Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Why The Desire To Take Away Our Guns?

Why do you think the Left is so intent on taking away our guns? The answer is really so simple that we could miss it. The answer to this question is, they want to take away our guns in order to disarm the people. They want to take away whatever power you might have, because if they do that, when a tyrannical government is in place, you will have no way to fight back.

  Remember the American Revolution? The best weapons they had were their guns. They knew the British would attack and made preparations for that time. The men were to be ready in an instant, to fight, if necessary. That is why they were called, 'Minutemen'. They used guns and protected our nation from continuing to be under the rule of the British.

   The Left thinks we are stupid. They think they are way past us in their schemes, but, we see right through them. Many of us have been taught against the dangers of Communism, and we will be ready to fight against it when necessary.

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