other needs or wants that people who claim they have been victimized are requesting.

Socialism keeps people dependent upon the government. People are not taught to be responsible citizens and pay their own bills. Those who earn money are going to be required to pay for all the needs and wants of irresponsible people who have no intention or motivation in becoming a functional citizen living in our society.

And when there is no more money left, the country will be ruined. The economy will collapse and no one will be envisioned to work again. Socialism will implode upon itself. But everyone will suffer.    

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