Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Left Has Diverted Our Focus And They Have Been Successful

Just have a thought here. I see basically 3 groups of political people in my social world. One group, I call the 'Left-wingers', also known as Progressives or Liberals. The second group is the Conservatives. Many, but not all in this group are professing Christians. I see a third group as well. It could be a division of the second group, I am not sure though. This third group ties in, in some ways, with the Liberal Left (the first group). Although they are not socialistically minded, they are united with the Left in their cause against Donald Trump. They are also weakening the cause of the Conservatives.

Here is my concern and thought: I think this third group has been misled, and that misleading has been done by the mainstream media, which is controlled by the Liberal Left. If you talk to anyone who is in this third group, you will find that their main concern in this past election, has focused on the so called 'evilness' of Donald Trump, not issues with our national security or empowering our military to protect our nation. Any president who would have set borders around our country years ago, would have been praised.

Here is the crux of the matter: I think the mainstream media has been successful is destroying Donald Trump's credibility. I also think that mainstream Christians are not careful and discerning on what they are listening to. I have seen many Christian leaders be destroyed because someone came up with a rumor about them or their group, and the rumor spread and became 'common knowledge' in Christian circles. For example, years ago, I heard that the group, 'Phillips, Craig, and Dean' were false teachers because they believed in something called 'Modalism'. I did some research on Phillips, Craig, and Dean, and found nothing on it. Nevertheless, the rumors were strong and people had really bad things to say against this musical group. I still could not find any info on them concerning modalism, and one time, my husband and I were in the car when one of their songs came on. I mentioned to my husband that they were false teachers. He asked me how I knew? Where did I get my information on that? All I could say in response was, 'everyone knows they are teaching a false doctrine'. Of course, I really hadn't heard them preach a false doctrine, nor did I come up with that conclusion by listening to their songs. I had no personal credibility to make that comment about them. It may have been true, but from my own research, I wasn't able to come to my own conclusions about it. I just relied on what everyone said, and since everyone who said that this musical group was into 'modalism' were Christians, I assumed it was true.

I think we have done the same thing with Donald Trump. The Left still isn't giving up the fight. They are still calling him names, and even without explanation of why the name calling. Their emails I get in my email box are so full of hate, yet they accuse Donald Trump of being a hater (and they even use that word). This is just my opinion and observation, but I think this whole thing has taken the focus off the real issue, which is progressivism, and focused it on blasting Donald Trump. Let's face it. They are angry. They hate Donald Trump with a passion. They want you and me to hate Donald Trump as well. Are we falling for their trap and diversion or, can we look at the issue at hand and deal with it? The issue at hand has to do with our potential to lose our freedoms as a nation, and become enslaved to an ideology that says that you shouldn't be able to make too much money and if you do, you should be taxed to death to support those who make less. It takes away from God's creating each person with dignity and in a unique way with gifts and talents that should be expressed and used to serve others and supply the money needed to live on.

OK, I am trying to keep this short. This is the second blog I have written within the hour. Til next time...

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