Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Disconnect Between The Promises of 'Free Everything' And The Resulting High Taxes

Somewhere there seems to be a disconnect. I don't know, but in the blue states, those who want high taxes and want to give free healthcare, etc. have somehow been elected into office. There were enough people who supported them with their votes to get them in.

Yet, when these people who live in states like New York or California are forced to pay the high taxes, what happens? They just move away.

Do they not see the connection between who they voted for and the resulting high taxes they were warned about that they would have to be paying?

What happens when they move somewhere else, and the same thing happens? Will they be voting for the socialist politician who promises free healthcare and free education, again? What happens after they relocate and the same thing ends up happening? Extremely high taxes and continuing false promises to make everything free for everyone.

Where will they go to when all of America ends up being highly taxed? Where will they go then?

Do these people not see the connection between how they voted and the results? Did they think it was a joke or were they just ignorant? Did they vote for these candidates, knowing what the candidates stood for, or did they just blindly vote for someone whose name is common in every household?

Things I wonder sometimes.

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