Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What Is The Bigger Picture, Politically Speaking?

What is the goal of humankind when it comes to government, etc.? Human beings, created in the image of God, carry also the image of Satan, and when it comes to the political world, what can we expect?

  One of the biggest cravings mankind has is for power. Another craving is greed, usually in the form of money. Power, greed, and status is what people look for to attain.

  Why am I laying this foundation down? This has been the problem since the time of the fall. If you study world History as well as the History written down in the Bible, you will see these traits easily.

  Why is this so important for us to understand? America is not only battling with people inside its own country, there are spiritual forces that want to use people to control others in a wrong way. We need to understand what these spiritual forces are doing, and the weapons they are using, so we can fight in the spiritual realm with the spiritual weapons we have.

  Throughout History, most governments have been oppressive. The rulers of the countries had too much power and the people had too little power. Some countries had more freedom than others. But some countries were under oppression for the heavy rules with severe consequences when they were broken.

  I believe America is a gift from God, not that we should enjoy our freedom in a selfish way, but that we can be loosed and provided for, because we live in a free land. But what is happening to America?

  At the top levels of our government, we have Trojan Horses which came in when we weren't paying attention. Now these Trojan Horses are trying to betray us and push for a country that has more governmental powers and less freedom for the people.

  Governments that have all power are called 'tyrannies'. People who live under tyrannical governments are oppressed. Don't listen to John Lennon's song 'Imagine'. His song depicts a Utopian type of society where no one owns anything and life is meaningless. Lennon indicates that he hopes someday everyone will join him and his throng, and then the world will be as one. Living under a government where someone else makes your decisions is not freedom!

   Those who hold to Socialism/Communism aren't understanding the bigger picture of what all that involves. They bribe people with free stuff, to get the support of the people. They create victim groups and divide people groups against each other. Groups which are supported legally are formed to punish anyone they claim is using hate speech or who says anything negative about something or someone.

   Communism does not solve the problem of poverty. The principles of Socialism will actually serve to keep a group of people in a welfare state. Those people will have no choice but to depend upon the government for everything they need. This welfare underclass will be very large. It will receive its funding from the citizens who will be heavily taxed. Many people with good paying jobs today, could find themselves in this underclass someday.

   How does this all start in America? It begins by corrupting society. Some of the ways society is corrupted is by the breakdown of the home unit. Healthy homes will result in a healthy society. Broken homes will result in a broken society. Corruption always is the result of immorality.

  We have successfully turned our backs on God and rejected His standard. The Bible is very clear on many things. For example, the Bible says that we are not allowed to commit adultery. But today, somehow, we think things have changed. Somehow, in our minds, God must have changed His mind about those things He said, thousands of years ago. But God's word is very clear. His words will never pass away. God does not change His mind on sin. His standard will never change, no matter how much society wants it to change.

   The next step is to work with lies and deception. Also, it involves changing the rules when necessary. So, if someone in a governmental position lies under oath, its ok to say that they really didn't mean to do what they did. Or, as in a fairly recent case, the charge was 'carelessness'. Doesn't matter that they commit perjury.

  After that, the following step is to use the weapon of hatred. Along with that comes the action of character assassination, and slander. If their scheme is threatened, then they use these weapons and they do not care if they hurt people or not. They live in a world of lies, and many of them actually do believe their own lies.

  Then there is the division making. They create people groups and pit people against each other. One thing I would like to point out is that, although there are still bigots in our country, there are many, many people who just want everyone to get along with each other. Many are open to racial reconciliation, and many sympathize with minority groups and want to empower the people in these groups. Yet, there are those who are emphasizing racial division. They would lead the public to believe that this is still a big problem in our country, and that it is getting worse.

  First of all, concerning this problem, if a person is truly in Christ, the love of God will be there. I can't imagine anyone who has a healthy relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who, at the same time, hates people who have another skin tone or color. This doesn't make any sense, and it is unbiblical. Many churches are trying hard to learn how to reconcile different cultures. So when the mainstream media starts shouting about how bad America is with racial problems, take a look at what is happening in the church.

  So, here are some of the evil weapons used to bring corruption in our land:
1. lies
2. Deception
3. Hatred
4. Manipulation
5. Broken Homes
6. Division
7. Slander/Character Assassination

And I am sure the list could go on.

  So, the bigger picture is not what the mainstream media portrays and gives us. The bigger picture involves a movement of people who are pressing in hard to destroy our country through corruption, then, once destroyed, they will remake it into a Socialistic/Communistic nation. When people are ignorant, they will fall for the lies. When people stop fearing God, they live their lives without a conscience to protect them from doing wrong. When they stop fearing God, they will listen to the wrong voices for wisdom and direction. The country will fall apart, and the ones who will pick it back up again are the ones who hate America, for what it has always stood for; freedom, and they will remake it into the image they want, which is Socialism/Communism.

  How do we pray?
* Pray for solid homes
* Pray for the standard of right and wrong, good and evil, and light and darkness to be raised up
* Pray for God to fill our hearts with His love.
* Pray for God's love to reach the lost.
* Pray that God will raise up evangelists to share and proclaim the Gospel message
* Pray that God will guide us into all truth, and that we will listen.
* Pray for God to have mercy to those who are in darkness and that He will pull out of darkness, those who will come to know Him.
* Pray for Bible believing, Spirit filled churches to be planted all throughout America.

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." - Adolf Hitler

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