There are three main understandings of what we are facing today, and how we should handle them. But first, we have to look at the bigger picture.
God's word teaches us how to separate light from darkness, truth from error, right from wrong, and good from evil. This is foundational for any understanding of how governments and civilizations work.
No society will be successful if immorality is practiced in it. The Bible has a lot to say about immorality and its corrosive power. Societies die when people live immoral lives.
God will judge the immoral. But there is another issue at stake. It has to do with justice/injustice. In our country today, there are many unjust situations. God is a just God, and He will deal with injustice, as well as immorality, on That Day.
Let's talk about the three main understandings of how our country will be successful. We have to understand, that there is a large, powerful group of people who are implementing laws of immorality. There are many, many ways this is taking place today, in America. The people who are implementing these laws are those who want to destroy this country, and then remake it into a Socialistic nation. They know that if they can divide people up and pit them against each other, our society will begin to crumble. They implement many things that are immoral and will destroy us. Yet, many of us seem to be oblivious to what is going on.
We all know about what happened last week when the governor of New York passed a law that allowed full term babies to be aborted. This is totally immoral. It is also totally unjust. If you think about the reasons that they give, you can see a lot of weakness in their law. Yet, we are powerless to do anything about it.
Of course, it goes back even further. Who gave people the right to have sexual relationships outside of marriage? God didn't. Where in the Bible does it talk about a 'woman's right to her own body'? It doesn't. So, these people are so far away from God, yet they are in our legal system making up the laws!
When America is finally destroyed, the people will have no choice but to depend upon the government (which is what they want), and socialism will begin.
But there is another group, which also seems somewhat oblivious to those at the top levels of our government creating the immoral laws. This group is the one focused on the social injustices that have gone on in this country. What seems to rile them up is when those things they consider to be unjust take place. Much of what they focus on has to do with racism, Gay rights, LGBT rights, transgender rights, etc. What they would blame the Conservatives of being guilty of are all the phobias (Islamic phobia, Xenophobia, homophobia, etc.)
This group is the one that concerns me most. It is a group made up of people who are professing Christians, who really seem to know the Lord. They aren't so much opposed to the laws being made that are immoral. They are totally focused on issues that involve injustices. They would classify themselves as 'social justice warriors', and they seem, in some ways, to be more united with the group that practices immorality, than they would be with the Conservatives.
This is what is so puzzling to me. For example, when the governors of Virginia and New York came out with their legalities supporting women who want to abort their babies when the babies are full term, the Conservatives and many true believers in Jesus Christ were in an uproar. And rightly so. But it didn't seem to have the same affect upon those Christians who focus on the social injustices. To them, it is way more important that we elect black people into office, even if they are immoral, as that is supposed to make things right between blacks and whites and will help with racial reconciliation.
Do you see the disconnect here though? These people who know the Bible, and know the Lord, are more concerned with racial issues than moral issues. I'm not saying that they approve of abortion or anything like that. But they do put an emphasis on other social justice issues that really shouldn't have that kind of priority, while so many other evil things are going on.
I'm not saying we should ignore racial issues either. Everything has its place. And if our local churches were accurately teaching the word of God, there would be racial reconciliation going on in our society, as well as those who would know better than to have an abortion or even engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage.
The government cannot change our hearts. Only God can do that. And we must 'fear the Lord' before this all makes sense to us. When we have healthy churches in this country, teaching the word of God accurately, many social issues will be resolved. Moral issues will also be taken care of. Hearts will change.
So, to recap, here are the three main focuses of the goals of the way people look at our political system today:
1. The group that is embracing immorality so that our country will be corrupted and destroyed
2. The professing Christians who believe in social justice above everything else
3. The professing Christians and Conservatives who focus on moral issues
There is nothing we can do about the first group except use spiritual warfare (praying, fasting, etc), but with the second group, there needs to be a change in priority issues. As serious as some of the social injustices are, much of that can be changed if we look at the moral issues behind them.
And one more word on this; much of what we hear and are being taught about social justice/injustice, is inaccurate or distorted. We need to have a good, Biblical understanding of how we are to treat others and how to deal with those who do not treat others properly. I have seen many distorted articles on how Conservatives are bigots and full of hate, when only the opposite is true. Anyone who uses the Bible to teach truth becomes a bigot. I have even heard people complain about Jesus saying He is the only way to heaven! This is part of the thinking of these social justice focusing people. In some states, you can't even talk about homosexuality, unless you are endorsing it! The sense of justice is off, because the people at the top who make the rules do not know God. So, the Christian who supports this social justice way of thinking needs to be careful lest he or she ends up supporting the LGBT or transgender rights and, at the expense of not standing up for the protection of the unborn (and now, in some places, newborns).
If we don't take care of the moral issues soon, we will not have a nation. At present, we have many in our government, at the top levels, who are people who have been turned over by God to their own wicked desires. They have no consciences. They have a distorted understanding of love. This group has a double standard; one for them, and another one for everyone else. They are hypocritical in their actions and accusations. If they continue to make laws, our country will not last much longer. Our freedoms will be very limited or even gone.
How to pray:
1. Pray for American people to learn 'the fear of the Lord'
2. Pray the wrongdoers will be caught in their wrongdoing and penalized
3. Pray for lost people to come to know the Lord
4. Pray for churches to accurately teach the word of God
5. Pray that racial reconciliation takes place in our churches
6. Pray that hardened, evil men and women will be removed from their places of office
7. Pray that God-fearing men and women will replace those who are implementing wicked laws
8. Pray for people who know the Lord, to become discerning and spiritually sharp
9. Pray that churches will repent of immorality and believing lies
10. Pray that abortion will come to an end in America
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Whenever the Enemy knows we will divide over issues, he is happy. United we stand. Divided we fall. |
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