Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Enlightenment, Postmodernism, What's Next?

     I am writing articles on this blog as I know (and have sadly found out) that many things I have posted on Facebook were hard for people to handle. It is like trying to develop the art of 'speaking the truth in love'. Many don't understand when a person posts things that are hard to handle, yet, we need to be aware of these things and not take offense at them.

   This blog is one I could spend all day on. I continually see posts from Facebook and receive emails that show events which give great detail on what is going on in our society, here in America. We are not the only country to have citizens who boldly defy the law of the land. But this is a time in America's History where God's word has been removed and people are now in ignorance as to their knowledge of who God is and what He expects from human beings. How are we to respond to God? God's word gives us insight into that. But if God's word is removed, then we won't know how to respond to God, nor will we understand that we need to. We will not have an eternal perspective, nor will we have the 'fear of the Lord' in our hearts.

   The trick of the Enemy is always to get us to doubt God. Did God ever reveal Himself to people? Yes, throughout the Bible, we read of God revealing Himself to people. Men who were listening to God wrote down His word and what He has said about Himself, and about us. In Genesis 3, the devil asks Eve if God really said what she said He said. (This was in reference to eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil). Eve was tempted to listen to the voice of the devil, even though she knew what God really said. She fell for the temptation and as a result, we all have been corrupted. I wonder if Eve would have reconsidered that event had she known what this world turned out to be, many years later.

   The devil is still lying to us. He lies about the validity of God's word. He tells us that we are basically good, and we would go to heaven after we die because of our 'goodness'. But if we really look at our hearts and measure ourselves against God's word (the 10 Commandments, for example), we see how we have failed. The devil will come in there and say that the times we have broken the Commandments aren't that important. He will lie to us and tell us that our good works will erase the things we did wrong. He will do anything he can to keep us from seeing our need for a Savior. He will also do anything he can to keep us enslaved (and loving) our sin.

   At present, we have, as a society, just gone through a period of time that is called the 'Postmodern Era'. Before that time, we went through a era known as the 'Enlightenment' where we tried to think 'rationally'. By the 1960s, people were smart enough to figure out the the philosophy of the Enlightenment just doesn't work. Instead of thinking in terms of finding scientific proof for everything, we concluded that whatever is true is whatever a person wants to be true. Postmodernism doesn't believe in absolute truth. Each person decides what is true for himself or herself. Both Modernism and Postmodernism reject the idea of a supernatural God who created everything and to whom we will all give account to one day.

  So, for example, a conversation I was listening to a while back, shed some insight on Postmodern thinking. A woman was asked if she were a Christian. She actually was asked if she believed that Jesus Christ was the only way to heaven and if she believed in Him as her Savior. Her answer was something like 'absolutely'. The man went on to question her. He asked her if she had a Muslim friend who died and stood before God, would the Muslim be allowed into heaven. She believe he would have. The man asked her 'why?'. The Muslim had faith and did good things. But the Muslim did not believe in Jesus. The conversation went on and seemed very confusing for me. In this woman's eyes, she saw people who believe in Jesus going to heaven. She also saw Muslims going to heaven (I am not talking here about Muslims who come to Christ. They can be radically saved and have a wonderful testimony for the Lord). Some people actually believe that whenever a person dies, they go to the heaven of the God who they believe in. So, Christians go to the God who is Jesus' Father. Muslims go to Allah. Atheists don't go anywhere. They believe that because they believe the philosophy that teaches us that we decide what is truth for us. They do not believe there is an outside truth. There are no absolutes. This all can be refuted, and we can discuss this on another blog sometime. It would definitely be a very insecure way to live.

A big lie we have today is, 'When
Scripture and Culture collide in their
ideas, Scripture must bow to the Culture'.

  According to something I learned in class a couple of years ago, Postmodernism is going out. The big question is, now what? What's next?

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