Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, June 2, 2017

Pulling Out of the Paris Climate Agreement and Socialism

I saw this article from the NY Times today, and as I studied it, I knew there was something wrong with this picture. Just couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

Now that I have thought about this throughout the day, I know what it is that makes it look like our current president made a mistake in his decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord.

I don't think there is a connection between pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and the decision to help create jobs for steel workers. But I think Socialistically minded people will try to make it look like there is a connection and that Trump made a bad decision because somehow, in their minds, this will affect the economy as it will limit those who have jobs working with the environment, supposedly. Trump's decision to support the steel workers will work against those who make a living by working with technology and the environment.

One of the things Socialists hate is competition. If you have a business mind, and if you want a healthy economy, you will see why competition is a good thing. Sure, there are abuses in competition, just like in any other good thing. Just because people who have egos utilize something doesn't make that thing wrong.

Competition helps the economy. People are free to build their businesses and work hard to produce good products or services. That is a good thing. But to a Socialist minded person, that is a bad thing.

Socialism takes the individuality out of people. Instead of people being able to worship God and respond to God in the way he or she is designed to be, Socialism considers the object of focus for all success to be the government. All money allocated to people should come from the government. That way, it will be fair to all. No one will have more than another. Everyone has to be equal under Socialism.

The article from the NY Times was interesting. If I understand it correctly, the author of the article seems to think that because there has been so much development in Pittsburgh, they no longer need to support the steel industry. They are out of that stage and onto bigger and better things. And President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris agreement was not something they think was a good decision.

There really are people who like to work with steel. There are still miners and people of old whose careers have gone by the wayside because of technology. But they are still there. And President Trump is fully supporting them.

I am not against developing good technologies or creating green environments. I would think the president would also be supportive of those as well. Just because there are new technological developments doesn't mean that there aren't those who still use what was used in the past.

But what puzzles me most about this article is the tie-in with the exit from the Paris climate accord. I am personally glad that the president pulled out of this. There are many bad ramifications that we would experience if we were to have stayed in this.

But when I read the source of where this article was published, it helped answer the mystery. The NY Times is a Socialistically minded resource. Anyone who is Socialistically minded would be angry that the president pulled out from the Paris Climate Agreement.


You have to remember, that much of the world thinks like Liberal Left-wingers. They hate America because of its prosperity. They hate the fact that people in America can make a lot of money. Socialism demands that everyone is equal. And the United States is the wealthiest nation of all. They hate us.

The world is blaming America for the climate change. They would say that America is too populated and needs to do what China has done in having small families. We must not be responsible enough, for if we were, then we wouldn't have the problem of global warming. People actually buy into this way of thinking.

The whole climate change issue is really a non-issue. But it is another tool to use America as a scapegoat for this. America is responsible and America needs to change. This is why it would have been bad for America to stay in this agreement.

Can you see the idolatry here? Socialism points to the government as the savior for us from all of our problems. Since America is the wealthiest country in America, our government, in their eyes, should do their part to 'solve' this climate change issue. This would involve taking billions of dollars to try to create a way to fix the climate change problem. It would also support Planned Parenthood in that we need to depopulate our land. It would not encourage those who work in steel mills or mines. It would be a dead-end street because we would see the government as everything we need, but the government cannot deliver as promised. God is God. The government is not.

Here is an article that helps explain why pulling out of the Paris agreement was right.

"Competition is one of the dirtiest words you could ever say to a Leftist.." Rush Limbaugh

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