Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Erasing American History and Replacing It With Socialism

   First, it's 'defund the police'. Then it's 'tear down the statues'. What's next? What is the plan and who are the players?

    Before all this garbage came forth, there were players in the field. They were the college professors and teachers, as well as educators in our public school systems. They have been behind the scenes for many years and have gone undetected.

   Let's look at the latest scheme of the Enemy of our souls. It is the Black Lives Matter group teaming up with the teachers and educators. Their latest game play is to erase American History and rewrite it. It will be rewritten in Socialist fashion, of course.

   I just wrote a similar blog a little while ago, so this one will seem like a continuation of the other one. Both have to do with the movement to erase true American History and replace it with Socialism. That's why statues are being taken down. Even the good statues are coming down. Everything has to go. Then they'll make an America of their dreams.

   Most of the people who support this kind of thinking are the Millennials. If they understood what the underlying issues were facing our country, they wouldn't be so supportive of Socialism. This concerns me because it shows me that these young people are really just followers, not leaders. Someone somewhere is leading them, and leading them far astray into darkness. They are being lied to and bribed so that they will succumb to this false Utopia one day.

  This is another article on the same subject. It has some more interesting insights into this way of life. I will post some excerpts here, along with the link.

BLM Teams Up With Teachers' Unions To Teach Anti-American Nonsense

Radical Anti-American curriculums such as the New York Times’ 1619 Project are now being taught throughout America. Students are being taught that America is a horrible place that has committed sins that are irredeemable. The entire system must be burned to the ground to make way for a Socialist utopia.

Behind the Black Lives Matter lies their true motivation: destroying American capitalism. See, little of the carnage enveloping the nation has anything to do with a genuine concern for George Floyd or others that have been unjustly killed. These defilers of monuments want to institute Marxism and they are using the murder of George Floyd as a Trojan Horse for socialism.

Yes, we are against all injustices, whatever they are. Everyone I know agrees that George Floyd was unjustly murdered. We pray that justice will be served for those who commit such crimes against innocent people. 

But the action of taking statues down and rioting, looting, and even killing people does not bring closure to the situation. It is not intended to. These actions are being committed, not to get even with those who killed George Floyd, but they are being used, under the guise of vengeance, as a means to bring about Socialism to this country. 

Why have we sat back so long and have done nothing to halt this kind of stuff? I don't know. Maybe we are apathetic. Or maybe we just don't really believe it is happening in our country. Maybe its too far away for us to care about? I don't really know, but if we don't wake up soon, we will wake up to a Communist country, one like we have never seen before.

History repeats itself, they say. If one knows what happened in History, it is less likely to repeat itself. But if History is erased, then we risk having it happen to us and being repeated in our lifetime. What we don't know, will hurt us. 

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