Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, July 24, 2020

Voting And Supporting Those With Integrity

I found this meme on Facebook today. I hope the person doesn't mind me using it. The point isn't to divide Republicans against Democrats, but, to help us see what is going on behind the scenes.

I think sometimes, people just get out and vote without knowing what they are voting for or against. Or maybe they are stanch Democrats or Republicans. Maybe Grandma and Grandpa were Democrats. Mom and Dad were Democrats. So, the person has no intention of looking into whatever the Democrat party supports. They will stay Democrat until they die! (I have seen this with religion and churches as well).

We need to think through what we believe in. It is not enough to just go to a voting booth and think we are good citizens just because we voted. We voted for someone or something, but we weren't really sure of what all that is involved in who we voted for.

So, here is the meme I promised you. It has a lot of wisdom in it and if we take heed, we can vote intelligently in the November election. Otherwise, our country will lose its freedoms that it was founded upon, and yes, America was founded upon freedom, not slavery, as some new revised corrupt History courses are now teaching our students.

Just remember in November that the current Democratic presidential candidate is behind all these things listed here in the meme. Do you want your country to be overrun with crime? Do you want a weak police force (remember, Biden said that the police are our enemies)? Do you want abortions to continue and to be funded by the taxes you pay? Do you want your freedoms to be taken away?

If you look at, for example, New York City. People who lived there are getting out. Why? Because New York City is run by someone who is not making wise decisions for that city. Taxes are very high and it is almost impossible to live there now. Other places in the country are having their businesses destroyed by the rioters, so many are packing their bags and leaving town for a safer place. And all of those places are sadly run by Democrats. They are called, 'Blue States'.

But think about this, if our country is run by someone as unwise as Biden, this is what the whole country will end up looking like. Is this what you want? Then vote for Biden. But any wise person who has thought through the issues will see the danger of our losing our freedoms and our country will end by being like a third world country pretty soon.

It is not enough to say that 'politics are dirty. I don't want to have anything to do with them'. If that is the case, then evil will triumph and we will all lose.

Pray for the November election. Vote wisely in November.

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