Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The New Enemy - Our Educational System

 "Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity" Thomas Sowell, "Random Thoughts" Jewish World Review, 5/24/00

Public schools, and even some private schools have become dangerous. In some schools, especially in California, the schools think they have more authority than the parent. In one school, sex education is being taught in the form of porn. The parents protested, yet, the school tells them they have no authority to take their children out of school or resist this teaching. The school insists on teaching this subject wrongly.

Public education has become an enemy. Not only are they teaching gender identification, but they are teaching everything else from Marxism to porn. More recently, they have rewritten American History to make America out to be an evil illegitimate country that needs to be destroyed.

Is it any wonder we have riots going on now? How about family divisions? How about a new phenomena? Millennial aged women coming back home from college to reject their parents (if they are white) because she learned while at college that her parents were racists and are part of the problem in America? Did you know that was happening here today?

A lot of new 'religions' are being taught in our schools today. They don't look like religion, and they probably don't include the word 'God' anywhere, but, new philosophies are out there that are intended to divide people groups up by labeling and accusing certain people groups of having certain undesirable traits. These things are being taught in our schools right now. Be careful where you go to college. And be careful where you send your children to school.

The Pandemic has brought many children home and now the parents are seeing what their children are learning. Many have a lot to say about the curriculum that is being used to teach their children.

This is not a minor issue. People need to hear the Gospel message. We need to become familiar with what the Bible teaches. We need to become discerning and able to separate the truth from the lies.

Always remember, this is not just a political war. We are in a cultural war and that is where the issues are that we need to be dealing with. We deal with the heart. We deal with the heart but preaching God's word and looking at our own hearts first. God changes us, then we can help others to be changed.

We could have all the right rules to follow, but if our hearts aren't changed, nothing much is going to happen.

Pray for the word of God to go out in power today.

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