Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Thursday, October 31, 2019

When Conservative Promote Aggression and Liberals Seek to Unite?

This is so sad. This is what is being taught to students in a California school.

I remember learning, years ago, that in Communist countries, what they would do is to take the sports page from an American newspaper, then they would portray it to their subjects as if there were civil wars going on in America. They would tell their people that America was always in turmoil. America was a bad place to live, and you don't want to go there, they would try to lead their people to believe.

This idea from the California school is not far off. Friends, this is a manifestation of the thinking of men and women who have been turned over by God to their wickedness. These people are in complete darkness, and they see things in reverse (perversion). They see things that God calls, 'good' as evil. They see things God calls 'evil' as good (and desirable). They have lost sensitivity to the things of God and to normalcy. They are like robots. But you can get them to react if you threaten any of their so called 'rights'. They have a false sense of 'entitlement' as the devil has tricked them into believing that they have rights to things that God has forbidden.

We need to pray. When a nation is controlled by perverted people, it is in danger. Think of all the babies that are being slaughtered every day, because of the false idea of a 'woman's right to her own body'. Think about the people who get upset when they see someone praying in a school or even wearing a pin that says 'I Love Jesus', and they are in danger of losing their jobs.

This would have been unthinkable 50 years ago. There was prayer in the schools. Did you know that when America was a brand new country, the teachers used the Bible to teach students how to read. Many came over here to America because of religious challenges in their homeland.

America was started in order for us to have religious freedom without the government's involvement. But just the opposite is happening today. Today, those who have Biblical convictions are the ones who are being pressured to do the opposite and are harassed.

So, we live in a nation with absurd people in it. Not just citizens, but, sadly and primarily, those in government. What can we do?

We can pray. Many have started prayer times designated to pray for our nation. We are in trouble as a country. We have turned our backs on God, and I believe it starts with the church.

Do you know how often I see or hear people responding to the Gospel message by saying something like this; God is all-loving and all-forgiving? What is that supposed to mean? To them, it means that they don't have to repent of their sins and they can still go to heaven. It basically is a rendition of another Gospel. But where did they learn it?

That is the question. I imagine their are churches in every city and state that teach this false doctrine. This is one of the big reasons I personally believe that we are in trouble as a nation. Look at it this way, God begins working in someone's heart, yet that person goes to some church and finds out that everything is ok between him and God, simply because he has acknowledged that Jesus died for his sins. He can go on and live a life of sin and think he will still go to heaven when he dies! What a deception and how sad.

This kind of belief system makes the church weak. The church should be a place of safety for those who are looking for an answer for their sins. The church has to hold onto the teachings of the Bible, and not create an easy believism belief system in order to fill up the pews.

We need to pray for our churches in America, and we need to pray for our country. It's as simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. What is sad is that you confirm everything said about Conservatives on that photo. And you are not being very Christian. The Bible tells you to remove the beam from your own eye before you start trying to remove the mote from other people's eyes.
