Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Cherry Picking For The Government?

  I was reading an article by Marion Nestle (Food Politics) and I thought it was interesting. In the article, the writer expressed concern and disappointment because the President wants to deregulate certain rules that are being followed by the FDA. The one at hand is a rule concerning how many cherries that frozen pie makers are required to have in their pies.

   I'm just going to put this out for my readers to consider. I find some of the Food Politics articles to be interesting, so I don't want to dis them. But I do want us to see how effective the Liberal Left has been in persuading us in our thinking.

  Here's more on the article:
"I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I hear things like this. According to a report from the Associated Press, the FDA plans to follow the Trump administration’s deregulaory agenda by getting rid of the standard of identity rules for frozen cherry pies.

The rules currently require commercial frozen cherry pies to be filled with “mature, pitted, stemmed cherries that are fresh, frozen, and/or canned,” to contain at least 25% cherries by weight, and to have no more than 15% of the cherries with blemishes." Marion Nestle

First of all, who is responsible for deciding how much cherry weight is to fill our frozen pies? I am not necessarily looking for an answer for this, and it is a good question. It's a little bit like 'checks and balances'. It is a form of accountability. 

So, should the frozen cherry pie makers have to give account of their product to a governmental agency? If not, where else should they give an account to or should they be accountable at all? 

This is just my take on this; It looks like we are looking to a governmental agency to protect us. Maybe that isn't a bad thing in itself. But where does it end? If the government has the right to decide the rules concerning a frozen pie, what other rules will the government have over businesses? How far will this go?

Did you know that elite schools such as Harvard actually form people and train them so they will be able to run operations like the FDA or the EPA? Those are governmental agencies, and they have a lot more power than what we realize. And they are in bed with the government, so to speak.

If groups like these are making decisions that affect our businesses and how we live, and they are made up of people who have been schooled in Left-wing ideology, what can we expect from them?How will these groups give oversight to our businesses and lives? How much control should they have? Should they have any control over businesses?

Those who think with a Left-wing mindset believe that people are not capable of making their own decisions. They need a grown up to make their decisions for them. That is one goal of a Socialistic government. Basically, they don't want people to make their own decisions. They want to be the ones to call the shots. That way, the government will be run by them, not by people. They decide how restaurants should run. They decide how healthcare will work. They decide how many cherries are supposed to be in frozen pies. The list goes on and on. 

Problem is, those who come out of Harvard or Yale do not necessarily know how businesses are to be run. They don't really know how many cherries are supposed to go into a frozen pie. They weren't trained for that. 

It seems like there should be someone to give account to. Giving account is a good thing. But is the government the best place to be accountable to and is it right?

Maybe this is the reason why we should have self-government. But wait, self-government really only works for those who are born again, those who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Self-government is for those who have the mind of Christ and the power of God to live a holy life. 

Think about this; if more people were born again and living out their lives for the Lord, we would not need much government. Maybe the answer to all this is simply to do evangelism and plant churches.

Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,.."
1 Timothy 1:8-10 ESV

What to pray for:
* Wisdom for those in authority
* People who break the law will be caught and penalized
* People in America to learn the 'fear of the Lord'.
* God to expose the hidden works of darkness.

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