Of course, the obvious is to look at Hitler, for he was a Nazi and became the identity word for what a Nazi is.
I know there are some who deny this, but it really did happen. The Holocaust took place in Europe in the early/mid part of the 20th century. Many, many lost their lives in a horrible, tragic way.
People of a particular nationality were sent on trains to end up at concentration camps or to be placed in gas chambers to be killed. The reason why these people had to die, according to Hitler, was to exterminate that group of people so that the Aryan race would flourish and these people would go into extinction. There were other reasons too, why Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jewish people. They had such good business minds and were very good at business dealings that Hitler felt intimidated by that.
Here is a quote from the Ann Frank Organization page:
"The origin of Hitler's hatred of Jews is not clear. In Mein Kampf, he described his development into an antisemite as the result of a long, personal struggle. Supposedly, his aversion to everything Jewish came to fruition when he was living and working as a painter in Vienna (1908-1913). Most historians believe that Hitler came up with this explanation in hindsight. He would have used it to assure people who were not yet convinced of his ideas that they would eventually see the light."*
What ever the reasons were for Hitler's hatred of the Jews, this hatred resulted in the deaths of 6 million+ people, and this is one of the most tragic historical events that has ever happened.
The President is often accused of being a Nazi. I'm sorry, but I can't see any connections between the current President and Hitler. My guess is that the Left will make a stretch trying to construct a case making the President look like he is in the process of building up the white male race? I don't know. And I don't get it.
In one of the more recent speeches I heard as the President was speaking, he came right out and welcomed immigrants to America. He told them to please come and that they were welcome to America. He also told them to come in legally.
Notice how whenever the Left talks about the issue of illegal immigration, they always leave out the word, 'illegal'. I have heard them dialoging and the Conservative will use the term 'illegal immigrant' while the person on the Left will seemingly correct it or rephrase the sentence leaving out the word, 'illegal'. I always find that interesting
Immigration has always been taking place in America since the country's inception. In fact, I believe I heard that in the past couple of years, we have had more immigrants coming in legally than ever before! Please believe me when I tell you that we are talking about 2 different subjects when we talk about immigration. The situation with immigrants coming in every day with a passport or work visa, is not the same issue as the immigrants coming in illegally through the Border. These 2 types of immigrations are not the same.
But who are the real Nazis in America today? The President? Someone else?
But who are the real Nazis in America today? The President? Someone else?
Back to the real Nazis in America now. Let's look at a woman representative in our country, Ilhad Omar, who is serving in Minnesota's 5th congressional district.
"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) claimed in a recently resurfaced interview on Qatari propaganda network Al Jazeera that Americans should be "fearful" of white men who are "causing most of the deaths within this country." These racist and blatantly false comments came in response to a question about Islamophobia."**
Here is another quote from the same article: "I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country," Omar said. "And so if fear was the, the driving force of policies to keep America safe — Americans safe inside of this country — we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men."
O.K. then. Here we have it. White men across our country are actually causing most of the deaths within this country? Who in the world would be stupid enough to believe this? She is making an accusation, not only against the President, but against all white men.
But not only is she against white men in America. She is anti-Semitic as well. Look at this statement she made on March 3rd, 2019***
"I am told every day that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel. I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks."
And this one, "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."
So, she is not only against white men, but, also against the Jewish people. Someone else was against the Jewish people too. Most everyone in his country was killed at his hands and by the military that served beneath him.
This, my friend, is the real Nazi in this country. Along with those who are joining in with her against the white men in this country. They would destroy the white men if they could. Of course they would. That is what Islam is all about.
What is even more amazing are the perverted white men who go along with this. I don't hear any Left-winger white males standing up and opposing this. Could it be that they would go along with it if it means allowing Islam to take over America?
How about this statement from Don Lemon, a CNN television host, concerning white men? “I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity, but we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else,” Lemon said, adding, “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”****
According to Lemon, we have to start doing something about them. What do you think they should do, Don Lemon? Exterminate them if possible?
And this statement is hypocritical in itself. Anyone who has a brain can see the double standard in this statement he made. "We have to stop demonizing groups of ethnicities." But, "realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.” Well, you can't do both, Lemon. Either you have to stop demonizing ethnicities, including white men, or, you have to give the go ahead to demonize ethnicities so you can demonize white men.
Maybe I am in the dark, but here is another statement by Lemon. Mind you, I am not aware of the supposed masses of white men who caused more deaths than Islamic terrorists in the past couple of years.
“Even though more people died in attacks connected to Islamic extremists, the vast majority of deadly attacks in this country from 2001 to 2016 were carried out by far-right violent extremists…. Their analysis shows that for every eight deadly attacks by right-wing extremists, there were one by left-wing extremists,” he said.
Umm. There is a place for people who commit crimes and are caught. It is called, 'prison'. White men who do crimes go to prison. It's a simple as that. Black men go to prison too, when they are caught doing criminal activity. It's part of our justice system. But I guess Lemon wants you and me to believe that white men are basically responsible for many violent attacks that happen inside our country. And compared to Islamic Terrorist activity, it is more serious and more deaths take place because of the white male violence.
What they are basically saying in their statements is that white men really aren't human beings. They are unwanted living organisms that have to be destroyed. Much like the Jewish people living in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.
So who are the real Nazis in America? By their actions, they give away who they are. Omar and her gang, Lemon and those who follow him.
* https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/why-did-hitler-hate-jews/
** https://www.dailywire.com/news/49891/walsh-ilhan-omar-claims-white-men-cause-most-matt-walsh
*** https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ilhan_Omar
**** https://deadline.com/2018/10/don-lemon-cuomo-prime-time-chris-cuomo-cnn-hate-crimes-1202493692/
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By Kristie Boyd; U.S. House Office of Photoraphy - omar.house.gov,
Public Domain,
* https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/why-did-hitler-hate-jews/
** https://www.dailywire.com/news/49891/walsh-ilhan-omar-claims-white-men-cause-most-matt-walsh
*** https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ilhan_Omar
**** https://deadline.com/2018/10/don-lemon-cuomo-prime-time-chris-cuomo-cnn-hate-crimes-1202493692/