Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Is It Possible For People To Worship The Government?

I hear a lot of talk from those who believe we are entitled to rights to all kinds of things. Some think they have a right to have an abortion, if they want one. Others seem to think that everyone should have a right to health care.

What does God say? He gives us certain privileges and responsibilities. He tells us that 'we are not our own. We are bought with a price'. Also, we will give account to God for everything we do, say, and how we used our resources.

People think they have a right to these things because they don't understand that they are only stewards of what God has blessed them with. We don't actually own anything. Whatever we have comes from God and is to be taken care of and used for His purposes and glory.

What's more, is that these people who think they have a right to whatever they want, expect the government to give them those things.

God's word says that, for those who trust in Jesus Christ and have Him as their Lord, God will provide for those who know Him. God will take care of them.

So, it looks like some are in idolatry here. Could many people be actually worshiping the government instead of the true and living God?

I think so.

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