Why do you think the Left is so intent on taking away our guns? The answer is really so simple that we could miss it. The answer to this question is, they want to take away our guns in order to disarm the people. They want to take away whatever power you might have, because if they do that, when a tyrannical government is in place, you will have no way to fight back.
Remember the American Revolution? The best weapons they had were their guns. They knew the British would attack and made preparations for that time. The men were to be ready in an instant, to fight, if necessary. That is why they were called, 'Minutemen'. They used guns and protected our nation from continuing to be under the rule of the British.
The Left thinks we are stupid. They think they are way past us in their schemes, but, we see right through them. Many of us have been taught against the dangers of Communism, and we will be ready to fight against it when necessary.
Lenin Quote

The Goal of Socialism
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Monday, December 18, 2017
History Being Erased Then Rewritten
We can call people whatever we want. We can put labels on people that we wish to describe them with. But that doesn't mean that the person we are labeling is actually what we are labeling him or her with.
We see this in the world of religion, many times. There are people who call themselves 'Christians', usually because they don't understand what that term means. Sometimes, they are twisting God's arm to make themselves believe they are Biblical believers in Jesus Christ when they know they actually aren't.
But we do this with other people as well. It is a form of judging, but without the facts to back the claim up.
I have noticed that the labeling from the Left almost always relates to some action or belief system that they themselves are embracing. There is a lot of hypocrisy in what they are doing.
Terminology is also changing. For example, a Fascist used to be on the Left. Somehow, it got moved over to the right. When I looked up the definition of Fascist in a modern, online dictionary, the word was defined as being on the far right. How did that happen?
It happened simply because people are rewriting History. Not only History is being changed and rewritten, but also terms in the dictionary are also being redefined.
It all ties in with the narrative and plans of the Left to gain control of our nation. Those on the Left have been smart enough to infiltrate our school systems and colleges, and now young people coming out of college look at us as if we had two heads!
They don't understand why we are so concerned about the issues of illegal immigration and putting borders around our country. Laws have been made in the past, and everyone pretty much thought that was normal and commended the president for making decisions like to to make our country secure. But today, young people think that we are treating people in other countries unfairly. Notice the focus of their understanding; it has to do with what is 'fair' or 'unfair'. This is what is being taught in our colleges, but even at a deeper level.
Equality is part of the basis of the socialistic ideology. That's why they hate capitalism so much. It's not fair that someone builds a business and makes good money at what he or she is doing, while someone else works long hours picking fruit and barely makes enough money to feed his family.
The ideology affects many other factors as well. For example, it leads to everyone being the same. That's why there is such an emphasis on promoting the cause of Transgenderism. Eventually, there should be no difference between male and female, wealthy or poor, etc.
We have had people more recently deny that the Holocaust ever happened. Over time, this lie will be easier to tell with the results of the hearers actually believing this lie. But why would anyone deny the Holocaust?
I think it has to do with this goal of rewriting History. The word 'History' actually comes from 2 words meaning 'His story'. Those who deny God's existence and being want to erase History. They want to rewrite it from their own warped perspective. That way, they can ultimately control the thinking of those in our societies.
These same people are the same ones who are trying to undo the creation work of God. They deny Him as the Creator, and want to wreck His creation and redo it. That is why we have homosexuals, lesbians, and now, transgenders.
While I know that there are people who struggle with same-sex attraction, there are those who have flat out denied God's existence, and thus, His rule over their lives. If He doesn't exist, then He obviously cannot have any say-so in our lives, and we would not have to give account to Him. We could do whatever we want.
Not only are people now saying its ok to be transgender. They are working with young children trying to help them to decide whether the child really is male or female, despite the obvious sexual organs the child was born with.
"Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them." Romans 1:32 ESV
We see this in the world of religion, many times. There are people who call themselves 'Christians', usually because they don't understand what that term means. Sometimes, they are twisting God's arm to make themselves believe they are Biblical believers in Jesus Christ when they know they actually aren't.
But we do this with other people as well. It is a form of judging, but without the facts to back the claim up.
I have noticed that the labeling from the Left almost always relates to some action or belief system that they themselves are embracing. There is a lot of hypocrisy in what they are doing.
Terminology is also changing. For example, a Fascist used to be on the Left. Somehow, it got moved over to the right. When I looked up the definition of Fascist in a modern, online dictionary, the word was defined as being on the far right. How did that happen?
It happened simply because people are rewriting History. Not only History is being changed and rewritten, but also terms in the dictionary are also being redefined.
It all ties in with the narrative and plans of the Left to gain control of our nation. Those on the Left have been smart enough to infiltrate our school systems and colleges, and now young people coming out of college look at us as if we had two heads!
They don't understand why we are so concerned about the issues of illegal immigration and putting borders around our country. Laws have been made in the past, and everyone pretty much thought that was normal and commended the president for making decisions like to to make our country secure. But today, young people think that we are treating people in other countries unfairly. Notice the focus of their understanding; it has to do with what is 'fair' or 'unfair'. This is what is being taught in our colleges, but even at a deeper level.
Equality is part of the basis of the socialistic ideology. That's why they hate capitalism so much. It's not fair that someone builds a business and makes good money at what he or she is doing, while someone else works long hours picking fruit and barely makes enough money to feed his family.
The ideology affects many other factors as well. For example, it leads to everyone being the same. That's why there is such an emphasis on promoting the cause of Transgenderism. Eventually, there should be no difference between male and female, wealthy or poor, etc.
We have had people more recently deny that the Holocaust ever happened. Over time, this lie will be easier to tell with the results of the hearers actually believing this lie. But why would anyone deny the Holocaust?
I think it has to do with this goal of rewriting History. The word 'History' actually comes from 2 words meaning 'His story'. Those who deny God's existence and being want to erase History. They want to rewrite it from their own warped perspective. That way, they can ultimately control the thinking of those in our societies.
These same people are the same ones who are trying to undo the creation work of God. They deny Him as the Creator, and want to wreck His creation and redo it. That is why we have homosexuals, lesbians, and now, transgenders.
While I know that there are people who struggle with same-sex attraction, there are those who have flat out denied God's existence, and thus, His rule over their lives. If He doesn't exist, then He obviously cannot have any say-so in our lives, and we would not have to give account to Him. We could do whatever we want.
Not only are people now saying its ok to be transgender. They are working with young children trying to help them to decide whether the child really is male or female, despite the obvious sexual organs the child was born with.
"Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them." Romans 1:32 ESV
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:5,6 ESV
Yes, there was a time when people knew the truth. But they chose to reject the truth and live outside of God's boundaries. They are encouraging others to do the same. God will judge these people most severely.
They are taking down statues to help erase the memory of whatever happened because of the person represented by the statue. Those people's names will be removed from History books. A new story will be written about America. And it won't be written by Dinesh D'Sousa! It will be written from the Liberal Leftists.
We should take note of all this. History repeats itself. We could learn a lot from Kim Jong Un.
North Korea's leaders rewrote their History. They actually teach now that their leaders were divine. They expect people to worship their leaders. In fact, one of them in the past, took the 10 Commandments and replaced God's name with his own! And this kind of thing is being taught in their educational system in their ideology which is called 'Juche' (literal meaning is 'self-reliance').
What is wrong with 'Entitlements'?
"What's your is mine. What's mine is my own". Have you ever heard that saying? Well, some people think it is true.
What is an 'entitlement' and is an entitlement right or wrong?
We live in a society where the citizens seem to think that everything belongs to them. There is little thought or even research on how people get things. These citizens seem to think that money grows on trees and everyone gets a fair share of whatever is out there.
Our country was built by people coming in (immigration) and diligently working to build a functional society. But in the early days of our country, some came in and had this same 'entitlement' mentality. We had some people come to America simply to develop their own country, away from any idea of dictatorship and governmental control, especially over the church. But there were also those who came in to see how much gold they could find. It was kind of like gambling, but in a primitive form.
Some of those who came in were very irresponsible. They didn't understand the hard work that went into planting gardens and farming. These people had money, or at least a little bit of wealth, and probably were able to hire people to do the hard work for them when they lived in their native lands.
One particular group of these people was called 'gentlemen'. I believe these gentlemen came from England and had no intention of planting seeds, pulling weeds, and getting their hands dirty. That was when John Smith made a public notice which read 'He that will not work shall not eat'. It actually originated in the Bible and is found in 2 Thessalonians 3:10.
Fast forward to the present. We have a person in public who says that healthcare is not a right. She was dissed by many, but life goes on. Now I am seeing blogs and articles that indicate that healthcare is a right. But how so?
If healthcare is a right, then who pays for it? The government? How can the government pay for it? The answer to that is through taxing the people. The only way it can be done is by heavily taxing the rich. But how is that 'fair'? How is that 'equal'? It isn't. But that is how Socialism works and that is what the Left wants.
People want things at the expense of others. The heart issue we are dealing with is jealousy. It is a form of covetousness. If someone works hard for something and gets that item, it is deemed as unfair by many, simply because they themselves want it and they don't have it. It is like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum because Billy down the street has a nice toy truck, and all that the two year old has is a Matchbox car.
No wonder the Bible says 'Thou shalt not covet..'
So, instead of everyone working hard to make a living and to provide for themselves and their families, some people want to indirectly leach off others. That way, everything will be more even. Otherwise, in their eyes, it is not fair.
So, everything goes into the pot (the government, through our taxes) and the government decides who gets what. The government doles the goods out to others, the way the government thinks best.
I have never seen a wealthy or even a healthy Communistic society. The only thing I have seen that is common to all Communistic societies is the lack of food they have available for the people. Long lines of people waiting for their goods. At least everyone is being treated equally. Well, maybe, but in some Communist countries, those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are either at the end of the line or in prison.
I would imagine that if we took the money from the salaries of everyone on this planet, and combined the total and then dealt it out evenly, everyone would be poor. But John Lennon thinks this is what we want, and that we will all be happy one day when this is accomplished. Much of the world is deceived into thinking that this idea will work, but it is only a trap to keep us imprisoned by our false ideologies.
Entitlements end up causing us to become irresponsible and keeps us lazy. Not good.
What is an 'entitlement' and is an entitlement right or wrong?
We live in a society where the citizens seem to think that everything belongs to them. There is little thought or even research on how people get things. These citizens seem to think that money grows on trees and everyone gets a fair share of whatever is out there.
Our country was built by people coming in (immigration) and diligently working to build a functional society. But in the early days of our country, some came in and had this same 'entitlement' mentality. We had some people come to America simply to develop their own country, away from any idea of dictatorship and governmental control, especially over the church. But there were also those who came in to see how much gold they could find. It was kind of like gambling, but in a primitive form.
Some of those who came in were very irresponsible. They didn't understand the hard work that went into planting gardens and farming. These people had money, or at least a little bit of wealth, and probably were able to hire people to do the hard work for them when they lived in their native lands.
One particular group of these people was called 'gentlemen'. I believe these gentlemen came from England and had no intention of planting seeds, pulling weeds, and getting their hands dirty. That was when John Smith made a public notice which read 'He that will not work shall not eat'. It actually originated in the Bible and is found in 2 Thessalonians 3:10.
Fast forward to the present. We have a person in public who says that healthcare is not a right. She was dissed by many, but life goes on. Now I am seeing blogs and articles that indicate that healthcare is a right. But how so?
If healthcare is a right, then who pays for it? The government? How can the government pay for it? The answer to that is through taxing the people. The only way it can be done is by heavily taxing the rich. But how is that 'fair'? How is that 'equal'? It isn't. But that is how Socialism works and that is what the Left wants.
People want things at the expense of others. The heart issue we are dealing with is jealousy. It is a form of covetousness. If someone works hard for something and gets that item, it is deemed as unfair by many, simply because they themselves want it and they don't have it. It is like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum because Billy down the street has a nice toy truck, and all that the two year old has is a Matchbox car.
No wonder the Bible says 'Thou shalt not covet..'
So, instead of everyone working hard to make a living and to provide for themselves and their families, some people want to indirectly leach off others. That way, everything will be more even. Otherwise, in their eyes, it is not fair.
So, everything goes into the pot (the government, through our taxes) and the government decides who gets what. The government doles the goods out to others, the way the government thinks best.
I have never seen a wealthy or even a healthy Communistic society. The only thing I have seen that is common to all Communistic societies is the lack of food they have available for the people. Long lines of people waiting for their goods. At least everyone is being treated equally. Well, maybe, but in some Communist countries, those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are either at the end of the line or in prison.
I would imagine that if we took the money from the salaries of everyone on this planet, and combined the total and then dealt it out evenly, everyone would be poor. But John Lennon thinks this is what we want, and that we will all be happy one day when this is accomplished. Much of the world is deceived into thinking that this idea will work, but it is only a trap to keep us imprisoned by our false ideologies.
Entitlements end up causing us to become irresponsible and keeps us lazy. Not good.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
So, If You Are A White Male, You Are A Bully???
Lately, I have been hearing a lot about bullies, on the radio. What is amazing though, is the concept of who the bullies are. There is no looking at the heart to determine if a person is a bully or not. According to some, being a bully is determined at birth by the color of your skin and your gender.
It's amazing too, that most of these people who have decided that a human being born as a white male is a bully, while at the same time, they believe that gender is something that has to be decided later on by the child as he or she grows older.
This is another example of the absurdity of the Left. They think in darkness and the results of their thinking don't even match!
I was thinking about this last night as we were watching a man perform in song. This man makes a lot of money and he is white. His name is Josh Groban. The show was top notch and this man has a voice that is unbelievable. Not only that, but the orchestra was top notch as well. This was one of the best performances I had ever been to.
But, I had to wonder what some people might have been thinking who have ever watched this man performing. They probably would be surprised, because this man is rich (I'm sure), he is male (that's obvious), and he is white.
Another thought that people have which ties in with bullying is racism. The two seem to go hand in hand. If you are a white male, you are a white supremist as well as a bully. These people seem to think that because many white people are rich, that is unfair to those who aren't, and these white people supposedly are taking away the wealth from the poor and they should be penalized. So, white people, especially males, are not only bullies, but they are racist too.
Has there ever been a case where a white male is a bully? Or maybe a racist? Yes, especially 50+ years ago. We have some who are racist, and I think they should be penalized. But this is a heart issue. It's not a skin color issue. The root sin is pride.
It's amazing too, that most of these people who have decided that a human being born as a white male is a bully, while at the same time, they believe that gender is something that has to be decided later on by the child as he or she grows older.
This is another example of the absurdity of the Left. They think in darkness and the results of their thinking don't even match!
I was thinking about this last night as we were watching a man perform in song. This man makes a lot of money and he is white. His name is Josh Groban. The show was top notch and this man has a voice that is unbelievable. Not only that, but the orchestra was top notch as well. This was one of the best performances I had ever been to.
But, I had to wonder what some people might have been thinking who have ever watched this man performing. They probably would be surprised, because this man is rich (I'm sure), he is male (that's obvious), and he is white.
Another thought that people have which ties in with bullying is racism. The two seem to go hand in hand. If you are a white male, you are a white supremist as well as a bully. These people seem to think that because many white people are rich, that is unfair to those who aren't, and these white people supposedly are taking away the wealth from the poor and they should be penalized. So, white people, especially males, are not only bullies, but they are racist too.
Has there ever been a case where a white male is a bully? Or maybe a racist? Yes, especially 50+ years ago. We have some who are racist, and I think they should be penalized. But this is a heart issue. It's not a skin color issue. The root sin is pride.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
The Hidden Dangers Of Communism
Friends, I am very concerned about something happening in our country. We all should learn many lessons from History, and what has happened in the world in the past 5,000 + years.
One thing we can learn is that tyranny has always been a threat to any society, even if the society seems peaceful and good.
We have an unseen Enemy who hates human beings and would love it if every one of us were destroyed. He is relentless and will do whatever he can to take us off guard. He operates in lies, deception, and slander, and is actively working overtime to accomplish his goal.
One big goal the devil has is to take our freedom away from us. He does not want us to be free to think for ourselves, and make our own decisions. He doesn't want us to choose our jobs or occupations. He wants us to go around blindly, so we can be led by someone else in everything we do. Of course, that someone else, is no other than the government.
One of the big concerns I have is about Communism entering our society. When I was a child, my mom was very perceptive about Communism and what it could do to our country. I even remember when she wrote a letter to the president about how she felt about the Cold War that was going on.
I don't think we understand the dangers of Communism, and what it is that makes it dangerous and ultimately undesirable. But if we look back, even just a few years, we can see the horrific situations people were in who lived in Communist countries, such as the former U.S.S.R. or even Cuba.
Years ago, when I was in school, I was not the brightest bulb in the classroom, but, I did learn some things that actually stuck with me. I learned about how those who want to change our government work through infiltration. A Communist country is not necessarily going to march into the United States and take over by conquest. If they want to take over, they have to sell us on their ideology, and we have to accept it.
But when I was in school, years ago, people were vigilant against the tactics of Communism. Our leadership was wise and smart, and could discern where Communism was trying to make its entry points.
It's different today though, for some of those vigilant people are either gone or asleep. For example, when I was in high school, a class that used to be required, was no longer available to the students. I was looking forward to taking the class. It was called, 'Americanism vs. Communism'. I looked up on the Internet the reason why it was taken out of the schools, and the answer was that it was no longer needed.
Friends, those people who hold tightly onto the Communistic philosophy, have successfully infiltrated our colleges as well as our schools. These people are in Hollywood and are also running the mainstream media. We call them by different names; Liberals, Progressives, the Left, Socialists, to name a few.
The Liberal Left does not hide their agenda any more. Young people readily adhere to its concept. Many young people in college are going in the direction of Communism, but when asked why they would believe in that type of society, most of them haven't even thought it through. They are just following the ideology of the college professors and high school teachers.
How do we get from where we are now to becoming a Communistic society? Let's see, where can we start? What is the goal of Communism anyway?
The goal of Communism ends up being where the people have a total allegiance to the government. The government is everything to the people. The government makes decisions for the people. God intended for people to do their own thinking and make their own decisions, but under Communist rule, the people cannot decide for themselves anymore. That way, if someone makes a decision that is a threat to the government's ruling over them, the government won't have to worry about it.
Our school systems are no longer designed to teach students how to think for themselves (critical thinking). I am not saying that there aren't any good teachers out there. They are probably those who are in our schools and colleges who know exactly what is going on and are using their teaching positions to help students learn how to think for themselves so they can make their own decisions.
Communist societies do not encourage people to build communities and start businesses. Before a country turns Communist, the government caters to specific minority groups (and I am not just talking about races of people). The government specifically focuses on the poor and needy, not because they want to help them, but because they want to use them. If the government hands out goodies such as free health care and free food to people, the people will lose their incentive to work, and they will likely vote for the Communistically minded presidential candidate. They know the government will take care of them. It will also keep this group of people in a state of poverty, which they will have a hard time getting out of. Communists hate capitalism. They will accuse those who work hard to build their careers or businesses of 'stealing' or some unfair claim about them to make them look bad in the eyes of society.
Those who hold to Socialism or Communism will oppose capitalism, which will ultimately cause the economy to fall apart. When the economy falls apart, guess who we have to turn to? Who will rescue us? The government will be our hero. It will be our rescuer. That way, we will have to trust in the government. That is what they will want.
A word about the gun issue here. When our country was founded, most everyone had guns. They used them responsibly, almost always. Being able to have a gun legally is guaranteed in our Constitution. But what if those in the government can twist around the Second Amendment and take all our guns away? That would be a Communistic goal simply because when Communism takes over, we will be disarmed and we will not be able to fight against those coming in to implement a Communist government.
It's kind of like the devil disarming the one who has trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The devil lies to us and does whatever he can to disarm us, so we will not have the weapons we need to fight in the spiritual battle. Did you know that when you came to know the Lord, you were enlisted in a spiritual conflict? The Bible tells us of the many spiritual weapons we can use against the Enemy of our souls, but if we do not know what they are, then we will not use them. Most of us have no idea that we are engaged in this war, and there are many Christian casualties to show proof of this fact.
The last point I want to make about Communist countries is that in a Communist mindset, everyone is supposed to be equal. It is more than just treating people with equal respect, which is what all of us should be doing. But Communism thinks that if someone is wealthy, than that is unfair to those who are not wealthy. It is unequal in their minds, and they want to equalize it. So, one idea they use is to tax wealthy people with a high tax rate, and the taxes go to the government. The government then takes the money and allocates it to everyone else. Ever hear the phrase, 'Share the wealth', or 'Spread the wealth'? That is what that means.
In John Lennon's song, Imagine, he talks about a world without religion. He talks about having no possessions. I wonder what he was thinking when he penned those words. Would he be willing to give up his musical equipment for the sake of Communism, or, is he hypocritical like all the rest of the Communistic minded Liberals?
"Promises are like a pie crust, made to be broken." Stalin
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One thing we can learn is that tyranny has always been a threat to any society, even if the society seems peaceful and good.
We have an unseen Enemy who hates human beings and would love it if every one of us were destroyed. He is relentless and will do whatever he can to take us off guard. He operates in lies, deception, and slander, and is actively working overtime to accomplish his goal.
One big goal the devil has is to take our freedom away from us. He does not want us to be free to think for ourselves, and make our own decisions. He doesn't want us to choose our jobs or occupations. He wants us to go around blindly, so we can be led by someone else in everything we do. Of course, that someone else, is no other than the government.
One of the big concerns I have is about Communism entering our society. When I was a child, my mom was very perceptive about Communism and what it could do to our country. I even remember when she wrote a letter to the president about how she felt about the Cold War that was going on.
I don't think we understand the dangers of Communism, and what it is that makes it dangerous and ultimately undesirable. But if we look back, even just a few years, we can see the horrific situations people were in who lived in Communist countries, such as the former U.S.S.R. or even Cuba.
Years ago, when I was in school, I was not the brightest bulb in the classroom, but, I did learn some things that actually stuck with me. I learned about how those who want to change our government work through infiltration. A Communist country is not necessarily going to march into the United States and take over by conquest. If they want to take over, they have to sell us on their ideology, and we have to accept it.
But when I was in school, years ago, people were vigilant against the tactics of Communism. Our leadership was wise and smart, and could discern where Communism was trying to make its entry points.
It's different today though, for some of those vigilant people are either gone or asleep. For example, when I was in high school, a class that used to be required, was no longer available to the students. I was looking forward to taking the class. It was called, 'Americanism vs. Communism'. I looked up on the Internet the reason why it was taken out of the schools, and the answer was that it was no longer needed.
Friends, those people who hold tightly onto the Communistic philosophy, have successfully infiltrated our colleges as well as our schools. These people are in Hollywood and are also running the mainstream media. We call them by different names; Liberals, Progressives, the Left, Socialists, to name a few.
The Liberal Left does not hide their agenda any more. Young people readily adhere to its concept. Many young people in college are going in the direction of Communism, but when asked why they would believe in that type of society, most of them haven't even thought it through. They are just following the ideology of the college professors and high school teachers.
How do we get from where we are now to becoming a Communistic society? Let's see, where can we start? What is the goal of Communism anyway?
The goal of Communism ends up being where the people have a total allegiance to the government. The government is everything to the people. The government makes decisions for the people. God intended for people to do their own thinking and make their own decisions, but under Communist rule, the people cannot decide for themselves anymore. That way, if someone makes a decision that is a threat to the government's ruling over them, the government won't have to worry about it.
Our school systems are no longer designed to teach students how to think for themselves (critical thinking). I am not saying that there aren't any good teachers out there. They are probably those who are in our schools and colleges who know exactly what is going on and are using their teaching positions to help students learn how to think for themselves so they can make their own decisions.
Communist societies do not encourage people to build communities and start businesses. Before a country turns Communist, the government caters to specific minority groups (and I am not just talking about races of people). The government specifically focuses on the poor and needy, not because they want to help them, but because they want to use them. If the government hands out goodies such as free health care and free food to people, the people will lose their incentive to work, and they will likely vote for the Communistically minded presidential candidate. They know the government will take care of them. It will also keep this group of people in a state of poverty, which they will have a hard time getting out of. Communists hate capitalism. They will accuse those who work hard to build their careers or businesses of 'stealing' or some unfair claim about them to make them look bad in the eyes of society.
Those who hold to Socialism or Communism will oppose capitalism, which will ultimately cause the economy to fall apart. When the economy falls apart, guess who we have to turn to? Who will rescue us? The government will be our hero. It will be our rescuer. That way, we will have to trust in the government. That is what they will want.
A word about the gun issue here. When our country was founded, most everyone had guns. They used them responsibly, almost always. Being able to have a gun legally is guaranteed in our Constitution. But what if those in the government can twist around the Second Amendment and take all our guns away? That would be a Communistic goal simply because when Communism takes over, we will be disarmed and we will not be able to fight against those coming in to implement a Communist government.
It's kind of like the devil disarming the one who has trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The devil lies to us and does whatever he can to disarm us, so we will not have the weapons we need to fight in the spiritual battle. Did you know that when you came to know the Lord, you were enlisted in a spiritual conflict? The Bible tells us of the many spiritual weapons we can use against the Enemy of our souls, but if we do not know what they are, then we will not use them. Most of us have no idea that we are engaged in this war, and there are many Christian casualties to show proof of this fact.
The last point I want to make about Communist countries is that in a Communist mindset, everyone is supposed to be equal. It is more than just treating people with equal respect, which is what all of us should be doing. But Communism thinks that if someone is wealthy, than that is unfair to those who are not wealthy. It is unequal in their minds, and they want to equalize it. So, one idea they use is to tax wealthy people with a high tax rate, and the taxes go to the government. The government then takes the money and allocates it to everyone else. Ever hear the phrase, 'Share the wealth', or 'Spread the wealth'? That is what that means.
In John Lennon's song, Imagine, he talks about a world without religion. He talks about having no possessions. I wonder what he was thinking when he penned those words. Would he be willing to give up his musical equipment for the sake of Communism, or, is he hypocritical like all the rest of the Communistic minded Liberals?
The Naked Communist lays out the entire graphic story of communism, its past, present, and future. |
"Promises are like a pie crust, made to be broken." Stalin
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Saturday, October 21, 2017
What Would Life Be Like Without Electricity?
I was thinking today about how much I depend upon electricity. I have plug outlets everywhere in my home. And many of them are in use right now.
We just went through a bad hurricane, and lost our power for almost 2 days. It is amazing when you realize how much of what you do relies on access to having electricity running through the wires in your home. And it makes you grateful for the power that is available every day to us.
There are still some parts of the world that do not have electricity available to them. They have alternatives to this kind of power.
What would happen if the lights went out in America? How would we respond? What if there is limited use available for electricity, and what if we have to rely on the government for access to having power when it is available to us?
These are questions that we have to ask ourselves. One day, it may happen. There might not be an alternative. How are we going to respond, and is there something we can do to prepare ourselves for a time where power may not be available to us?
God has blessed us as a nation, and made us prosperous. Many who founded this nation were God-fearing people who held up the standard of right and wrong, good and evil, etc. Today though, many have turned their backs on God, and have thrown out His standard.
What can we expect if we embrace rebellion against a holy God? Would His blessings continue, or will we end up reaping what we have sown?
We just went through a bad hurricane, and lost our power for almost 2 days. It is amazing when you realize how much of what you do relies on access to having electricity running through the wires in your home. And it makes you grateful for the power that is available every day to us.
There are still some parts of the world that do not have electricity available to them. They have alternatives to this kind of power.
What would happen if the lights went out in America? How would we respond? What if there is limited use available for electricity, and what if we have to rely on the government for access to having power when it is available to us?
These are questions that we have to ask ourselves. One day, it may happen. There might not be an alternative. How are we going to respond, and is there something we can do to prepare ourselves for a time where power may not be available to us?
God has blessed us as a nation, and made us prosperous. Many who founded this nation were God-fearing people who held up the standard of right and wrong, good and evil, etc. Today though, many have turned their backs on God, and have thrown out His standard.
What can we expect if we embrace rebellion against a holy God? Would His blessings continue, or will we end up reaping what we have sown?
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
To Kneel Or Not To Kneel - What's The Real Issue?
I've thought about this 'kneeling' issue for a couple of weeks now and had to sort it out in my mind before I made any comments about it. So, here are my thoughts on it:
1. The person has the right to express his or her opinion, even if it is wrong.
2. The forum for this NFL player to express his opinion by kneeling should not be done in the forum that he did it in. He should take this action outside of the game field.
3. I think we are giving this way too much attention, which is what the mainstream media wants us to do anyway.
4. Since this has already happened in a forum that is not proper for it to happen it, I believe it is ok for those who have the opposite viewpoint to respond by expressing themselves in it as well (such as leaving a game when the players kneel while the anthem is being played.
I just think if we could not give this event the attention it is now receiving, we would all be better off.
If I worked for a store, let's say as a cashier, would I have the 'right' to go out into the parking lot and give out tracts or do open air? Should I complain if I get fired for doing that?
I was hired to do a job. It doesn't mean that I can't share my faith, but, it does mean that I have to spend my time doing what I was hired to do.
I know that this is not the same as using a platform to make a point, but, it is similar because it is not the right venue to do what I am called to do.
It is as simple as that.
The issue is not that someone is trying to take away another person's freedom of expression. The freedom of expression was offensive to many, and there are repercussions to that action.
If someone were to use their platform to express hatred toward God and defiance toward Jesus Christ, how would we feel toward that person? Would we congratulation him or her for their boldness on expressing themselves and encourage their freedom of speech? Or would we have a distaste for that person because of what he or she stands for?
Which is greater, the person's freedom to speak, or what they are saying? I am not trying to say we should stop people from expressing themselves. It is just when we express ourselves, there will be some who will be offended and that is just one of the consequences of freedom of expression, especially when the action committed is truly offensive.
The only kind of kneeling we should be doing is when we are talking to God.
1. The person has the right to express his or her opinion, even if it is wrong.
2. The forum for this NFL player to express his opinion by kneeling should not be done in the forum that he did it in. He should take this action outside of the game field.
3. I think we are giving this way too much attention, which is what the mainstream media wants us to do anyway.
4. Since this has already happened in a forum that is not proper for it to happen it, I believe it is ok for those who have the opposite viewpoint to respond by expressing themselves in it as well (such as leaving a game when the players kneel while the anthem is being played.
I just think if we could not give this event the attention it is now receiving, we would all be better off.
If I worked for a store, let's say as a cashier, would I have the 'right' to go out into the parking lot and give out tracts or do open air? Should I complain if I get fired for doing that?
I was hired to do a job. It doesn't mean that I can't share my faith, but, it does mean that I have to spend my time doing what I was hired to do.
I know that this is not the same as using a platform to make a point, but, it is similar because it is not the right venue to do what I am called to do.
It is as simple as that.
The issue is not that someone is trying to take away another person's freedom of expression. The freedom of expression was offensive to many, and there are repercussions to that action.
If someone were to use their platform to express hatred toward God and defiance toward Jesus Christ, how would we feel toward that person? Would we congratulation him or her for their boldness on expressing themselves and encourage their freedom of speech? Or would we have a distaste for that person because of what he or she stands for?
Which is greater, the person's freedom to speak, or what they are saying? I am not trying to say we should stop people from expressing themselves. It is just when we express ourselves, there will be some who will be offended and that is just one of the consequences of freedom of expression, especially when the action committed is truly offensive.
The only kind of kneeling we should be doing is when we are talking to God.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Violent Activity Is A Decoy For What Is Going On Behind The Scenes
It's all a decoy. Antifa, Neo-Nazis, Fascism activities, even our president, are all decoys to take our attention off what is really going on behind the scenes.
While we are focusing on all the evil, vicious activities going on, the Left is implementing their agenda in our government.
Magicians use a technique called, 'misdirection'. It leads the audience to look at or focus on something else while the magician is using a technique that could be seen by the people. Since they are focusing on the act of misdirection, they don't even see the secret activity of the magician. It makes the magician look like he has super powers!
It is as simple as that, and that is all I have to say about it today.
While we are focusing on all the evil, vicious activities going on, the Left is implementing their agenda in our government.
Magicians use a technique called, 'misdirection'. It leads the audience to look at or focus on something else while the magician is using a technique that could be seen by the people. Since they are focusing on the act of misdirection, they don't even see the secret activity of the magician. It makes the magician look like he has super powers!
It is as simple as that, and that is all I have to say about it today.
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While you are looking at the serious problems in front of your eyes, we will continue to do our work of leading the country astray behind the scenes |
Monday, August 21, 2017
History Being Erased Then Rewritten
We can call people whatever we want. We can put
labels on people that we wish to describe them with. But that doesn't mean that
the person we are labeling is actually what we are labeling him or her with.
We see this in the world of religion, many
times. There are people who call themselves 'Christians', usually because they
don't understand what that term means. Sometimes, they are twisting God's arm
to make themselves believe they are Biblical believers in Jesus Christ when
they know they actually aren't.
But we do this with other people as well. It is
a form of judging, but without the facts to back the claim up.
I have noticed that the labeling from the Left
almost always relates to some action or belief system that they themselves are
embracing. There is a lot of hypocrisy in what they are doing.
Terminology is also changing. For example, a
Fascist used to be on the Left. Somehow, it got moved over to the right. When I
looked up the definition of Fascist in a modern, online dictionary, the word
was defined as being on the far right. How did that happen?
It happened simply because people are rewriting
History. Not only History is being changed and rewritten, but also terms in the
dictionary are also being redefined.
It all ties in with the narrative and plans of
the Left to gain control of our nation. Those on the Left have been smart
enough to infiltrate our school systems and colleges, and now young people
coming out of college look at us as if we had two heads!
Friday, August 11, 2017
Creating 'Victim Groups' Destroys Our Society
The Left is the group which is trying to bring us under Socialism, which leads to Communism. The Left is accomplishing this by destroying our society, the way it exists today.
One way they are destroying it is by creating 'victim' groups of people. These people will, in turn, support the Leftists as they run their campaigns. They create victim groups with a pretense of rescuing them from those who are 'abusing' them.
Some of these 'victim' groups are; homosexuals, transgenders, women, children, illegal immigrants, blacks, as well as other ethnical minority groups.
People who are in these groups are considered 'victims' and the Democratic party, as it operates today, will come to their rescue. This will create a class of people who will support them.
Those who say anything against people in these victimized groups are called 'Bullies'. Do you know the only people in America who are not in these victimized groups? They are the white males in this country. They are considered the Bullies and the Left is trying to bring them down and 'put them in their place'.
If you are a white male, you should be outraged by this. The thinking is so absurd. I understand that there are bad apples in every group of people, and there are bad apples in the white male group as well as in all other groups. But one or two bad apples doesn't make the whole group bad.
Do we see what they are trying to do to us? They are taking away the power from the white males and basically stripping them of any authority or power they have. This also ties in with their false belief of inequality of people. Men and women should be equal in every way. Transgenders, men, women, children are all the same. There is no diversity. Everyone gets the same rights and privileges, as well as pay. No one is recognized for their skills or service. But we can see through the inconsistencies of even this way of thinking.
One other thing I have noticed too. The Left likes to put people groups against each other. The Enemy of our souls whispers things in the ears of these puppets like 'white people hate blacks.' and 'black people hate whites'. Or maybe even something like 'Pence is planning to go against Trump so he can win the 2020 election'. Then a division starts and there is enmity against two people or two people groups because people believe the lies they heard.
Oh, I forgot to mention that there is another group that really has been victimized. But this group of people actually end up destroyed. It is the group of unborn babies who are rejected and unwanted by his or her parents. But the mom in these cases, thinks she is the victim, since it is not fair that she got pregnant. But in reality, she is the bully.
Those who think rationally, live with people who are absurd. How can we live together? How long will this last before God takes action against this?
This is why we need to be turning to God and praying for our country.
Read Genesis 19 for some enlightenment.
One way they are destroying it is by creating 'victim' groups of people. These people will, in turn, support the Leftists as they run their campaigns. They create victim groups with a pretense of rescuing them from those who are 'abusing' them.
Some of these 'victim' groups are; homosexuals, transgenders, women, children, illegal immigrants, blacks, as well as other ethnical minority groups.
People who are in these groups are considered 'victims' and the Democratic party, as it operates today, will come to their rescue. This will create a class of people who will support them.
Those who say anything against people in these victimized groups are called 'Bullies'. Do you know the only people in America who are not in these victimized groups? They are the white males in this country. They are considered the Bullies and the Left is trying to bring them down and 'put them in their place'.
If you are a white male, you should be outraged by this. The thinking is so absurd. I understand that there are bad apples in every group of people, and there are bad apples in the white male group as well as in all other groups. But one or two bad apples doesn't make the whole group bad.
Do we see what they are trying to do to us? They are taking away the power from the white males and basically stripping them of any authority or power they have. This also ties in with their false belief of inequality of people. Men and women should be equal in every way. Transgenders, men, women, children are all the same. There is no diversity. Everyone gets the same rights and privileges, as well as pay. No one is recognized for their skills or service. But we can see through the inconsistencies of even this way of thinking.
One other thing I have noticed too. The Left likes to put people groups against each other. The Enemy of our souls whispers things in the ears of these puppets like 'white people hate blacks.' and 'black people hate whites'. Or maybe even something like 'Pence is planning to go against Trump so he can win the 2020 election'. Then a division starts and there is enmity against two people or two people groups because people believe the lies they heard.
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A person in our society is either a 'victim' or a 'Bully'. A Bully is one who offends a victim. This is the ideology of the Liberal Left. |
Oh, I forgot to mention that there is another group that really has been victimized. But this group of people actually end up destroyed. It is the group of unborn babies who are rejected and unwanted by his or her parents. But the mom in these cases, thinks she is the victim, since it is not fair that she got pregnant. But in reality, she is the bully.
Those who think rationally, live with people who are absurd. How can we live together? How long will this last before God takes action against this?
This is why we need to be turning to God and praying for our country.
Read Genesis 19 for some enlightenment.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Tale Of Two Countries
We live in a land where there are two separate countries. Two entirely different countries vying for control of the land. Who will win?
One side stands up for freedom, but not freedom as we have known it. It is a freedom for them from the boundaries and standards that we have held onto since the beginning of this country. It is a freedom that takes away freedom from the other side.
The other side stands up for freedom as well. Freedom is never free though. Many have lost their lives to establish this kind of freedom. It provides freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to own guns. It also provides protection from those who would do us harm.
The first kind of freedom listed above, will end up in anarchy. The second freedom listed will end up in peace for all, except perhaps those on the opposite side of freedom.
Which one will you embrace? The freedom where people live in absurdity, or the freedom which leads to peace, but at a cost?
If we don't hold onto what we've been given, we will ultimately end up in chaos. Is that what we want? Do we want our grandchildren and following generations to destroy themselves, or do we want to teach them the way of peace?
Please pray for the church in America, and pray for our country.
One side stands up for freedom, but not freedom as we have known it. It is a freedom for them from the boundaries and standards that we have held onto since the beginning of this country. It is a freedom that takes away freedom from the other side.
The other side stands up for freedom as well. Freedom is never free though. Many have lost their lives to establish this kind of freedom. It provides freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to own guns. It also provides protection from those who would do us harm.
The first kind of freedom listed above, will end up in anarchy. The second freedom listed will end up in peace for all, except perhaps those on the opposite side of freedom.
Which one will you embrace? The freedom where people live in absurdity, or the freedom which leads to peace, but at a cost?
If we don't hold onto what we've been given, we will ultimately end up in chaos. Is that what we want? Do we want our grandchildren and following generations to destroy themselves, or do we want to teach them the way of peace?
Please pray for the church in America, and pray for our country.
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"I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America. And to its Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" |
Sunday, August 6, 2017
More Persecution In Politics Than In Religion
It is amazing to me to watch the happenings going on politicly today. It is very strange when there is more persecution in talking about Donald Trump being our president and supporting him than it is in talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
My take on this whole thing is that it is a spiritual battle we are in. Donald Trump just happens to be the main character involved.
This whole issue ironically, is really not even about Trump. It is about the Liberal Left marching their way into the White House and taking over. When Trump was elected as president, their plans fell apart for continuing their momentum and strategy. And now they are vengeful and irate.
What is really ironic and concerning though, are the professing Christians who are doing the persecuting!
I was at someone's house, for example, and there were three of us talking about the new president and what he was actually trying to accomplish, when the owner of the house, who was selling produce in her garage, told us to be quiet. Shhhh. There wasn't time for an explanation, but a young woman was coming to pick up the produce she had ordered. It was time to change the subject, if you know what I mean.
But why is Donald Trump's presidency so perilous to the Liberal Left? There are some very important reasons I think, and will try to share.
1. Trump stopped the plans and momentum of the Left. This is what happened in a nut shell.
We have dropped the ball when it comes to standing up for the truth, as revealed in Scriptures. For example, if we were holding onto the Scriptures and walking in truth in the last 50 or so years, we would have been prepared to stop Madalyn Murray O'Hair when she brought her bogus case of 'separation of church and state' to the Supreme Court which resulted in prayer being taken out of schools. What happened when she was successful? Nothing. Professing Christians could have cared less. They went on with life as usual, not seeing the consequences of their apathy.
2. The Left has strategically placed their people in the White House over the years. Now that we have someone who is exposing them and even firing those who are suspicious, they are like bees whose hive has been disturbed.
3. The Left has successfully used the mainstream media to influence people to think a certain way, to follow their narrative. Sadly, this is where I believe some professing Christians have been deceived as well.
First, we should evaluate a person, not based upon opinions of others, although we can objectively look at those opinions and consider them. But if we want to get a true evaluation of someone, we really need to hear from that person himself, and not let others form our opinions on him. We need to watch and study the person and form our own evaluation.
I have had people respond to positive things I would say about Trump by sending me to a web page which incriminates him falsely. I would think that those who oppose Trump would be smart enough to make their own evaluations, but, I can tell that they formed their opinion of whether they would like him or not before they even knew anything about him. Because they chose to dislike him, they go along with what the mainstream media is saying about Trump. They are essentially joining in and condoning the slander against this man.
Years ago, I was involved in a church situation where slander destroyed the main leader's credibility. It started when one of the top leaders in this family of churches was not in agreement with what the other top leaders were bringing to the table. This man got out of the ministry, and basically stabbed the main leader in the back. He took some scenarios of situations in some of the related churches, and stretched out a story that made it look like the main leader was a sexual predator.
Articles were written by this former leader and sent to the Huffington Post, as well as other mainstream media avenues. Before long, the whole ministry fell apart. A couple of court sessions were brought about, involving this main leader, who was never found guilty on the charges brought against him.
But the relentless accusations didn't stop. I am sure they are still going on today. Anyone on social media is familiar with this story, and, will probably side with the side of slander, simply because we do not know any better unless we personally know the people involved and why this case came about in the first place.
This is a classic case where people tend to side with what they hear instead of trying to objectively and honestly look at both sides of the situation.
This is a spiritual battle and we have to ask ourselves, 'whose side are we on'? This is not a matter of Trump vs. Hillary. This battle necessitates our need to be discerning, so we can separate light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, and truth from error.
Are we going to hold onto our biases and end up siding with evil because we think it is more important to oust Donald Trump than it is to go along with his agenda to clean up the White House and secure our country from outsiders that intend harm? We are working against ourselves and what we really claim to believe in and hold on to, if it is more important to us to try to get Trump out of office than it is to get our nation back to reality.
If we want our country to be run by Snowflakes who have no clue of what the real issues are, then continue on agreeing with the Left about how bad Donald Trump is for our country. But if we want to do things right, then find those areas where we can support Trump and what he is trying to accomplish for this nation.
We need to stop being divided. When Obama was president, no one acted out scenes to murder him. We wanted him out of office, but to work against him with hate was not God's way of doing things. Why are we, who hold Biblical truths as precious, so eager to join in with the hatred of those who are opposed to the current president? We have a higher standard we hold to, and we have faith in a God who can do wonders, even in people who are corrupt.
God is still in the business of changing hearts that are open to Him.
My take on this whole thing is that it is a spiritual battle we are in. Donald Trump just happens to be the main character involved.
This whole issue ironically, is really not even about Trump. It is about the Liberal Left marching their way into the White House and taking over. When Trump was elected as president, their plans fell apart for continuing their momentum and strategy. And now they are vengeful and irate.
What is really ironic and concerning though, are the professing Christians who are doing the persecuting!
I was at someone's house, for example, and there were three of us talking about the new president and what he was actually trying to accomplish, when the owner of the house, who was selling produce in her garage, told us to be quiet. Shhhh. There wasn't time for an explanation, but a young woman was coming to pick up the produce she had ordered. It was time to change the subject, if you know what I mean.
But why is Donald Trump's presidency so perilous to the Liberal Left? There are some very important reasons I think, and will try to share.
1. Trump stopped the plans and momentum of the Left. This is what happened in a nut shell.
We have dropped the ball when it comes to standing up for the truth, as revealed in Scriptures. For example, if we were holding onto the Scriptures and walking in truth in the last 50 or so years, we would have been prepared to stop Madalyn Murray O'Hair when she brought her bogus case of 'separation of church and state' to the Supreme Court which resulted in prayer being taken out of schools. What happened when she was successful? Nothing. Professing Christians could have cared less. They went on with life as usual, not seeing the consequences of their apathy.
2. The Left has strategically placed their people in the White House over the years. Now that we have someone who is exposing them and even firing those who are suspicious, they are like bees whose hive has been disturbed.
3. The Left has successfully used the mainstream media to influence people to think a certain way, to follow their narrative. Sadly, this is where I believe some professing Christians have been deceived as well.
First, we should evaluate a person, not based upon opinions of others, although we can objectively look at those opinions and consider them. But if we want to get a true evaluation of someone, we really need to hear from that person himself, and not let others form our opinions on him. We need to watch and study the person and form our own evaluation.
I have had people respond to positive things I would say about Trump by sending me to a web page which incriminates him falsely. I would think that those who oppose Trump would be smart enough to make their own evaluations, but, I can tell that they formed their opinion of whether they would like him or not before they even knew anything about him. Because they chose to dislike him, they go along with what the mainstream media is saying about Trump. They are essentially joining in and condoning the slander against this man.
Years ago, I was involved in a church situation where slander destroyed the main leader's credibility. It started when one of the top leaders in this family of churches was not in agreement with what the other top leaders were bringing to the table. This man got out of the ministry, and basically stabbed the main leader in the back. He took some scenarios of situations in some of the related churches, and stretched out a story that made it look like the main leader was a sexual predator.
Articles were written by this former leader and sent to the Huffington Post, as well as other mainstream media avenues. Before long, the whole ministry fell apart. A couple of court sessions were brought about, involving this main leader, who was never found guilty on the charges brought against him.
But the relentless accusations didn't stop. I am sure they are still going on today. Anyone on social media is familiar with this story, and, will probably side with the side of slander, simply because we do not know any better unless we personally know the people involved and why this case came about in the first place.
This is a classic case where people tend to side with what they hear instead of trying to objectively and honestly look at both sides of the situation.
This is a spiritual battle and we have to ask ourselves, 'whose side are we on'? This is not a matter of Trump vs. Hillary. This battle necessitates our need to be discerning, so we can separate light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, and truth from error.
Are we going to hold onto our biases and end up siding with evil because we think it is more important to oust Donald Trump than it is to go along with his agenda to clean up the White House and secure our country from outsiders that intend harm? We are working against ourselves and what we really claim to believe in and hold on to, if it is more important to us to try to get Trump out of office than it is to get our nation back to reality.
If we want our country to be run by Snowflakes who have no clue of what the real issues are, then continue on agreeing with the Left about how bad Donald Trump is for our country. But if we want to do things right, then find those areas where we can support Trump and what he is trying to accomplish for this nation.
We need to stop being divided. When Obama was president, no one acted out scenes to murder him. We wanted him out of office, but to work against him with hate was not God's way of doing things. Why are we, who hold Biblical truths as precious, so eager to join in with the hatred of those who are opposed to the current president? We have a higher standard we hold to, and we have faith in a God who can do wonders, even in people who are corrupt.
God is still in the business of changing hearts that are open to Him.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The Liberal Left Creates, Defends, and Provides For The Victimized Groups They Have Created
I have touched on this in some of my writings, but, I want to write it out so I can clearly communicate some of the issues we are going through. There is much need for praying for our country.
Our country is way different than what it was 50+ years ago, so young people are not going to have the appreciation for this that they could have if they would have learned History correctly.
The Liberal Left is trying to accomplish the goal of 1. making government big, 2. taking rights away from people and giving them to others, and 3. creating an empire that is hard to take down, and which will continue to take under its wings, other places of authority.
One small thing I want to point out is #2 above. They want to take away the rights from the average person and give them to others.
First, you have to understand their ideology. They believe everyone has to be equal. That means basically, that any inequalities are wrong. So, if one man makes $300,000 a year, and another man makes $12,000, that is considered 'unfair'.
But they are building their own empire out of a made up case of people who are 'victims'. They are dividing people up and reclassifying them. Then, anyone who disagrees with the groups they have created are called 'Bullies'. Victims are the people who experience the 'unfairness' of society.
For example, the man who is at the top of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant business wrote out a statement that he believes marriage is made up of one man and one woman. Automatically, he became a bully. The LGBT went nuts. The world looked on as the LGBT were becoming 'victimized'
But really, it is not so much as the LGBT, as it is the activist groups behind them. People in America, whether they are straight or gay, have learned to live in a society where there are homosexuals and transgenders. The problem comes when someone stands up for the opposite of what the LGBT stands for. They become the bullies then, and special protection rights are created for the LGBT or whatever group it is that the activists are standing up for.
The problem is not with the LGBT. It is with the activists, who are total Left-wingers. They are creating groups which are minority groups, and then daring anyone to oppose them. As soon as there is opposition, the opposing party becomes the bully and the specialized group becomes the victim. They are using this tactic to win the votes of these so called 'victimized' people.
The Left specializes in helping the 'victimized' groups. That is where they depend on their votes to come from. They bribe them by giving them handouts, and promising them free items and services, all at the expense of the hard worker who responsibly takes care of himself and his family.
We know Biblically, that corruption will bring destruction. The Left is made up of people who, probably without knowing it, are puppets for the devil. They are doing the devil's bidding and are out to destroy God's people. It was that way from the beginning of time, and will continue, if allowed, to go on until the end of time.
If the Liberal Left has its way, there will be three classes of people, at least. The Liberal Left claims that everyone should be equal and have everything equally, yet, what will end up happening is that there will be, at the top, the Elite. Then the people will be in the middle. But there will also be an 'underclass' at the bottom. The Liberal Left is not only hypocritical, but it is also deceitful.
In a socialistic society, the leadership will lead one to believe that everyone will have everything. That is just not true. The Elite will have everything, and will dole it out wherever they wish. Those on the bottom, the underclass, will have nothing, except the handouts from the government. They will always be in poverty with no way to recover. Everyone, except the Elite, will suffer.
If you can look at accurate History (not the rewritten version), then you will see what happens when communism takes over a country. Remember, communism rejects any idea of God, and people must serve the Government. When God is rejected, the country will fail. People will starve to death. It is not the Utopia that John Lennon wrote about in his song, in the early 70s.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (Burke). It's time to take up arms and fight this battle with the spiritual weapons God has given to us. If we do nothing, evil will march down our streets and into our homes, We will be destroyed.
Our country is way different than what it was 50+ years ago, so young people are not going to have the appreciation for this that they could have if they would have learned History correctly.
The Liberal Left is trying to accomplish the goal of 1. making government big, 2. taking rights away from people and giving them to others, and 3. creating an empire that is hard to take down, and which will continue to take under its wings, other places of authority.
One small thing I want to point out is #2 above. They want to take away the rights from the average person and give them to others.
First, you have to understand their ideology. They believe everyone has to be equal. That means basically, that any inequalities are wrong. So, if one man makes $300,000 a year, and another man makes $12,000, that is considered 'unfair'.
But they are building their own empire out of a made up case of people who are 'victims'. They are dividing people up and reclassifying them. Then, anyone who disagrees with the groups they have created are called 'Bullies'. Victims are the people who experience the 'unfairness' of society.
For example, the man who is at the top of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant business wrote out a statement that he believes marriage is made up of one man and one woman. Automatically, he became a bully. The LGBT went nuts. The world looked on as the LGBT were becoming 'victimized'
But really, it is not so much as the LGBT, as it is the activist groups behind them. People in America, whether they are straight or gay, have learned to live in a society where there are homosexuals and transgenders. The problem comes when someone stands up for the opposite of what the LGBT stands for. They become the bullies then, and special protection rights are created for the LGBT or whatever group it is that the activists are standing up for.
The problem is not with the LGBT. It is with the activists, who are total Left-wingers. They are creating groups which are minority groups, and then daring anyone to oppose them. As soon as there is opposition, the opposing party becomes the bully and the specialized group becomes the victim. They are using this tactic to win the votes of these so called 'victimized' people.
The Left specializes in helping the 'victimized' groups. That is where they depend on their votes to come from. They bribe them by giving them handouts, and promising them free items and services, all at the expense of the hard worker who responsibly takes care of himself and his family.
We know Biblically, that corruption will bring destruction. The Left is made up of people who, probably without knowing it, are puppets for the devil. They are doing the devil's bidding and are out to destroy God's people. It was that way from the beginning of time, and will continue, if allowed, to go on until the end of time.
If the Liberal Left has its way, there will be three classes of people, at least. The Liberal Left claims that everyone should be equal and have everything equally, yet, what will end up happening is that there will be, at the top, the Elite. Then the people will be in the middle. But there will also be an 'underclass' at the bottom. The Liberal Left is not only hypocritical, but it is also deceitful.
In a socialistic society, the leadership will lead one to believe that everyone will have everything. That is just not true. The Elite will have everything, and will dole it out wherever they wish. Those on the bottom, the underclass, will have nothing, except the handouts from the government. They will always be in poverty with no way to recover. Everyone, except the Elite, will suffer.
If you can look at accurate History (not the rewritten version), then you will see what happens when communism takes over a country. Remember, communism rejects any idea of God, and people must serve the Government. When God is rejected, the country will fail. People will starve to death. It is not the Utopia that John Lennon wrote about in his song, in the early 70s.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (Burke). It's time to take up arms and fight this battle with the spiritual weapons God has given to us. If we do nothing, evil will march down our streets and into our homes, We will be destroyed.
Friday, July 28, 2017
A Person With Boy Parts Is A Boy, and A Person With Girl Parts Is Really A Girl
When you were born, you were either born with female reproductive organs or male reproductive organs. This is not rocket science either. You don't have to be confused on which sex category you are in.
But today, there is a new thought out. It is a thinking that says that a person is not the gender which is determined by his or her genitals. The person decides which gender he or she wants to be, even if the chosen gender does not correlate with the given reproductive organs.
You might ask why someone would want to do this. Who would want to be the opposite sex of whatever their sexual organs determine what they biologically are?
In Romans 1, we learn about perversion. Perversion is simply going in the opposite order of what God says. So, if God created men and women as male and female with biological matching parts, and if God says that is 'good', a perverted person will say that that is 'bad'.
You see, perverted people do not like the fact that they are created beings. They reject the fact that God made them. They are trying to recreate who they are and undo what God has made them to be. Then they recreate it to whatever they want it to be. And it is usually the opposite of what God has made them to be. It is an act of defiance against God. It is like they are shaking their fists at God because He created them, and they think they can ruin what He made and make it better themselves.
Some would say that being transgender is a mental disorder. I don't disagree, but, I don't think it starts out that way. It starts out as rebellion against God and God turns the rebellious person over to his or her wickedness, to do all that is evil in the person's heart. The person no longer has a working conscience. They end up like robots who respond to life according to their evil desires without any fear of consequences.
A transgender person is one who is enslaved to his or her sin. But being transgender even leads to another category. It is not as simple as a person wanting to be the opposite sex that he or she is. The goal is a political one, and transgenders are making a political statement.
What is the ideology behind the transgender community? To understand this better, we have to understand that we live in a Postmodern society today. How that translates to being transgender is simply that 1. Postmoderns do not believe there are absolutes (but this is contradictory as we will see in a moment) and 2. Each person has their own truth. Simply speaking, whatever you want to believe is true, will be true for you. It might not be true for other family members or friends, but it is your truth and no one can take that away from you.
So, transgenders believe that they are really female even though they have male body parts. And vice-versa. Even though Post modernists do not believe in absolutes, they absolutely believe this is true for them.
But getting back to the political aspect of this, it is a political statement. It is fueled by the Liberal ideology, which makes it's proponents into 'victims'. The transgender population believes they are victims because there are people who are living around them who know that they are living a lie. There are people who believe what the Bible says, and what God will do to those who are immoral and do not repent of their sins. The transgenders will call those people who hold to God's standard 'Bullies'.
There are people who are working hard in the legal system of this country to provide special 'rights' for these people. They are the ones fueling the whole belief system of normal people being confused on which gender they really are, and at the same time, they are calling them 'victims' so they can give them special rights as well as take away the rights of others who do not agree with the concept of being transgender.
But there is also another wrong with this. There are adults and even parents who are encouraging their little ones to become transgenders. They are deciding what gender they think their children are leaning toward. This is the most absurd thing going on. Sometimes, boys play with girl toys, and vice-versa. There is nothing wrong with that. But whatever reason a parent decides his or her child is transgender, I believe they are using their children to further a political agenda. I must say, they really do not love their children to put them in this position and make them believe a lie.
So, to summarize, the transgender activists do this because they are intentionally opposing God's order as their expression of their rejection of Him, and, they do this because they are making a political statement to further the Liberal Left agenda by becoming 'victims' to be catered to by the Left (and ultimately by the government).
May God help us to wake up and see what is going on? If we don't, think about what this country will look like in 10, 20, or 50 years from now, if this country hasn't been destroyed.
But today, there is a new thought out. It is a thinking that says that a person is not the gender which is determined by his or her genitals. The person decides which gender he or she wants to be, even if the chosen gender does not correlate with the given reproductive organs.
You might ask why someone would want to do this. Who would want to be the opposite sex of whatever their sexual organs determine what they biologically are?
In Romans 1, we learn about perversion. Perversion is simply going in the opposite order of what God says. So, if God created men and women as male and female with biological matching parts, and if God says that is 'good', a perverted person will say that that is 'bad'.
You see, perverted people do not like the fact that they are created beings. They reject the fact that God made them. They are trying to recreate who they are and undo what God has made them to be. Then they recreate it to whatever they want it to be. And it is usually the opposite of what God has made them to be. It is an act of defiance against God. It is like they are shaking their fists at God because He created them, and they think they can ruin what He made and make it better themselves.
Some would say that being transgender is a mental disorder. I don't disagree, but, I don't think it starts out that way. It starts out as rebellion against God and God turns the rebellious person over to his or her wickedness, to do all that is evil in the person's heart. The person no longer has a working conscience. They end up like robots who respond to life according to their evil desires without any fear of consequences.
A transgender person is one who is enslaved to his or her sin. But being transgender even leads to another category. It is not as simple as a person wanting to be the opposite sex that he or she is. The goal is a political one, and transgenders are making a political statement.
What is the ideology behind the transgender community? To understand this better, we have to understand that we live in a Postmodern society today. How that translates to being transgender is simply that 1. Postmoderns do not believe there are absolutes (but this is contradictory as we will see in a moment) and 2. Each person has their own truth. Simply speaking, whatever you want to believe is true, will be true for you. It might not be true for other family members or friends, but it is your truth and no one can take that away from you.
So, transgenders believe that they are really female even though they have male body parts. And vice-versa. Even though Post modernists do not believe in absolutes, they absolutely believe this is true for them.
But getting back to the political aspect of this, it is a political statement. It is fueled by the Liberal ideology, which makes it's proponents into 'victims'. The transgender population believes they are victims because there are people who are living around them who know that they are living a lie. There are people who believe what the Bible says, and what God will do to those who are immoral and do not repent of their sins. The transgenders will call those people who hold to God's standard 'Bullies'.
There are people who are working hard in the legal system of this country to provide special 'rights' for these people. They are the ones fueling the whole belief system of normal people being confused on which gender they really are, and at the same time, they are calling them 'victims' so they can give them special rights as well as take away the rights of others who do not agree with the concept of being transgender.
But there is also another wrong with this. There are adults and even parents who are encouraging their little ones to become transgenders. They are deciding what gender they think their children are leaning toward. This is the most absurd thing going on. Sometimes, boys play with girl toys, and vice-versa. There is nothing wrong with that. But whatever reason a parent decides his or her child is transgender, I believe they are using their children to further a political agenda. I must say, they really do not love their children to put them in this position and make them believe a lie.
So, to summarize, the transgender activists do this because they are intentionally opposing God's order as their expression of their rejection of Him, and, they do this because they are making a political statement to further the Liberal Left agenda by becoming 'victims' to be catered to by the Left (and ultimately by the government).
May God help us to wake up and see what is going on? If we don't, think about what this country will look like in 10, 20, or 50 years from now, if this country hasn't been destroyed.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
The Stockholm Syndrome In Action
"Let's create a problem, then we will supply the answer". I think this is what the Stockholm Syndrome is all about.
Let me give you a couple of real life examples. One of them has to do with a company that scammed me last year. A screen came up on my computer telling me that my computer was infected with a virus. I was to call a certain number listed and they would help.
Stupid me calls the number. They were able to look inside my computer because I gave them access. At one point, I was billed by them for their services. I think it was like $600. They had 'fixed' my problem.
I called Apple later on and they let me know I had been scammed. Not only that, but now the company had my credit card number which I believe they used months later on some groceries in NYC.
Because they had access inside my computer, they also put malware inside it. They had the audacity to call me back a month or so later to inform me that they had studied my computer and found malware in it. They assured me they would fix it.
So, you see how this works? I recently got a call from the company saying they would refund my money. Fine. If you want to refund my money, then send me a check or send money through PayPal. I let the woman talk for a couple of minutes and then she had me download some kind of chat device. Now, she also had access to the inside of my computer. I couldn't even use my mouse because she was analyzing whatever she could find on my computer!
Somehow, we got disconnected. Maybe, this was God's way of ending this situation. She tried several times to call back and get me back on. You know what she was doing, right? Adding malware to my computer so she could tell me that there was malware on my computer and her company would take care of it.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! The scam company keeps trying to get access to my computer so they can put malware on it and then take it off at a price.
This, my friends, is how the Stockholm Syndrome works.
This is pretty much how the food and drug industry works. Food that is processed and has added ingredients does not lend itself to good health! Yet, no one listens when we complain. They tell us that the food is fine. When we get sick from the food, or when we get sick just because we really don't get the proper nutrition, then what happens? We go to the doctor. He gives us medicine to make us feel better. There is no intention on getting the patient well. The medicine only deals with the symptoms.
I am not saying the every doctor or pharmacist is a scammer. Many of them haven't studied nutrition and the correlation between good food and good health. But some at the top are quick to defend the safety of their food products when research has shown otherwise.
There are some people at the top levels of these organizations who are like puppet masters, pulling on people's strings (and pocketbooks).
I think these people are probably in every group. They are in the military, medical, agriculture, government, education, etc.
The Left wants to carry out the Stockholm Syndrome in whatever they do. They make up cases that don't exist (hoaxes) and then they promise to fix them.
One big example is 'Global Warming'. Global warming is a made up scenario of how we are all going to suffer because the air around the earth is becoming too warm. One person even said that we would have temperatures in the 400s, at some point not too long from now!
A couple of decades ago, we had a time when it looked like Global Freezing. It was pretty cold outside (we remember). It is hard to imagine that in my lifetime, I would go through a period of time known as the Global Freezing, and the Global Warming eras.
If you vote for Liberals, they promise to fix the problem. Part of the problem, well maybe most of the problem is due to too many people on the earth, according to their theory. One way to fix that problem, according to them, is to support Planned Parenthood. Look at how many unwanted pregnancies happen every day. We could take care of that if we make laws and provide money for abortions. The money, of course, comes out of your wallet as well as mine! But they won't make an issue out of that. You're not supposed to figure that out either.
But if you were to look at the earth from an aerial viewpoint, you would see quite a lot of land. There is much vacant land still there on this planet. I don't think we realize how big the earth really is, compared to our understanding of large numbers of people.
So, if you want to implement the Stockholm Syndrome, follow the examples of the computer scammers, those in the FDA and the agriculture Industry as well as the Liberals. It works for today, and only today. It doesn't have an eternal perspective.
Let me give you a couple of real life examples. One of them has to do with a company that scammed me last year. A screen came up on my computer telling me that my computer was infected with a virus. I was to call a certain number listed and they would help.
Stupid me calls the number. They were able to look inside my computer because I gave them access. At one point, I was billed by them for their services. I think it was like $600. They had 'fixed' my problem.
I called Apple later on and they let me know I had been scammed. Not only that, but now the company had my credit card number which I believe they used months later on some groceries in NYC.
Because they had access inside my computer, they also put malware inside it. They had the audacity to call me back a month or so later to inform me that they had studied my computer and found malware in it. They assured me they would fix it.
So, you see how this works? I recently got a call from the company saying they would refund my money. Fine. If you want to refund my money, then send me a check or send money through PayPal. I let the woman talk for a couple of minutes and then she had me download some kind of chat device. Now, she also had access to the inside of my computer. I couldn't even use my mouse because she was analyzing whatever she could find on my computer!
Somehow, we got disconnected. Maybe, this was God's way of ending this situation. She tried several times to call back and get me back on. You know what she was doing, right? Adding malware to my computer so she could tell me that there was malware on my computer and her company would take care of it.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! The scam company keeps trying to get access to my computer so they can put malware on it and then take it off at a price.
This, my friends, is how the Stockholm Syndrome works.
This is pretty much how the food and drug industry works. Food that is processed and has added ingredients does not lend itself to good health! Yet, no one listens when we complain. They tell us that the food is fine. When we get sick from the food, or when we get sick just because we really don't get the proper nutrition, then what happens? We go to the doctor. He gives us medicine to make us feel better. There is no intention on getting the patient well. The medicine only deals with the symptoms.
I am not saying the every doctor or pharmacist is a scammer. Many of them haven't studied nutrition and the correlation between good food and good health. But some at the top are quick to defend the safety of their food products when research has shown otherwise.
There are some people at the top levels of these organizations who are like puppet masters, pulling on people's strings (and pocketbooks).
I think these people are probably in every group. They are in the military, medical, agriculture, government, education, etc.
The Left wants to carry out the Stockholm Syndrome in whatever they do. They make up cases that don't exist (hoaxes) and then they promise to fix them.
One big example is 'Global Warming'. Global warming is a made up scenario of how we are all going to suffer because the air around the earth is becoming too warm. One person even said that we would have temperatures in the 400s, at some point not too long from now!
A couple of decades ago, we had a time when it looked like Global Freezing. It was pretty cold outside (we remember). It is hard to imagine that in my lifetime, I would go through a period of time known as the Global Freezing, and the Global Warming eras.
If you vote for Liberals, they promise to fix the problem. Part of the problem, well maybe most of the problem is due to too many people on the earth, according to their theory. One way to fix that problem, according to them, is to support Planned Parenthood. Look at how many unwanted pregnancies happen every day. We could take care of that if we make laws and provide money for abortions. The money, of course, comes out of your wallet as well as mine! But they won't make an issue out of that. You're not supposed to figure that out either.
But if you were to look at the earth from an aerial viewpoint, you would see quite a lot of land. There is much vacant land still there on this planet. I don't think we realize how big the earth really is, compared to our understanding of large numbers of people.
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The Earth from an aerial view. You can see the lights where people inhabit the land. Credit: Nasa.gov |
So, if you want to implement the Stockholm Syndrome, follow the examples of the computer scammers, those in the FDA and the agriculture Industry as well as the Liberals. It works for today, and only today. It doesn't have an eternal perspective.
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