Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

American History Being Erased and Rewritten in the 1619 Project

Here I am on a rant again. I am very concerned for the preservation of this country. Here is a threat to this nation as now the public schools are planning on having the 1619 Project incorporated into the educational system.

   I have a lot to say about this, so let me try to be concise. I went to school in the 60s and 70s. Living up North gave a much better educational system than in the South, but I did learn something while in school, whether up North or in the South.

   We learned true History in the 60s and 70s. We learned to respect the flag and understood what freedom was. If you study world History, you will find that rarely was there a country that gave freedom to their subjects. Citizens were always under the authority of the government, which controlled much of their thinking and limited their knowledge. America was exceptional as the founders were looking to create a society where people were free. Not free to do whatever they wanted or to hurt others, but to be creative and expressive of their feelings and also a place where they could grow and develop their skills. Those skills would enable them to have work, and the work would serve to meet other people's needs as well as provide for the family.

  It goes both ways. A person has a job either selling a product he or she believes in or has created, or the person has the job that is a service to other people who need that service. That's how a normal society works.

  But today, there are people who hate the fact that you and I have skills. They would say that those skills are used to oppress others. They want to disempower us and make us have to depend upon the government for our sustenance.

  With that in mind, I will post excerpts from an article I read along with the link. It is most disturbing.

  Also, keep in mind that when you send your child to school or even to college, your child may come back home seriously disliking you or maybe even hating you. Children today are taught that Americans, including their parents are irredeemably racists. Your child may never forgive you for the racist that you are, in his or her eyes, and may not be able to understand that supposed fact about you.

You can also sign the petition when you go to the link.

Petition; Keep the 1619 Project Out Of Schools

History education is critical to our nation’s survival — it is an important way we pass on to the next generation our understanding of who we are as Americans and help them to become good citizens.

Unfortunately, progressives are working to hijack education in order to teach our children to hate their country’s history. For years, America’s colleges and universities have been the breeding ground for an ideology which sees America as irredeemably racist, and a generation of students has been indoctrinated with this message.

The 1619 Project, launched by The New York Times in 2019, is an attempt to reframe America’s history around the institution of slavery. Some of its claims include:
*America’s true founding was not in 1776 but rather in 1619, the year the first slaves landed on this country’s shores.
*The Founders’ real reason for fighting for independence from Great Britain was to preserve slaveholding.
*American capitalism was developed from and modeled on plantation slavery.

We know the real reason why people came to America to begin with. It didn't have anything to do with slavery.

Did you know that George Washington had his slaves set free upon his death (actually the death of his wife)?1
Did you know that Patrick Henry was a slave owner who, over time, changed his mind and became an abolitionist?2
Did you know that John Adams didn't believe in slavery and while he was in the White House, he would not allow any slaves to be there while he was in office?
Did you know that the Quakers came to the decision that slavery was wrong and that they would not allow any of their members to be slave owners?
Did you know that The U.S. Congress passes an act to “prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States…from any foreign kingdom, place, or country.”?

For more information on this topic, you can visit my board on Pinterest at:

Please understand that this article is not written to make light the subject of slavery. We empathize with those who have ancestors who were slaves in America, during that period of time. We also empathize with those who have suffered because of the Jim Crowe era, as well as at the hands of the KKK. We will do what we can to help turn the hearts of the people back to God, who loves all people and made them all in His image. We will do what we can to turn bigoted hearts back to God by preaching the Gospel message to all around us. The answer to bigotry is not found in a government program. The only answer for this problem is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only God can change a heart, and when one hears the Gospel message and responds to it, that heart will be changed. Changing the world, one heart at a time, with the Gospel message. 

1. https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/washingtons-changing-views-on-slavery/
2. https://foundersandslavery.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/patrick-henry-founding-father-slave-holder-and-pioneer/

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