Years ago, I heard a true story that was told by one of our pastors. It was about a child's birthday party, where one of the children who were at this party wanted to be the center of attention.
The child whose birthday was being celebrated was acknowledged and honored because it was his birthday. One of the little friends was not happy though. He wanted presents too. He wanted the attention that was being shown to the birthday boy. He carried on and showed anger because he didn't have the same amount of glorification as the boy who was celebrating his birthday. Finally, an adult explained to him that 'it's not your birthday'.
I don't know how this child responded or if he was just immature and missed the point of the birthday celebration for a classmate. But isn't that how we feel sometimes? Those of us who are older and have gone through years of birthday parties usually figure out that its ok for us to be happy for other people who were celebrating their birthdays. We could be happy because the birthday celebrant opened the present we brought for him or her. But when you are 5 years old, sometimes this concept is hard to understand.
There is a common theme though, between the 5 year old selfish child and the thinking of the Liberals today.
I have to wonder how Liberals would think about the birthday party? Since we know that the Liberals are basically Socialists, and we know that Socialists believe that everyone is equal in everything and every way, how would they look at this birthday party?
Here is my thought; I think they would be like the little boy who expected to be treated and honored in the same way that the Birthday Boy was. In fact, all the children at the birthday party should have been honored and given presents. It is not fair that one person should be honored. After all, that action of honoring is empowering to someone. The Birthday Boy was honored. He was empowered. He could become a bully. The other children were potentially becoming victims. Everyone must be treated the same.
You probably think this sounds like nonsense? I would encourage you to study what the Socialists actually believe in. They so strongly believe that everyone has to be equal. No one gets any more honor or recognition than another. Those who do not get recognition, are recognized as victims.
So, at this child's birthday party, all kids get presents. All of the children are sung to when the first note of "Happy Birthday" is being sung. If any games were played, everyone wins a prize. There is no winner, remember.
Lenin Quote

The Goal of Socialism
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Who Makes Up This Special 'Underclass'?
After listening to Rush Limbaugh for the past couple of months, things have become clearer for me.
Today, he was talking about the special minority groups that the Democrats depend upon for their votes and support. He described them as groups made up of people who have been 'victimized'. They go after every victimized group they can find. Then they find a candidate who is sensitive to these people.
There has been quite a bit of talk recently about bullies and victimization. Bullies have rightfully earned a bad reputation. But victims, so many times, will milk their offenses for all its worth.
I had an interesting thought and wonder how it ties in with the big picture. If the Left is catering to all these groups made up of victimized people, who exactly are these victims?
As I think about it, most people in this country qualify, according to the Left, as victims. Black people, women, transgenders, homosexuals, and so on. But there is one group that has not been labeled as victimized. Guess what that group is? And they are also considered bullies.
The group I am talking about is white men. White men are the bad guys right now. Especially, if they have money. The Left considers them as bullies.
The Left has created faux rights for the victimized groups, such as 'a woman's right to her own body' which being interpreted means, a way out of an unwanted pregnancy by means of murdering the unborn child.
People today have been conditioned, from childhood, to believe that they are victims of something. It starts in Daycare and continues on into adulthood.
Everyone who thinks they are a victim usually votes Democrat (Rush Limbaugh). The Democrat party today shapes people's thinking so they have a victim mentality, and this group specializes in catering to the supposed 'victims'. That way, they will receive their votes during election time. This is how the Democrat party has built itself. The Democrats continue to create more victim groups.
Victims are always dependent on others. The goal is for them to become dependent on the government.
So, this underclass, made up of groups of victimized people, is what will be the main support for the cause of the Left. These people will never get the right kind of help they need to get through life. They will continually live with a victimized mentality and will ultimately blame everyone else for the bad, unfortunate things that have happened to them and will continue to happen to them throughout the rest of their earthly lives.
So, who makes up this Underclass of people? Those who have been supposedly victimized. This is how the Democratic party will continue to have support for themselves.
It is like an authority figure telling certain people groups that they are really helpless, and they will come to their rescue. The authority figure of course, is the government. The people groups here are those who have been led to believe they are victims. So, can you see how this works?
Their only hope for anything will come from the government!
Today, he was talking about the special minority groups that the Democrats depend upon for their votes and support. He described them as groups made up of people who have been 'victimized'. They go after every victimized group they can find. Then they find a candidate who is sensitive to these people.
There has been quite a bit of talk recently about bullies and victimization. Bullies have rightfully earned a bad reputation. But victims, so many times, will milk their offenses for all its worth.
I had an interesting thought and wonder how it ties in with the big picture. If the Left is catering to all these groups made up of victimized people, who exactly are these victims?
As I think about it, most people in this country qualify, according to the Left, as victims. Black people, women, transgenders, homosexuals, and so on. But there is one group that has not been labeled as victimized. Guess what that group is? And they are also considered bullies.
The group I am talking about is white men. White men are the bad guys right now. Especially, if they have money. The Left considers them as bullies.
The Left has created faux rights for the victimized groups, such as 'a woman's right to her own body' which being interpreted means, a way out of an unwanted pregnancy by means of murdering the unborn child.
People today have been conditioned, from childhood, to believe that they are victims of something. It starts in Daycare and continues on into adulthood.
Everyone who thinks they are a victim usually votes Democrat (Rush Limbaugh). The Democrat party today shapes people's thinking so they have a victim mentality, and this group specializes in catering to the supposed 'victims'. That way, they will receive their votes during election time. This is how the Democrat party has built itself. The Democrats continue to create more victim groups.
Victims are always dependent on others. The goal is for them to become dependent on the government.
So, this underclass, made up of groups of victimized people, is what will be the main support for the cause of the Left. These people will never get the right kind of help they need to get through life. They will continually live with a victimized mentality and will ultimately blame everyone else for the bad, unfortunate things that have happened to them and will continue to happen to them throughout the rest of their earthly lives.
So, who makes up this Underclass of people? Those who have been supposedly victimized. This is how the Democratic party will continue to have support for themselves.
It is like an authority figure telling certain people groups that they are really helpless, and they will come to their rescue. The authority figure of course, is the government. The people groups here are those who have been led to believe they are victims. So, can you see how this works?
Their only hope for anything will come from the government!
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Let's Take From Peter To Pay Paul And All Paul's Friends
We have been through one of the strangest and most memorable elections of our lives. What we have seen is a whole lot of angry people who are reacting to the results of the election.
Why so much anger and why are so many people angry because Donald Trump is the elected president? I can give you a very simple reason why. They hate Donald Trump simply because his election victory got in the way of their march to establish Socialism in this country.
Our country was not founded by people who killed other people groups and took over their land. The original people who came to America in the 1600s, for the most part, were people who were looking for a place to live where they could worship God the way they understood worship to be. They didn't want to be in a country where the king called the shots concerning spiritual things. The king in their country did not worship the true and living God, yet he had authority over the church of England.
I think if Marco Rubio became president, he would have been scathed as well. I just don't know if he would have had the stamina to stand and continue to withstand all the attacks he would have received.
Donald Trump is tough. He has an unbelievable stamina. He also is surrounding himself with men of God as his advisors. We do not know if Donald Trump knows the Lord or not, but we do know, that there is a trust in God that is evident in him, at least for our country and his leadership.
Here is a video of a rally on a college campus. It shows the enthusiasm of both the speaker and the students. This is what college students face today.
Socialism leads people to believe that they can have things for free. It is an 'entitlement' mentality that supposedly will be fulfilled if Socialistic people are elected into office.
But in reality, it is an ideology that provides for certain groups to have free things like health care and education. It doesn't indicate, at least up front, where the money to pay for those things will come from. But any thinking person can figure out that the money to pay for all the freebies will come from somewhere, and that somewhere is from those who work hard to make a living.
Remember, Socialism punishes the achievers. Those who work hard at their jobs to provide for their families are penalized under Socialism. They will be required to pay for the freebies that our kids want. Just because they have worked hard and achieved a certain level in a work status, Socialists would say that is unfair. It is not equal to someone who doesn't have those work skills or that level of development of the skills. So, that must be punished so that everyone can be made equal.
It's like a child in school, who doesn't make much money, yet his parents provide for him or her. Socialism sees people who work hard and make enough money to live on as the targets for taking their money through taxes. These taxes help pay for welfare, abortions, health care, and any other needs or wants that people who claim they have been victimized are requesting.
Socialism keeps people dependent upon the government. People are not taught to be responsible citizens and pay their own bills. Those who earn money are going to be required to pay for all the needs and wants of irresponsible people who have no intention or motivation in becoming a functional citizen living in our society.
Why so much anger and why are so many people angry because Donald Trump is the elected president? I can give you a very simple reason why. They hate Donald Trump simply because his election victory got in the way of their march to establish Socialism in this country.
Our country was not founded by people who killed other people groups and took over their land. The original people who came to America in the 1600s, for the most part, were people who were looking for a place to live where they could worship God the way they understood worship to be. They didn't want to be in a country where the king called the shots concerning spiritual things. The king in their country did not worship the true and living God, yet he had authority over the church of England.
I think if Marco Rubio became president, he would have been scathed as well. I just don't know if he would have had the stamina to stand and continue to withstand all the attacks he would have received.
Donald Trump is tough. He has an unbelievable stamina. He also is surrounding himself with men of God as his advisors. We do not know if Donald Trump knows the Lord or not, but we do know, that there is a trust in God that is evident in him, at least for our country and his leadership.
Here is a video of a rally on a college campus. It shows the enthusiasm of both the speaker and the students. This is what college students face today.
Socialism leads people to believe that they can have things for free. It is an 'entitlement' mentality that supposedly will be fulfilled if Socialistic people are elected into office.
But in reality, it is an ideology that provides for certain groups to have free things like health care and education. It doesn't indicate, at least up front, where the money to pay for those things will come from. But any thinking person can figure out that the money to pay for all the freebies will come from somewhere, and that somewhere is from those who work hard to make a living.
Remember, Socialism punishes the achievers. Those who work hard at their jobs to provide for their families are penalized under Socialism. They will be required to pay for the freebies that our kids want. Just because they have worked hard and achieved a certain level in a work status, Socialists would say that is unfair. It is not equal to someone who doesn't have those work skills or that level of development of the skills. So, that must be punished so that everyone can be made equal.
It's like a child in school, who doesn't make much money, yet his parents provide for him or her. Socialism sees people who work hard and make enough money to live on as the targets for taking their money through taxes. These taxes help pay for welfare, abortions, health care, and any other needs or wants that people who claim they have been victimized are requesting.
Socialism keeps people dependent upon the government. People are not taught to be responsible citizens and pay their own bills. Those who earn money are going to be required to pay for all the needs and wants of irresponsible people who have no intention or motivation in becoming a functional citizen living in our society.
And when there is no more money left, the country will be ruined. The economy will collapse and no one will be envisioned to work again. Socialism will implode upon itself. But everyone will suffer.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
What Socialism Takes Away From Us And What It Gives
What is it that is wrong with Socialism, and why is there such a big push for it today?
The big thing that is wrong with Socialism, is that it takes the power or freedom away from the people, and gives it to the government. Also, the government takes the freedoms away from most people and gives that power to small groups such as the LGBT.
Socialism is the working out of an ideology that is both fascinating and scary. It is dangerous because if embraced and employed, it will take away our freedoms. It is a well thought out strategy that seeks to empower the government and allows for the government to grow bigger and more powerful. The government, supposedly in return, will provide for the people. The people will also have to be dedicated to the government. This includes all people except for the 'underclass' which will be the main supporter of this type of government as the government will provide freebies and handouts to them continually to win their favor and receive their votes.
Obama and Clinton are not the only ones pushing for this type of government. There is a whole network of people in the top leadership of this nation, who are trying to implement Socialism.
Socialism not only takes away our freedoms and gives special empowering to small groups, but it seeks to equalize everyone. Everyone will be a human clone of the same mold in this type of setting.
Socialism punishes those who work hard (achievers). In a normal society, there are those who work hard and develop their skills and talents, and make a lot of money. What they provide is what the people want, so they have the support of people to keep them in business. But Socialism does not like this because it violates the idea of people being equal or the same.
Socialism also rewards those who are in poverty, but does not seek to find a way to help those who are poor to come out of poverty. Socialism will keep people in poverty by giving out handouts. The poor will have no incentive to work simply because they won't have to. In return, Socialistic leaders will count on the vote of those in the 'underclass' because they have won their favor. This underclass group will continue to grow also.
So, in a Socialistic society, a person in poverty will always be in poverty. On the other side of the coin, a person who works hard at his or her job, and really enjoys what he or she is doing, will be penalized. One method used to penalize these people is to tax them to death. That way, the taxes can go to help to pay for the freebies given to the underclass and to help stop the population from growing. (And some of these freebies will include support from Planned Parenthood and money to help pay for sex change operations).
One other thing about people who believe in Socialism; they really do hate human beings.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today, and he had a good point. I never made this connection before. There is the thought that Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate the black population. This is a common conclusion that many have made. But as I listen to the words posted by Socialists, I am beginning also to see a connection here. Socialists hate human beings.
One of the big issues today is climate change. Human beings, especially those in America, are to blame for it. You see, we breathe in oxygen, and we exhale carbon dioxide. That is one reason people believe that humans are to blame for climate change. If we didn't have so many people on this planet, we wouldn't be having this problem, they would think.
The way to eliminate the problem is to prevent people from being born. Another lie is that the planet is already overcrowded. But, if you were to be able to look at the planet from, let's say, an airplane in the sky, you would see that there is a lot of unoccupied land. Actually, the amount of people we have on this planet would take a lot less space than we realize. Plus, God has a way of working through problems like that when they come. Oh yeah, that's right. Socialists for the most part don't believe in God, or don't believe that He is who He says He is. They have made up their own gods they worship, and the main one is the government.
I have heard also recently, about a push for a one-world government. When I first started hearing about this, it brought back memories of when I was a teenager learning the Bible. Back then, there was a lot of teaching on the 'last days' and things that should be happening during that time period. There was an understanding that there would be a one-world government. The Anti-Christ (really it was the Beast) was at the top of this one-world government thing. So, it almost sounds like a prophecy just waiting to come to fruition.
Here is a book I recommend highly. It is not intended to be a book about Socialism, yet, the same principles are applied in this book. It explicitly explains how we can help poor people without hurting them. When we help them in a wrong way, they will never come out of poverty. Many of us, even with good intentions, try to help the homeless by giving out handouts. What they need is work, not handouts. Handouts are nice here and there, but will not solve or even help them to come out of poverty. Eventually, handouts take away from the dignity of the person being helped. Socialism does the same thing. It destroys the dignity of a person, and gives them a false sense of worth.

And don't forget that the most important thing we can do for our country is to pray!!!
Remember, God never intended for human beings to be clones!! Each person was created unique and with dignity, given special talents and abilities to help others and to provide for themselves and their families. Don't let Socialism take that away!!
The big thing that is wrong with Socialism, is that it takes the power or freedom away from the people, and gives it to the government. Also, the government takes the freedoms away from most people and gives that power to small groups such as the LGBT.
Socialism is the working out of an ideology that is both fascinating and scary. It is dangerous because if embraced and employed, it will take away our freedoms. It is a well thought out strategy that seeks to empower the government and allows for the government to grow bigger and more powerful. The government, supposedly in return, will provide for the people. The people will also have to be dedicated to the government. This includes all people except for the 'underclass' which will be the main supporter of this type of government as the government will provide freebies and handouts to them continually to win their favor and receive their votes.
Obama and Clinton are not the only ones pushing for this type of government. There is a whole network of people in the top leadership of this nation, who are trying to implement Socialism.
Socialism not only takes away our freedoms and gives special empowering to small groups, but it seeks to equalize everyone. Everyone will be a human clone of the same mold in this type of setting.
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I wonder if this student would be willing to share her grades with another student who has a lower grade average? |
Socialism punishes those who work hard (achievers). In a normal society, there are those who work hard and develop their skills and talents, and make a lot of money. What they provide is what the people want, so they have the support of people to keep them in business. But Socialism does not like this because it violates the idea of people being equal or the same.
Socialism also rewards those who are in poverty, but does not seek to find a way to help those who are poor to come out of poverty. Socialism will keep people in poverty by giving out handouts. The poor will have no incentive to work simply because they won't have to. In return, Socialistic leaders will count on the vote of those in the 'underclass' because they have won their favor. This underclass group will continue to grow also.
So, in a Socialistic society, a person in poverty will always be in poverty. On the other side of the coin, a person who works hard at his or her job, and really enjoys what he or she is doing, will be penalized. One method used to penalize these people is to tax them to death. That way, the taxes can go to help to pay for the freebies given to the underclass and to help stop the population from growing. (And some of these freebies will include support from Planned Parenthood and money to help pay for sex change operations).
One other thing about people who believe in Socialism; they really do hate human beings.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today, and he had a good point. I never made this connection before. There is the thought that Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate the black population. This is a common conclusion that many have made. But as I listen to the words posted by Socialists, I am beginning also to see a connection here. Socialists hate human beings.
One of the big issues today is climate change. Human beings, especially those in America, are to blame for it. You see, we breathe in oxygen, and we exhale carbon dioxide. That is one reason people believe that humans are to blame for climate change. If we didn't have so many people on this planet, we wouldn't be having this problem, they would think.
The way to eliminate the problem is to prevent people from being born. Another lie is that the planet is already overcrowded. But, if you were to be able to look at the planet from, let's say, an airplane in the sky, you would see that there is a lot of unoccupied land. Actually, the amount of people we have on this planet would take a lot less space than we realize. Plus, God has a way of working through problems like that when they come. Oh yeah, that's right. Socialists for the most part don't believe in God, or don't believe that He is who He says He is. They have made up their own gods they worship, and the main one is the government.
I have heard also recently, about a push for a one-world government. When I first started hearing about this, it brought back memories of when I was a teenager learning the Bible. Back then, there was a lot of teaching on the 'last days' and things that should be happening during that time period. There was an understanding that there would be a one-world government. The Anti-Christ (really it was the Beast) was at the top of this one-world government thing. So, it almost sounds like a prophecy just waiting to come to fruition.
Here is a book I recommend highly. It is not intended to be a book about Socialism, yet, the same principles are applied in this book. It explicitly explains how we can help poor people without hurting them. When we help them in a wrong way, they will never come out of poverty. Many of us, even with good intentions, try to help the homeless by giving out handouts. What they need is work, not handouts. Handouts are nice here and there, but will not solve or even help them to come out of poverty. Eventually, handouts take away from the dignity of the person being helped. Socialism does the same thing. It destroys the dignity of a person, and gives them a false sense of worth.
And don't forget that the most important thing we can do for our country is to pray!!!
Remember, God never intended for human beings to be clones!! Each person was created unique and with dignity, given special talents and abilities to help others and to provide for themselves and their families. Don't let Socialism take that away!!
Monday, June 19, 2017
How Would You Feel If You Were Naboth's Mother?
Poor Naboth. He was just minding his own business when the king comes along and starts envying his garden. Naboth had no idea that this envy would eventually lead to his death in a short time.*
"The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him."
But Jezebel his wife came to him and said to him, “Why is your spirit so vexed that you eat no food?” And he said to her, “Because I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite and said to him, ‘Give me your vineyard for money, or else, if it please you, I will give you another vineyard for it.’ And he answered, ‘I will not give you my vineyard.’” And Jezebel his wife said to him, “Do you now govern Israel? Arise and eat bread and let your heart be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.”
So she wrote letters in Ahab's name and sealed them with his seal, and she sent the letters to the elders and the leaders who lived with Naboth in his city. And she wrote in the letters, “Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth at the head of the people. And set two worthless men opposite him, and let them bring a charge against him, saying, ‘You have cursed God and the king.’ Then take him out and stone him to death.” And the men of his city, the elders and the leaders who lived in his city, did as Jezebel had sent word to them. As it was written in the letters that she had sent to them, they proclaimed a fast and set Naboth at the head of the people. And the two worthless men came in and sat opposite him. And the worthless men brought a charge against Naboth in the presence of the people, saying, “Naboth cursed God and the king.” So they took him outside the city and stoned him to death with stones. Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, “Naboth has been stoned; he is dead.”
As soon as Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, Jezebel said to Ahab, “Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money, for Naboth is not alive, but dead.” And as soon as Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, Ahab arose to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it.
It started out like this:
Naboth had a beautiful vineyard.
The king envied the vineyard and thought he had rights to this beautiful garden area.
The king asks Naboth for the vineyard.
Naboth refuses to give the king the vineyard.
The king sulks at home.
The king's wife takes charge of the situation and sets up a dinner to frame Naboth on false charges.
The king's wife makes a false claim about Naboth.
The king's wife calls worthless men in to the case to verify the false claim.
Naboth is found guilty of the false charges against him.
Naboth dies because he is found guilty, even though he is really innocent.
I am sure that every generation has had its share of Ahabs and Jezebels, worthless people who are in authority and using their power in the wrong way.
Today, it is no different. There are claims being made every day against people. Sometimes, it is hard to know the difference between what is true and what is not true. Sometimes, a claim is made up of some truth mixed in with some lies.
We know that Jesus of Nazareth also experienced being in court, being tried on false charges. It seems like evil won, but in reality, God used that to turn evil around so that we could turn the tables on sin and Satan and experience victory over evil.
Today, much like in Naboth's time and in Jesus' lifetime on earth, there are some evil people who are in high places of authority. They vindicate and justify evil activity, and call it 'good'. An example of this is the governmental support of Planned Parenthood. Ignorant people think that Planned Parenthood is good because they think this organization helps the population to use birth control to control the number of people being born. They also believe that the world is overpopulated, and that we must stop the population or else the world will end up turning into a furnace! Notice too, that the people who believe in the philosophy put out by Planned Parenthood, have no trust in a Sovereign God who knows how to take care of the planet when things are out of our control.
Today, we have a media system which is much like those who lived in Jezebel's day. Certain major newspaper groups like the Washington Post, Huffington Post, and the NY Times are doing very similar things to certain people who are in authority. They are making up stories and cases against people they do not like. Their weapon is called, 'Political Assassination'.
A new story comes out every day just about. Or maybe a new spin on an old story that they made up. They take real case scenarios and twist the stories around to make them fit their narrative.
What I continue to find amazing is how people are so gullible and believe these spin off stories as if they are really true.
Whenever it comes to an accusation, instead of assuming that the accused person is guilty, we really do have to listen to both sides of the situation.
According to Proverbs 18:17, the accusations can seem right. We just assume that they are true. But, and I have found this to be true as well, when we hear the other side, we get a bigger picture of what is really happening.
We went through a situation with a church family years ago. One of the former leaders led an all out attack on the main leader of the ministry. He tried to make the case that this man was involved in children's sexual abuse. And he was successful.
This man collected thousands of Facebook friends. He would write on his blog terrible 'facts' about the man he was trying to dethrone from the ministry. He posted his blog messages onto Facebook and probably other social media as well. His stories also ended up in major newspaper articles that he sent them too.
There were people who probably never knew main leader of this ministry, but would post comments about him saying things like, 'this man is the most evil man who ever lived'. They only listened to one side of the story, and they believed the false story without even researching it.
(The leader of the ministry was taken to court by this man, but was completely acquitted.)
But we see this going on today, every day. But what is interesting is that these stories seem to die out by the end of the day. The next day, we have a new story to hear.
Can we look at both sides of the situation before we make an evaluation?
I remember a few well-known men, before the election, made a startling statement about Donald Trump. They said he was a really nice guy. That didn't set well with the professing Christians and other Conservatives who trusted more in what the mainstream media taught than what men like Dobson said.
I am hearing about good things Donald Trump has done for our nation. Yet, one will never hear about those accomplishments on CNN or any of the other major news broadcasters. Perhaps Fox News would report it. But even now, the mainstream media and its followers would like to discredit Fox News as well.
*Now Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard in Jezreel, beside the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. And after this Ahab said to Naboth, “Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near my house, and I will give you a better vineyard for it; or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its value in money.” But Naboth said to Ahab, “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers.” And Ahab went into his house vexed and sullen because of what Naboth the Jezreelite had said to him, for he had said, “I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.” And he lay down on his bed and turned away his face and would eat no food.
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But Jezebel his wife came to him and said to him, “Why is your spirit so vexed that you eat no food?” And he said to her, “Because I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite and said to him, ‘Give me your vineyard for money, or else, if it please you, I will give you another vineyard for it.’ And he answered, ‘I will not give you my vineyard.’” And Jezebel his wife said to him, “Do you now govern Israel? Arise and eat bread and let your heart be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.”
So she wrote letters in Ahab's name and sealed them with his seal, and she sent the letters to the elders and the leaders who lived with Naboth in his city. And she wrote in the letters, “Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth at the head of the people. And set two worthless men opposite him, and let them bring a charge against him, saying, ‘You have cursed God and the king.’ Then take him out and stone him to death.” And the men of his city, the elders and the leaders who lived in his city, did as Jezebel had sent word to them. As it was written in the letters that she had sent to them, they proclaimed a fast and set Naboth at the head of the people. And the two worthless men came in and sat opposite him. And the worthless men brought a charge against Naboth in the presence of the people, saying, “Naboth cursed God and the king.” So they took him outside the city and stoned him to death with stones. Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, “Naboth has been stoned; he is dead.”
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Moody Publishers/ |
As soon as Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, Jezebel said to Ahab, “Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money, for Naboth is not alive, but dead.” And as soon as Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, Ahab arose to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it.
1 Kings 21:1-16 ESV
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Democratic Socialist Club Calls For Beheading Republicans
I just want to share this article with people. It is kind of shocking. What is shocking is the lack of concern with those who are Conservatives and those who are professing Christians.
Either we don't really believe these things are happening, or, something else is more pressing in our lives that we don't realize the threat of these things going on.
“This is absolutely outrageous!” the group tweeted. “House Republicans should NOT be shot! They should be guillotined.”
Looking at some of the activity going on today, one wonders how people can not only be so cruel, but where did their consciences go?
Either we don't really believe these things are happening, or, something else is more pressing in our lives that we don't realize the threat of these things going on.
“This is absolutely outrageous!” the group tweeted. “House Republicans should NOT be shot! They should be guillotined.”
Looking at some of the activity going on today, one wonders how people can not only be so cruel, but where did their consciences go?
In Romans 1, it is explained what happened to these people. This helps us understand why people do not have consciences anymore.
Verses 28-32 help us understand why people think like this.
"And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared..."
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared..."
1 Timothy 4:1,2a ESV
Today we have people on television holding up a picture of our president's head chopped off. Although people thought that was no a good thing to do, they were secretly applauding her for what she did.
Today we have people on television holding up a picture of our president's head chopped off. Although people thought that was no a good thing to do, they were secretly applauding her for what she did.
Same thing with the Shakespeare play in Central Park. Thank God there are companies which pulled out their support of those actors who acted out a scene of 'Julius Caesar' where the person who played the part of Julius Caesar has resemblances to Donald Trump.
There is a sickness in our country today, and it is very sick. We could say that people are mentally ill, and that is partly true. But, all this comes from a seared conscience and a hardened heart.
When we harden our hearts against God, it is harder for us to see the difference between truth and lies, good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness. We know there is a difference, but we choose darkness and evil believing the lie that they are good.
We need to pray for softened hearts and opened eyes. People need to see God clearly. Many have clouds in the way of their view of God. Only God can remove the clouds from around them.
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Permeate The Land With God's Word, Not Socialistic Ideology
As God opens our eyes to the spiritual dimension of what's going on in this country, let's be faithful in praying.
David wasn't shy about praying that God would oppose those who oppose Him. Some of his prayers were pretty strong against those who were his enemies.
The Bible says to pray for our enemies. Why? So they can become powerful and defeat us and continue to make fun of God? No, we pray for them so that God will grant them repentance and faith. If they don't repent, we pray for God to remove them from their place of leadership or authority. We pray that God will disable them. And, we pray for those in the church, that God will empower His church with the Holy Spirit.
Socialism doesn't take over a country by a people group conquering that country. Socialism takes root because of infiltration. It also becomes affective because the average citizen is ignorant of what socialism is.
Most people don't understand that they have to protect the freedoms in this country that our forefathers fought so hard for. They don't understand that freedom is not really free. Somebody had to pay for our freedom. But we enjoy the benefits of the freedom that was bought for us.
There are no big guns coming in forcing people to become socialists. Socialism is not like Isis. People do not conquer a land to take over the government. They do it by appealing to our greed. They use deceptive methods to trick us into thinking that Socialism is good and fair. That is just a lie.
Socialism promises that everyone will be equal. We all know that each person has value in God's sight. But God designed each person uniquely with specific gifts and talents for that person to use in the community God places him or her in. But with Socialism, the uniqueness is taken away. There are no talent shows. There are no pieces of art that are created by an artist that can have a high value. Socialism would consider that 'unfair' if someone has such a great talent but another person doesn't have that same talent, and therefore does not get the same recognition as the artist, and will not get the same amount of reward, be it monetary status.
Socialism is an ideology that takes over the country one step at a time. If the ideology can be taught in public schools and universities, then our children will grow up thinking that Socialism is normal and right. And we wonder why our children are turning out to be 'Snowflakes'.
But, there is another side to this too, that people who believe in Jesus Christ should know. The word of God is powerful and we can use it in this spiritual battle.
One idea is to permeate our land with the word of God. God's word will take affect in the lives of many people. People who know God's word can learn to become discerning. God's word teaches us how to pray. We can use God's word in our praying, especially when we are praying for our country.
There is nothing more that the devil will hate than to have to fight for a country where the people know the word of God. And where the people know the God of the Bible.
The word of God gives us the information on how we can be reconciled back to God. We are given the ministry of reconciliation and God will use us to minister to many people.
Today, people aren't even familiar with the 10 Commandments. And those who are, still live in sin. Somehow, they think they are forgiven by God, even though they haven't repented of their sins. This should be a good motivation for us to share the Gospel message.
God's word has a very different message than the ideology of Socialism. We need to learn to be discerning so we can separate light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, that truth from error.
Many professing Christians spend all their time on issues that are non-essentials. They spend too much time arguing on things like the King James Version Only, hunting down and destroying false teachers, and a host of other things. We need to humble ourselves and learn from God's word what He would be saying to us. And we need to be praying for our churches, families, co-workers, friends, neighbors, pastors, leaders, and those who are leading our country.
David wasn't shy about praying that God would oppose those who oppose Him. Some of his prayers were pretty strong against those who were his enemies.
The Bible says to pray for our enemies. Why? So they can become powerful and defeat us and continue to make fun of God? No, we pray for them so that God will grant them repentance and faith. If they don't repent, we pray for God to remove them from their place of leadership or authority. We pray that God will disable them. And, we pray for those in the church, that God will empower His church with the Holy Spirit.
Socialism doesn't take over a country by a people group conquering that country. Socialism takes root because of infiltration. It also becomes affective because the average citizen is ignorant of what socialism is.
Most people don't understand that they have to protect the freedoms in this country that our forefathers fought so hard for. They don't understand that freedom is not really free. Somebody had to pay for our freedom. But we enjoy the benefits of the freedom that was bought for us.
There are no big guns coming in forcing people to become socialists. Socialism is not like Isis. People do not conquer a land to take over the government. They do it by appealing to our greed. They use deceptive methods to trick us into thinking that Socialism is good and fair. That is just a lie.
Socialism promises that everyone will be equal. We all know that each person has value in God's sight. But God designed each person uniquely with specific gifts and talents for that person to use in the community God places him or her in. But with Socialism, the uniqueness is taken away. There are no talent shows. There are no pieces of art that are created by an artist that can have a high value. Socialism would consider that 'unfair' if someone has such a great talent but another person doesn't have that same talent, and therefore does not get the same recognition as the artist, and will not get the same amount of reward, be it monetary status.
Socialism is an ideology that takes over the country one step at a time. If the ideology can be taught in public schools and universities, then our children will grow up thinking that Socialism is normal and right. And we wonder why our children are turning out to be 'Snowflakes'.
But, there is another side to this too, that people who believe in Jesus Christ should know. The word of God is powerful and we can use it in this spiritual battle.
One idea is to permeate our land with the word of God. God's word will take affect in the lives of many people. People who know God's word can learn to become discerning. God's word teaches us how to pray. We can use God's word in our praying, especially when we are praying for our country.
There is nothing more that the devil will hate than to have to fight for a country where the people know the word of God. And where the people know the God of the Bible.
The word of God gives us the information on how we can be reconciled back to God. We are given the ministry of reconciliation and God will use us to minister to many people.
Today, people aren't even familiar with the 10 Commandments. And those who are, still live in sin. Somehow, they think they are forgiven by God, even though they haven't repented of their sins. This should be a good motivation for us to share the Gospel message.
God's word has a very different message than the ideology of Socialism. We need to learn to be discerning so we can separate light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, that truth from error.
Many professing Christians spend all their time on issues that are non-essentials. They spend too much time arguing on things like the King James Version Only, hunting down and destroying false teachers, and a host of other things. We need to humble ourselves and learn from God's word what He would be saying to us. And we need to be praying for our churches, families, co-workers, friends, neighbors, pastors, leaders, and those who are leading our country.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Pulling Out of the Paris Climate Agreement and Socialism
I saw this article from the NY Times today, and as I studied it, I knew there was something wrong with this picture. Just couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.
Now that I have thought about this throughout the day, I know what it is that makes it look like our current president made a mistake in his decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord.
I don't think there is a connection between pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and the decision to help create jobs for steel workers. But I think Socialistically minded people will try to make it look like there is a connection and that Trump made a bad decision because somehow, in their minds, this will affect the economy as it will limit those who have jobs working with the environment, supposedly. Trump's decision to support the steel workers will work against those who make a living by working with technology and the environment.
One of the things Socialists hate is competition. If you have a business mind, and if you want a healthy economy, you will see why competition is a good thing. Sure, there are abuses in competition, just like in any other good thing. Just because people who have egos utilize something doesn't make that thing wrong.
Competition helps the economy. People are free to build their businesses and work hard to produce good products or services. That is a good thing. But to a Socialist minded person, that is a bad thing.
Socialism takes the individuality out of people. Instead of people being able to worship God and respond to God in the way he or she is designed to be, Socialism considers the object of focus for all success to be the government. All money allocated to people should come from the government. That way, it will be fair to all. No one will have more than another. Everyone has to be equal under Socialism.
The article from the NY Times was interesting. If I understand it correctly, the author of the article seems to think that because there has been so much development in Pittsburgh, they no longer need to support the steel industry. They are out of that stage and onto bigger and better things. And President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris agreement was not something they think was a good decision.
There really are people who like to work with steel. There are still miners and people of old whose careers have gone by the wayside because of technology. But they are still there. And President Trump is fully supporting them.
I am not against developing good technologies or creating green environments. I would think the president would also be supportive of those as well. Just because there are new technological developments doesn't mean that there aren't those who still use what was used in the past.
But what puzzles me most about this article is the tie-in with the exit from the Paris climate accord. I am personally glad that the president pulled out of this. There are many bad ramifications that we would experience if we were to have stayed in this.
But when I read the source of where this article was published, it helped answer the mystery. The NY Times is a Socialistically minded resource. Anyone who is Socialistically minded would be angry that the president pulled out from the Paris Climate Agreement.
You have to remember, that much of the world thinks like Liberal Left-wingers. They hate America because of its prosperity. They hate the fact that people in America can make a lot of money. Socialism demands that everyone is equal. And the United States is the wealthiest nation of all. They hate us.
The world is blaming America for the climate change. They would say that America is too populated and needs to do what China has done in having small families. We must not be responsible enough, for if we were, then we wouldn't have the problem of global warming. People actually buy into this way of thinking.
The whole climate change issue is really a non-issue. But it is another tool to use America as a scapegoat for this. America is responsible and America needs to change. This is why it would have been bad for America to stay in this agreement.
Can you see the idolatry here? Socialism points to the government as the savior for us from all of our problems. Since America is the wealthiest country in America, our government, in their eyes, should do their part to 'solve' this climate change issue. This would involve taking billions of dollars to try to create a way to fix the climate change problem. It would also support Planned Parenthood in that we need to depopulate our land. It would not encourage those who work in steel mills or mines. It would be a dead-end street because we would see the government as everything we need, but the government cannot deliver as promised. God is God. The government is not.
Here is an article that helps explain why pulling out of the Paris agreement was right.
"Competition is one of the dirtiest words you could ever say to a Leftist.." Rush Limbaugh
Now that I have thought about this throughout the day, I know what it is that makes it look like our current president made a mistake in his decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord.
I don't think there is a connection between pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and the decision to help create jobs for steel workers. But I think Socialistically minded people will try to make it look like there is a connection and that Trump made a bad decision because somehow, in their minds, this will affect the economy as it will limit those who have jobs working with the environment, supposedly. Trump's decision to support the steel workers will work against those who make a living by working with technology and the environment.
One of the things Socialists hate is competition. If you have a business mind, and if you want a healthy economy, you will see why competition is a good thing. Sure, there are abuses in competition, just like in any other good thing. Just because people who have egos utilize something doesn't make that thing wrong.
Competition helps the economy. People are free to build their businesses and work hard to produce good products or services. That is a good thing. But to a Socialist minded person, that is a bad thing.
Socialism takes the individuality out of people. Instead of people being able to worship God and respond to God in the way he or she is designed to be, Socialism considers the object of focus for all success to be the government. All money allocated to people should come from the government. That way, it will be fair to all. No one will have more than another. Everyone has to be equal under Socialism.
The article from the NY Times was interesting. If I understand it correctly, the author of the article seems to think that because there has been so much development in Pittsburgh, they no longer need to support the steel industry. They are out of that stage and onto bigger and better things. And President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris agreement was not something they think was a good decision.
There really are people who like to work with steel. There are still miners and people of old whose careers have gone by the wayside because of technology. But they are still there. And President Trump is fully supporting them.
I am not against developing good technologies or creating green environments. I would think the president would also be supportive of those as well. Just because there are new technological developments doesn't mean that there aren't those who still use what was used in the past.
But what puzzles me most about this article is the tie-in with the exit from the Paris climate accord. I am personally glad that the president pulled out of this. There are many bad ramifications that we would experience if we were to have stayed in this.
But when I read the source of where this article was published, it helped answer the mystery. The NY Times is a Socialistically minded resource. Anyone who is Socialistically minded would be angry that the president pulled out from the Paris Climate Agreement.
You have to remember, that much of the world thinks like Liberal Left-wingers. They hate America because of its prosperity. They hate the fact that people in America can make a lot of money. Socialism demands that everyone is equal. And the United States is the wealthiest nation of all. They hate us.
The world is blaming America for the climate change. They would say that America is too populated and needs to do what China has done in having small families. We must not be responsible enough, for if we were, then we wouldn't have the problem of global warming. People actually buy into this way of thinking.
The whole climate change issue is really a non-issue. But it is another tool to use America as a scapegoat for this. America is responsible and America needs to change. This is why it would have been bad for America to stay in this agreement.
Can you see the idolatry here? Socialism points to the government as the savior for us from all of our problems. Since America is the wealthiest country in America, our government, in their eyes, should do their part to 'solve' this climate change issue. This would involve taking billions of dollars to try to create a way to fix the climate change problem. It would also support Planned Parenthood in that we need to depopulate our land. It would not encourage those who work in steel mills or mines. It would be a dead-end street because we would see the government as everything we need, but the government cannot deliver as promised. God is God. The government is not.
Here is an article that helps explain why pulling out of the Paris agreement was right.
"Competition is one of the dirtiest words you could ever say to a Leftist.." Rush Limbaugh
Thursday, June 1, 2017
How Socialism Penalizes Hard Workers And Rewards Those In Poverty
Socialism is such a big topic that it could never be covered in one or two articles. What I would like to do is to present Socialism in small bites, so the reader can begin to grasp the ideology of everything going on around us today, in this country, specifically.
I want to start with the aspect of this ideology that talks about the social structure, mainly the different income brackets and how Socialism seeks to resolve the issue of poverty vs. the way God would have us see it.
Even an article like that could end up being pages, so let's narrow it down further. Let's talk about those in the poverty level, and those who are at the top.
According to the ideology of Socialism, those who are successful and make money, the so called 'Upper Class' are not in the place of being rich because they worked hard. Socialism does not put a value on hard work. It sees the wealthy as people who 'stole' to get what they have.
They didn't physically steal things and become materialistic. You see, according to those who think like Obama does, supposedly, the founders of our country 'stole' from the Indians, Mexicans, and the slaves. Obama and his ilk think that we should be 'paying' back, instead of working hard at our jobs to be successful. In fact, wasn't it Obama who originated the phrase, 'You didn't build that' referring to people's businesses that they built?
Those who think like Obama believe that our nation was founded on conquest. Long before America became a country, Spanish Conquistadors periodically came to this land to find gold. They were nasty people, for the most part. But they never actually conquered this nation.
America really began with the Pilgrims. They came over here and settled. They worked hard and build their community. They even worked with the Indians and made friends with them.
Other groups came over to America. Some were God-fearing people who trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Others came and went, depending upon how much gold they found.
A group finally came together and in 1776, a new nation was started. It was not founded by conquering anyone or any group of people here.
Before long, we had immigrants coming over here. Many were from Europe, but there were also other nations represented here. They came over because there was a beginning, thriving civilization here, where they could work hard together and build this nation.
Although I do not know if our Forefathers of this nation were actually born again believers in Jesus Christ, we do know that they were God fearing people. Many of them valued God's word and you can find many Scriptural passages in their writings.
So, they built this nation, and here we are today. We are the most prosperous nation around. But Socialism doesn't like this idea. Socialism thinks that all people should be equal. That also includes all nations. One nation should not be more prosperous than another.
Where does that leave America then? When Obama was president, he was not supportive of the military. Nor was he sympathetic to those who went to war. Why? Because Socialism thinks that everyone should be equal. We shouldn't be defending our nation the way we have been. We need to let other nations have our wealth, and if we have a strong military to protect us, we will continue to be protecting our wealth.
Socialism seeks to undermine the achiever. The person who works hard to make a living and is successful should be penalized. The way they are penalized is by being forced to give to those at the bottom of the pole, those in poverty. Much of this is done through taxation.
This video is short and to the point. Socialism would not agree with this video. But this is how a healthy society will work
The church should be doing everything possible to minister to the poor. If the church in America is healthy, then the church will be helping the poor.
Socialism thinks that helping the poor is done by giving handouts to those in poverty. But it is really jobs that are needed, not handouts. Handouts only keep people in poverty.
You can give a man a fish, and feed him for a day. You can teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. I don't know who said this, but it makes sense.
Socialism seeks to give people fish for a day. And the next day. And the day after that. The fish will never run out because the rich people will be taxed to death to provide all the fish needed to feed the poor, on a continual basis.
But, what if a poor person can actually do work? How much better would that be? This would restore dignity back to the poor person. Realistically speaking, poverty can be alleviated by giving people work to do. But under a Socialistic regime, hard work and achievement are not valued. And those who are successful in their jobs are penalized.
Does this make sense? Is this what we want? Progressive Liberals are going to universities everywhere teaching their philosophy to young people today.
Is it any wonder that so many young adults complain that 'life isn't fair'?
For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 ESV
I want to start with the aspect of this ideology that talks about the social structure, mainly the different income brackets and how Socialism seeks to resolve the issue of poverty vs. the way God would have us see it.
Even an article like that could end up being pages, so let's narrow it down further. Let's talk about those in the poverty level, and those who are at the top.
According to the ideology of Socialism, those who are successful and make money, the so called 'Upper Class' are not in the place of being rich because they worked hard. Socialism does not put a value on hard work. It sees the wealthy as people who 'stole' to get what they have.
They didn't physically steal things and become materialistic. You see, according to those who think like Obama does, supposedly, the founders of our country 'stole' from the Indians, Mexicans, and the slaves. Obama and his ilk think that we should be 'paying' back, instead of working hard at our jobs to be successful. In fact, wasn't it Obama who originated the phrase, 'You didn't build that' referring to people's businesses that they built?
Those who think like Obama believe that our nation was founded on conquest. Long before America became a country, Spanish Conquistadors periodically came to this land to find gold. They were nasty people, for the most part. But they never actually conquered this nation.
America really began with the Pilgrims. They came over here and settled. They worked hard and build their community. They even worked with the Indians and made friends with them.
Other groups came over to America. Some were God-fearing people who trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Others came and went, depending upon how much gold they found.
A group finally came together and in 1776, a new nation was started. It was not founded by conquering anyone or any group of people here.
Before long, we had immigrants coming over here. Many were from Europe, but there were also other nations represented here. They came over because there was a beginning, thriving civilization here, where they could work hard together and build this nation.
Although I do not know if our Forefathers of this nation were actually born again believers in Jesus Christ, we do know that they were God fearing people. Many of them valued God's word and you can find many Scriptural passages in their writings.
So, they built this nation, and here we are today. We are the most prosperous nation around. But Socialism doesn't like this idea. Socialism thinks that all people should be equal. That also includes all nations. One nation should not be more prosperous than another.
Where does that leave America then? When Obama was president, he was not supportive of the military. Nor was he sympathetic to those who went to war. Why? Because Socialism thinks that everyone should be equal. We shouldn't be defending our nation the way we have been. We need to let other nations have our wealth, and if we have a strong military to protect us, we will continue to be protecting our wealth.
Socialism seeks to undermine the achiever. The person who works hard to make a living and is successful should be penalized. The way they are penalized is by being forced to give to those at the bottom of the pole, those in poverty. Much of this is done through taxation.
This video is short and to the point. Socialism would not agree with this video. But this is how a healthy society will work
The church should be doing everything possible to minister to the poor. If the church in America is healthy, then the church will be helping the poor.
Socialism thinks that helping the poor is done by giving handouts to those in poverty. But it is really jobs that are needed, not handouts. Handouts only keep people in poverty.
You can give a man a fish, and feed him for a day. You can teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. I don't know who said this, but it makes sense.
Socialism seeks to give people fish for a day. And the next day. And the day after that. The fish will never run out because the rich people will be taxed to death to provide all the fish needed to feed the poor, on a continual basis.
But, what if a poor person can actually do work? How much better would that be? This would restore dignity back to the poor person. Realistically speaking, poverty can be alleviated by giving people work to do. But under a Socialistic regime, hard work and achievement are not valued. And those who are successful in their jobs are penalized.
Does this make sense? Is this what we want? Progressive Liberals are going to universities everywhere teaching their philosophy to young people today.
Is it any wonder that so many young adults complain that 'life isn't fair'?
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