Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Clearcut Hypocrisy Of The Liberal Left

There's probably lots of examples of this, but I will post three of them.

The first one is the situation at the Border. The Left is complaining that the President is against minority groups and that he hates brown skinned people. But let's take this apart.

  To prove their point, they refer to the Border situation with such illustrations as 'putting children in cages' and 'separating children from their parents'. They even have pictures of these things happening, supposedly.

  Well, in the first place, the children were being put into cages under the Obama administration. Nothing was done at the Border to protect the children who supposedly came with their parents. No one seemed to care then about it.

  Children being separated from their parents. Well, some of them are. For a time period. Then after the parents are checked in they are reunited with them. But, the Left would want you to think that this is the President's fault. I believe the President addressed this issue and a law went into effect to protect children from being separated from their parents.

  But this is not the main issue I want to address. The same group of people who complain about children being put in cages and being separated from their parents, are the same people who are pushing for laws that allow infanticide. Does this make sense?

   They cry about children at the Border being treated in a terrible way, yet, they allow children who are unwanted to die after birth. This is totally absurd. This is hypocrisy.

  No, this is more than absurd, if that is possible. They made a law that gives women certain 'reproductive rights' and nothing can violate those rights. If a baby survives and abortion, even if it is born full term, the baby will be left to die if the mother doesn't want it. You may be wondering, why can't they put the baby up for adoption? That would be a good resolution to the problem. But, even that violates this 'women's reproductive' rights. If she doesn't want the child, the child will die and no one is allowed to rescue the child. Her desire for her 'rights' to be honored is much higher than the life of her child. This is beyond absurd. This is total hypocrisy.

  You know the whole concept of 'white supremacy' and 'white superiority'? The Left is attacking while men, mainly with European ancestry, saying they are the problem in the country. They are looking at ways to disempower the white man in this country. Do you know who the big promoters are of this idea? You guessed it. White men. Of course, they are on the Left side.

  They are especially angry at white men who are wealthy. I think it is ironic that so many of these men are on television and are well known. This is another example of absurdity. It is hypocrisy.

  They Left has half the world convinced that the President is a racist. Surprisingly, many actually believe this claim. As I listen to the President, I haven't heard anything that indicates he is a racist. I do think the President sometimes talks before he thinks it through, and unfortunately, when that happens, many take keywords from him and use those against him. Don't feel bad Mr. President though, for they also do this to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. They take their words to make cases against them as well.

   But do you want to know who the real racist is? I am going to focus on just this one since the information on her is fresh. Can you guess who it is?

  It is none other than Ilhan Abdullahi Omar. There are a few things she does that are troubling. But, I want to focus on the one thing she does, that you won't hear much about, at least on the Mainstream Media channels.

   You see, Omar is anti-Semitic. She hates Jewish people. She doesn't want the United States to support Israel, and if she had her way, Israel would no longer belong to the Jewish people. It makes sense when you think of her in light of her Islamic background and beliefs. If she really holds to Islam, she will hate Israel and Jewish people. But there's a big problem here. It makes her a racist. A true racist, not just a woman being accused of being racist.

  So, we see the double standard once again. Omar is definitely a Left-winger and a Democrat. She also hates America, even though she claims that she loves this country.

  It is absurd for a group of people to accuse the President of being a racist, while one of their own is a genuine, practicing racist. Do they not see their hypocrisy in this? This is one more example of absurdity.

  So, do you see how this works? The Left is guilty of certain accusations that they claim the President is guilty of. We saw this with the Russia collusion case. The Russia collusion case was simply a distraction to keep Hillary hidden from what she had done, and to put the blame on the President. That way, no one will deal with what really happened. Hillary will go into oblivion and the newly elected President could possibly be impeached or go to jail if they played their cards right.

  The ones who were truly involved in the Russia collusion were the Left, especially Obama. But all that got brushed under the rug while millions of dollars were spent to try to frame the newly elected President the following 2 years.

   You might be asking why would people be so stupid and heartless? I have a little insight into this and will explain.

   These people (the Left) are followers. They are not thinkers. They are not reasoners. They are followers and they are puppets for those who they are following. Their ultimate puppet master is Satan himself. They follow him unquestionably. He promises them certain things they desire if they follow him, and they think they are going to win the prize if they continue following him.

   Now, they don't understand they are following the devil. They just think they are following people and that makes them feel accepted and valued. It is a deception and they will be sad if they continue to follow the voice of the Evil One who works through evil people in authority.

Here's how we can pray:
*Pray for lost people to come to know the Lord
* Pray for people to learn the 'fear of the Lord'
*Pray for people to suffer consequences of wrongdoing
*Pray for the word of God to be sown in the hearts of many
*Pray for protection for the President and those who work with him



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