Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

To Kneel Or Not To Kneel - What's The Real Issue?

I've thought about this 'kneeling' issue for a couple of weeks now and had to sort it out in my mind before I made any comments about it. So, here are my thoughts on it:

1. The person has the right to express his or her opinion, even if it is wrong.

2. The forum for this NFL player to express his opinion by kneeling should not be done in the forum that he did it in. He should take this action outside of the game field.

3. I think we are giving this way too much attention, which is what the mainstream media wants us to do anyway.

4. Since this has already happened in a forum that is not proper for it to happen it, I believe it is ok for those who have the opposite viewpoint to respond by expressing themselves in it as well (such as leaving a game when the players kneel while the anthem is being played.

I just think if we could not give this event the attention it is now receiving, we would all be better off.

If I worked for a store, let's say as a cashier, would I have the 'right' to go out into the parking lot and give out tracts or do open air? Should I complain if I get fired for doing that?

I was hired to do a job. It doesn't mean that I can't share my faith, but, it does mean that I have to spend my time doing what I was hired to do.

I know that this is not the same as using a platform to make a point, but, it is similar because it is not the right venue to do what I am called to do.

It is as simple as that.

The issue is not that someone is trying to take away another person's freedom of expression. The freedom of expression was offensive to many, and there are repercussions to that action.

If someone were to use their platform to express hatred toward God and defiance toward Jesus Christ, how would we feel toward that person? Would we congratulation him or her for their boldness on expressing themselves and encourage their freedom of speech? Or would we have a distaste for that person because of what he or she stands for?

Which is greater, the person's freedom to speak, or what they are saying? I am not trying to say we should stop people from expressing themselves. It is just when we express ourselves, there will be some who will be offended and that is just one of the consequences of freedom of expression, especially when the action committed is truly offensive.

The only kind of kneeling we should be doing is when we are talking to God.

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