Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Could Doctors Be legally Forced To Perform Abortions?

Lots of problems are on the horizon. We have veterinarians who are forced by law to give animals (your pet included) certain doses of medicine that could potentially kill your pet. We have laws coming out that would penalize parents and children who do not vaccinate their children. Now we have laws that allow a mother to let her baby die if she doesn't want the baby. What has happened to this country?

I remember listening to our pastor years ago, and he was saying that doctors were forced to perform abortions. My husband worked in the hospital industry at the time, and he said that wasn't true. That was at least 30 years ago. It wasn't true back then, but today that could happen.

What I think is happening, is that the Left is afraid because people are being appointed to the Supreme Court who are Pro-life. They are afraid because they fear that Roe vs. Wade could be overturned. So, they are being proactive and those in the legal system who are Pro-choice are going forward with horrible law making to protect their so called 'right' to abortion. Just in case abortions get outlawed, they want to have these laws in place.

So, I don't know if this is prophetic or just looking at the future with the way things are going, but, I have a feeling that, someday, possibly soon, laws will be passed to ensure the continuation of performing abortions legally, that will force OBGYNs to perform abortions or lose their licenses.

If you are a Pro-life obstetrician, please, don't abandon your job and position. Please continue to do your work ethically, and don't let the bad guys win. We have to be in tune, legally, and know what is going on. We need to pray that God will bring in Godly people to be in the top leadership of our country. We need to pray for God to raise up God-fearing people to be in our legal system, making the laws of the land.

Where did we go wrong? I will have to write another blog on that. My personal opinion is that one big reason we went wrong is in the area of holding onto truth - the truth of the Gospel message. For example, I have talked to a lot of people about the Gospel message. Many of them respond to me by saying that God is all-loving and all-forgiving. In a sense, that is true. But who is He all-loving towards and all-forgiving towards? It is those who repented of their sins, and who have put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It does not apply to those who have only a head knowledge of what Jesus did for them on the Cross, yet, their lives are not affected by the Gospel message.

We have to have some understanding of the seriousness of our sin, and how it relates to our relationship with God. If we just ask Jesus into our hearts, and go on our merry way, nothing has happened spiritually in our hearts, and we will be deceived into thinking that we are ready for heaven, when we really aren't.

This false Gospel message has permeated the church. Many professing Christians believe in Jesus, but they have never come to know Him, nor have they repented of their sins. If these people make up the church, no wonder the church is weak. It doesn't represent the true and living God, and its people are living a lie.

There are even 'churches' and 'pastors' out there who tell their people that God wants women to abort their babies. Do we not fear God anymore? Do we even have any idea who God is and what His word tells us? Probably not, as many believe that the belief system of the culture has more validity and weight than the word of God.

We need to come back to the Bible and know what it says. God is amazing. He is not a Genie in a bottle or an idol to be worshiped as an idol. God is God, and we must worship Him for who He is.

We need to get back to the true and living God, as He describes Himself in His word.

May God help every doctor, OBGYN, and veterinarian
stay faithful to the truth

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