Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Three Most Prevalent Political Groups Today

Everyone knows about the two main political groups. They have several names, but they are more commonly known as Leftists (or Liberals) and Conservatives.

Both Liberals and Conservatives have opposing views on many of the main issues. There is a clear distinction between the values of these two groups. But there is a third group thrown into the mix, as well.

The third group consists of Conservatives, many professing Christians, who are opposed to Donald Trump. Many of the reasons for their opposition are the same reasons as the Liberals hold to. But there is a difference.

Liberals do not care about people's morals. In fact, it seems like those they would elect into office have corrupt morals. This helps to fit into their worldview. So, why would  the Liberals be so concerned about Donald Trump being corrupt, as they say he is? The answer is, they aren't. They aren't concerned about Donald Trump's supposed corruptness. But they are the ones telling people Trump is corrupt. What gives?

Keep in mind that the Liberals do not care if their leaders are corrupt or deceitful. We have seen evidence of that for the past several months. Their beloved candidate was caught in lies, yet, they overlooked it. They called those lies, 'careless mistakes'. So why are they so concerned about Donald Trump's corruptness?

The Left has known to not hold to the truth. In fact, they are good at name calling and throwing temper tantrums. Hitler had an interesting quote one time. Although I don't know it word for word, it goes something like this; if you tell a lie long enough, eventually the people will believe it. How true that is. How easily we fall into the trap of believing lies.

I am not going to cover the name calling and lies that are out there on this page. But, suffice it to say, that I believe, and this is just my opinion, that the Left has been successful in promoting lies of how corrupt Donald Trump is. And because they continually do this, some, actually many, have fallen for this lie.

This third political group is the one who has fallen for the slander put out by mainstream media, which is controlled by Liberals. This third group of Conservatives believe that one cannot vote for someone who is corrupt, no matter how good and beneficial his policies are. But that begs a lot of questions. How good does someone have to be if they are running for the office of presidency? Would I qualify for being the president of the United States by this standard of goodness? Would anyone qualify for this office? What if someone running for presidency has good leadership qualities yet is 'corrupt' (or perceived as corrupt?)

What I am confused about is how someone who is corrupt can make good, wise, and helpful decisions for our country. Does the end justify the means? Those in this third group would say, 'no'. They would say that you must vote for someone who is not corrupt. It is a matter of right and wrong in their eyes.

I think a lot of issues are blurred. There is a lot of slander and we need to know how to separate the truth from the lies. We need to be honest with ourselves and if the candidate we hate actually shows good qualities and decision making, we need to ask ourselves if perhaps God is at work in this situation. Maybe God is working in spite of the fact (or belief) that our country's leader is corrupt. Perhaps the man really is trusting in God, at least in some degree, as the president of the United States. And perhaps God is going to reveal Himself to this man, and just maybe, he will come to know the Lord, sometime during his lifetime.

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