Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why Good Men Do Not Fall Into The Traps That Are Set Before Them

  I want to do this carefully, but I want to show you something I find interesting. While I don't want to compare Donald Trump to the Lord Jesus Christ, what I see in this is fascinating.

   We know that the Lord Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. He is holy and doesn't make mistakes. He is all knowing and has everything planned out. The President is very wise. I would say he is a genius. But he is prone to making mistakes and having weaknesses.

  When Jesus was living among us on the earth, He encountered people who refused to believe that He was God and that He has a claim on our lives. If what Jesus said to these people was true, it would mean that the people would have to give account to God one day for their actions, and they refused to acknowledge that. They wanted to remain autonomous, independent of God.

  Notice how the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus' day, believed in God. They strongly believed in God. But, they refused to submit to this God who revealed Himself to the Israelites. Their hearts were hardened to God in such a way, that God turned them over to their wickedness.

  The wickedness of Jesus' day was expressed in a different way than it is in our society today. Back then, it was self-righteousness. Today, it is expressed by corrupt behavior. People who live in our society enjoy living out acts of immorality and getting away with it.

  Not everyone who is immoral though, has a hardened heart. Remember how in Jesus' day, the prostitutes and tax collectors came to know the Lord before the religious people of that day.

  Jesus explained to the people what the standard of God is. He showed mankind the corruptness of their hearts. Some people didn't like that. So, what they did was to try to trap Jesus into not being able to answer their questions. They wanted to trap Him so they could nail Him. They wanted to discredit Him because they hated everything He stood for. They wanted to make Him look stupid. Every time He spoke, or His name came up, they cringed. They even looked for a way to destroy Him. Many times.

   Jesus had some harsh words to say to them. He called them 'blind guides' and 'hypocrites' in Matthew 23. They tried to trap Him by asking Him questions that they thought He wouldn't be able to answer. (See also Mark 11 on asking Jesus where He got His authority).

   Watching what goes on in the White House is like watching a game. Those who are on the Left, the Socialistic minded people who are at the top levels of government, are continually trying to trap the President in something they can get him to fall into. Every day, a new trap is set out. Somehow though, in an amazing way, the President hasn't fallen into their traps.

  Unlike other Conservative Presidents who have led our country, the current President makes no bones about what he thinks about these people who keep setting up traps for him. They take clips of something he said, and twist it all around to make it look like he is a bigot or racist, when the original statement had nothing to do with that subject.

   These people have accused him of immoral acts that he didn't commit. They find out about a telephone call he made to a leader of another country and think to themselves, 'Bingo'. Now, for sure we can find something wrong that he did. The transcripts were open for all to read, and nothing is there that he did wrong. Yet, these people are convinced that if we look hard enough, something will show up.

  They photoshop pictures of him looking like he is bullying a little child (supposed to go with their narrative that he is separating children from their parents at the Border) when in reality, this act of separating children from their parents at the Border came about under Obama's administration.

  Our President has a good group of people around him, supporting him and even counseling him, at times. Plus, he has many, many people praying for him, which is a good thing. I would hate to see what would happen if he didn't.

  At the end of Jesus' life on earth, God allowed the Enemy to have his way, for a while. The greatest injustice took place on earth then. Notice though, that although there were many who would have killed Jesus during His lifetime on earth, that action happened at a specific time, for a specific reason. It happened so that God could have mercy on all of us, who are sinful. Because of Jesus' death on the Cross, God and people could now be reconciled.

  I don't know what will happen to the President in the future. I do know, that we need to be praying for him daily. We need to pray for his protection and safety for his family. We need to pray that he will make wise decisions. We need to ask God to protect him from sinning.

  One striking thing I want to bring out here is that with both Jesus and President Trump, there is a serious attack on them, and really it is for the same basic reason; people love darkness rather than light. In Jesus' day, those who hated Him were arrogant. They felt like they were God's final and only authority on earth, and when Jesus came along and explained what sin really was, they rejected the idea for themselves. They wanted to continue in their darkness and they didn't want Jesus to stop them. So they tried to trap Him and kill Him, if they could.

   But with the President, the goal is similar. Although the President, in his earlier days, had other ideas, he really wised up to what is good and right. He even changed political parties and embraces integrity and morality. He opposes corruption and stands up against it using his authority. The left knows this. And they hate him for it. They hate the idea that the President is appointing people to the Supreme Court who are Pro-life. They hate him because he is working to defund Planned Parenthood. They have come up with every kind of lie imaginable to get this man out of office. They would put an end to him, at all costs.

   I hope you can see that this is a spiritual battle we are in. We have to fight spiritual battles with spiritual weapons. We need to be praying for our country. We need to be praying for lost souls to come to know the Lord. We need to be praying for those who know the Lord to have fire in their bones. We need to be praying for the lies to be exposed. We need to be praying for the hidden works of darkness to be exposed and dealt with. We need to be praying for a just judicial system to be restored in our country.

  Pray for the President to outsmart every attacker who is set against him. 

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