Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, March 17, 2017

This New Blog

It's not like I have a lot of time to write blogs, and I have over 20 blogs already, so why am I doing this? There are a couple of main reasons which I will explain.

We live in a time like this nation has never been in before. During the mid 1800s, we lived in a divided nation. Abraham Lincoln was able to help resolve the issue, and we were once again the United States of America.

Today, we are in a similar situation, only with different variables. During Abraham Lincoln's day, the issue was over slavery. People had slaves, and many were not willing to give them up. Whatever Lincoln did, he was successful in letting the slaves go free. Once that happened though, there were other problems to be reckoned with. I am sure that there were those who loved Lincoln and his cause. But I am also sure that there were those who hated Lincoln, and one of them was successful in killing him.

The time we live in has some similarities as the days of Lincoln. The issues are different though. We are not dealing with slavery or trying to figure out how the slaves could support themselves once they were free. The issues we are dealing with today seem to be primarily involved with 'rights' or 'entitlements' that people feel like they deserve to have. What is ironic about this issue is that when these certain 'rights' are given to these people, it takes away from the rights of others. What is mind-boggling is that many of those at the top leadership of our government are fighting also for these groups of people to have these certain rights. Those who have been leading our country for the past 8 years were not concerned about national security. Nor were they really concerned about the economy. Their cause was not even so much that women get equal pay as men do. What they wanted to do, was to give special rights, not just to minority groups that were valid, but to groups of people who practice what God does not allow.

Here is my summary of what I see happening in the Left, and what their main focus seemed to be. This is only my opinion and my perspective. There is probably much more, and even stuff that I missed.
* Rights for a woman to have the 'right' to her own body. (Simply speaking, this means a right to have abortions).
* Rights for homosexuals and lesbians to marry.
* Rights for transgenders to use whatever gendered restroom they feel or want to us.

Remember, all these so called rights are really at your and my expense. I will have more on all of this at a later date.

So, the main reason I am writing the articles on this blog is to keep people informed on what is going on behind the scenes. We die because of our ignorance. Ignorance is not bliss. The Left is so foolish in their thinking that we dismiss them as a bunch of morons, but, these morons, if that is what you want to call them, are getting away with illegal activity. Why? Because many of those in authority that they will have to face when these Left-wingers break the law, are morons too.

The Bible talks about people who reject God and His love. God eventually turns them over to their wickedness. They are in a world of darkness, and they believe the 'lie'. That is what it means to be perverted. They live in a world of lies. Those who would penalize them for wrongdoing, also live in a world of lies. No wonder there is so much confusion today.

If you can listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will get good insight on what I am trying to write in this blog.

Always be praying for our country and for our leaders.

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