Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Sunday, July 12, 2020

History Erased and Redone and the Effect Upon Young People Today

This past week, I have been livid. I can't describe the level of concern I have right now. I'm always mulling things over in my mind, and to be honest, the future of our country looks bleak.

There are many things to talk about but I want to focus on just one or two at a time.

I see people in authority who are lying constantly. And people are following them. I see hate and violence, supposedly justifying a murder. I continually see injustice. People get away with murder and innocent people end up in jail. What is wrong with this picture?

Well, this week, my beef is with how the public educational system has ruined the last generation. Remember in the 1960s, when the Hippies revolted. There were Hippies who were promoting peace. Yet, they were, at the same time defying the American government and dodging the draft. Well, these 'Hippies', or rather Radicals, went to college, became college professors and teachers, and have successfully indoctrinated their students for the last 40+ years.

Today, there are people rewriting American History. Before History can be rewritten, it must be erased. So, the statues come down. Then there's the 1619 Project, which is being taught in the schools now. Not only do we have erroneous History being taught, but in many schools the subject of sex education has been revamped and children, and I mean 5 and 6 years olds are taught the different methods of having sex. They are basically being taught porn and one school in California has told the parents that there isn't anything they can do about this because they will teach the children what they want to teach and parents there have no authority to stop them.

Of course, the big puppet master behind all this is Satan himself. His goal is to break down the family unit. Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and whatever else goes on in the perverted sexual world is being promoted and protected. While the authorities in society are trying to silence and even penalize the church for teaching that marriage is made up of one man and one woman, and that it is wrong for a married person to commit adultery.

Anyway, sin has become normalized now, and if you oppose someone's right to sin, like if you point out that homosexuality is sin, you could be penalized. Maybe even go to jail.

We get to today, and my anger rises. Many, many young people (ages 18-40 let's say) have bought into this racial strife scenario. They have been led to believe that America is a racist nation founded upon slavery. When I hear this kind of talk coming from people I want to scream. Although early Americans did have slaves, our nation was not founded upon the principle of slavery. Slavery began way before America was even thought of. Spanish explorers brought slaves over here as they explored America before we were a country. Many who migrated here from other countries already had slaves in their families. And many who had slaves, gave a portion of their slaves to their children as they married.

If you inherited several slaves, what would you do with them? Would you let them go free? Would you send them back to Africa? These ideas were in the minds of our founding fathers as well.

I have been researching this for the past couple of years and have found some interesting information. A charitable group decided to raise money and send slaves back to Africa. They were brought back there to start their own country, and it was called, 'Liberia'. It wasn't very successful though, because there were not enough resources available to keep it going, as well as to build a country. Both Washington and Jefferson seemed to think that slavery of African Americans was not a good idea. Washington put in his will that his slaves were to be freed upon his death. But that brings up another issue; where can newly freed slaves go in order to sustain themselves and their families? Would freeing them be in their best interest? Were there other alternatives?

  A couple of Washington's slaves managed to escape. No one ever went after them to bring them back.

  Thomas Jefferson was able to get a bill passed in 1807 to make illegal the importation of slaves. You won't hear about that though from those who believe America's greatest problem is systemic racism. Yes, Jefferson did want this bill to be passed and it got passed. Problem is, even though it got passed, many smuggled in slaves from Africa. And so it continued.

  And then there was the Quakers, who came to the realization that slavery was wrong and forbade any of its members to be slave owners.

  We actually had many, many who opposed slavery in the beginning of our country's existence, yet, you will not find them in most History books.

  O.K., I am still very upset because I know many of my young friends have fallen into this idea that America is a racist country. Wherever they are getting their information from, they are not getting the whole picture. Black Lives Matter is not an organization dedicated to defending black Americans. It is a Marxist group much like Antifa, supported by the Democratic party. But you can't tell this to some people because they will unfriend you on Facebook or they might even leave your church that they feel now they are being betrayed by.

   I found a post by a young Facebook friend that was very correct. He had learned genuine American History and understands what the big picture is that is going on in this country. He wrote a very gracious post inviting people who want to dialog about this subject to do so. I commented on his post telling him what an excellent post it was. However, I was surprised (or should I have been?) at the number of people who criticized his post. Some mentioned that his whiteness was showing. Others recommended that he read 'White Fragility'. Even some of his family members wanted to make sure that all sides were heard. To be honest, I would have probably become very angry at the comments. And they were mostly from young, white friends.

   I asked in a comment if any of the black people would be willing to share their experiences of being oppressed today. I did ask graciously and didn't pressure anyone to respond. One woman responded by letting me know that I should not ask them to do such a thing. It would be too traumatizing to the black person for him or her to tell their stories. (I believe this woman was white).

  I was just amazed at how many young people were into this whole racial strife thing, and how many of them, probably in ignorance, were on the wrong side.

  This is not just a political battle. This is a cultural war. I heard Rush speaking last week and he was telling us that he is seeing a problem with young white women, millennial age, coming home from college and dissing their parents. These young women had been taught that racism is the American problem and that their parents are the reason for this problem. Sadly, I can see this way of thinking with my Facebook friends who are young, even some who were my students. Some of them have unfriended me, and I am sure that it has to do with this cultural/political war we are in.

   There's a whole different way of thinking today among the millennials, and it doesn't appear to have much reasoning. That is why I am very concerned. The young man who wrote the Patriot post that many were irritated by, obviously learned History correctly. I am sorry to say that I don't think I did a good job in teaching History to my children, and even to the students I taught in class. We had the best materials. We covered a lot of stuff. I even learned from what I taught. But as I think about it, I don't remember teaching anything on slavery in America. Come to think of it, I don't remember ever teaching what Communism is and why it is bad. How did I learn so much about Communism then? My parents taught me about Communism when I was little. In my adult years, I learned about Communism and other tyrannical types of government from places like 'The Voice of the Martyrs'.

  So, right now I am going through a book called, 'Streams of Civilization', which is basically a Christian History book. There are 2 volumes and I am reading volume 2.  So far, I have read some about slavery and I am only at the beginning of the book! I will continue to read through the book and also take notes from the Internet on Historical subjects.

  The answer to all these racial problems is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When lost people come to know the Lord, they become transformed. Their hearts are softened. The love of God is in them. If people hear the Gospel message, some of them will be saved. This is the only answer to this dilemma. There is no other recourse.

   Books like 'White Fragility' and courses like 'The 1619 Project' will not give us answers to the problems of life. Much of this is based upon lies, and people who have commented on White Fragility have said that the book is self-defeating. It makes no sense and provides no answers on how to have racial reconciliation. But the Bible does.

   For those who are interested, I pin a lot of my research on my board in Pinterest. If you want to go to my board on slavery, here is the link: https://www.pinterest.com/awestruck12/slavery-history-and-info/

  I also have other Historical boards that you might find interesting.

  We need to be praying for the salvation of the lost. We also need to be praying for God's intervention in our country right now. We need to pray that people will be able to separate light from darkness, truth from error, right from wrong, and good from evil. There is a great need for wisdom and discernment. We need to pray for God to raise up God-fearing men and women to lead and run our country. And, we need to be praying that American citizens will learn the 'fear of the Lord'.

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