Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Monday, December 18, 2017

What is wrong with 'Entitlements'?

"What's your is mine. What's mine is my own". Have you ever heard that saying? Well, some people think it is true.

What is an 'entitlement' and is an entitlement right or wrong?

We live in a society where the citizens seem to think that everything belongs to them. There is little thought or even research on how people get things. These citizens seem to think that money grows on trees and everyone gets a fair share of whatever is out there.

Our country was built by people coming in (immigration) and diligently working to build a functional society. But in the early days of our country, some came in and had this same 'entitlement' mentality. We had some people come to America simply to develop their own country, away from any idea of dictatorship and governmental control, especially over the church. But there were also those who came in to see how much gold they could find. It was kind of like gambling, but in a primitive form.

Some of those who came in were very irresponsible. They didn't understand the hard work that went into planting gardens and farming. These people had money, or at least a little bit of wealth, and probably were able to hire people to do the hard work for them when they lived in their native lands.

One particular group of these people was called 'gentlemen'. I believe these gentlemen came from England and had no intention of planting seeds, pulling weeds, and getting their hands dirty. That was when John Smith made a public notice which read 'He that will not work shall not eat'. It actually originated in the Bible and is found in 2 Thessalonians 3:10.

Fast forward to the present. We have a person in public who says that healthcare is not a right. She was dissed by many, but life goes on. Now I am seeing blogs and articles that indicate that healthcare is a right. But how so?

If healthcare is a right, then who pays for it? The government? How can the government pay for it? The answer to that is through taxing the people. The only way it can be done is by heavily taxing the rich. But how is that 'fair'? How is that 'equal'? It isn't. But that is how Socialism works and that is what the Left wants.

People want things at the expense of others. The heart issue we are dealing with is jealousy. It is a form of covetousness. If someone works hard for something and gets that item, it is deemed as unfair by many, simply because they themselves want it and they don't have it. It is like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum because Billy down the street has a nice toy truck, and all that the two year old has is a Matchbox car.

No wonder the Bible says 'Thou shalt not covet..'

So, instead of everyone working hard to make a living and to provide for themselves and their families, some people want to indirectly leach off others. That way, everything will be more even. Otherwise, in their eyes, it is not fair.

So, everything goes into the pot (the government, through our taxes) and the government decides who gets what. The government doles the goods out to others, the way the government thinks best.

I have never seen a wealthy or even a healthy Communistic society. The only thing I have seen that is common to all Communistic societies is the lack of food they have available for the people. Long lines of people waiting for their goods. At least everyone is being treated equally. Well, maybe, but in some Communist countries, those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are either at the end of the line or in prison.

I would imagine that if we took the money from the salaries of everyone on this planet, and combined the total and then dealt it out evenly, everyone would be poor. But John Lennon thinks this is what we want, and that we will all be happy one day when this is accomplished. Much of the world is deceived into thinking that this idea will work, but it is only a trap to keep us imprisoned by our false ideologies.

Entitlements end up causing us to become irresponsible and keeps us lazy. Not good.

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