Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Friday, July 16, 2021

What Are The Big Social Media Platforms Trying To Hide?

 I am almost hesitant  on writing blogs, simply because I have no idea what my blog page looks like when it is finished. I have gone to some web pages that were covered with ads and those blogs and articles are hard to read underneath the blogs. 

But I do want to write articles again, so you all can continue to read them. And I have to write them as soon as the idea comes to my mind or I will never remember what I intended to write. 

This one has to do with the obvious. Of course, if a person chooses to close their eyes to reality, they wont see. 

One thing that amazes me is the hidden works of darkness are being exposed. For example, months ago, Mike Lindell made a video revealing much of what happened during the 2020 election. In other words, there was clearcut evidence, in many forms, that there was voter fraud. The video he made (it may have been live, I can't remember) was taken down by every video sponsor. Then it would appear again on another video format. It would just keep being taken down. Then the video would appear somewhere else, only to be taken down. This went on all day. There may actually be one source that kept the video on. 

I find it amazing and amusing that beginning in January, people began to be silenced on social media. What does that tell you? Do you think we are stupid and don't know what's going on? Donald Trump was banned from Twitter and then eventually banned from Facebook. Sidney Powell was also banned from some social media sites. Others who follow Trump were also banned from social media. 

What are they trying to hide?

I posted something on Facebook which had Hitler's name on it. I was banned for 48 hours. My daughter just posted a comment about Cuba. She was banned for 24 hours. Why would they hide a quote from Hitler and information about what's going on in Cuba right now? They don't want you to know what is really happening. They want to take that information, formulate it to match their narrative, then they will spit it back out. It will be their version of Hitler and Cuba. 

What are they trying to hide?

I could go on and on with examples of people who have been banned from social media. It's not only politics either. Those who are into alternative health have experienced being banned as well. But the big things now that they are filtering are to do with either Covid or the vaccine. Some Facebook groups have gotten warnings about posting anything to do with the vaccines. 

What are they trying to hide? What is your guess?

My guess is that they don't want people to know about the election fraud. They fear what could happen if people find out the true results of the election. And they can't handle that. They don't want you to know about the vaccines because they are still at experimental stage and are dangerous. Plus, the vaccines can be used to control people with and keep tabs on them. It's becoming an issue of control and the Left does not want to stop that from happening. 

If the Left is correct on who they believe really won the election, then they should welcome any challenges to the election. If they truly won the election, and there are all these audits and things going on to try to show what really happened, the Democrats should welcome this. But the opposite is happening. 

What are they trying to keep hidden?

One more thing I want to bring up as well. The more I see of what CNN, The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, just to name a few, are publishing and promoting, the more I understand how severe this situation is. I go to a news page to get my email. On this page are tons of headlines of articles. The first day I went to this page and actually looked over it, I found 3 articles, written by journalists, attacking and outright lying about Donald Trump. There was also an article attacking Ron DeSantis, and another one attacking Mike Lindell. And these were just the headlines of the articles that had the link to the actual articles. Most of the slanderous articles originally came from The Huffington Post or The Daily Beast. Honestly, I don't have a problem with us reading these articles, as long as we can be discerning and not just accept them as honest journalism. We do need to know what the other side is doing. But we also need to know that their hearts are not right with people, nor with God. They have no conscience, so they are at peace with lying and destroying people they don't like. 

Not only are they trying to keep things hidden. They are trying to erase History. When true History is fully erased, then they can rewrite it the way they want to, in order to empower their narrative.

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