Lenin Quote

Lenin Quote
The Goal of Socialism

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Talented, Skilled, Healthy, Prosperous People Are Bullies

So let me see if I understand this correctly. If someone is endowed with a talent, skill, or career, that person is, by default, a bully? A racist, maybe?

What kind of logic is this? I understand a little about Yin/Yang, and wonder if there is a connection. Yin/Yang is a belief system that says that everything is equal or balalnced, if I understand correctly. If that principle is involved in this type of thinking, then for every person who is privileged, there will be a person who has no privileges.

Since America is such a prosperous nation, compared to other nations, then the only way for the other nations to become prosperous is for America to step down and not be so prosperous. Then other nations will come up and it will be balanced.

But what if God gives blessing and prosperity to an individual? What happens next? The Enemy of our souls will use the kind of logic I just wrote about and people will think it is unfair. Of course, the Left generally doesn't believe or trust in God, so they think the unfairness is due to natural causes instead.

So, for whatever reason of Donald Trump's good health report, the Left is angry once more. It's not fair. After all, Hillary got very sick during the campaign and her health was in question.

So much for the wishful thinking that Donald Trump is mentally ill or unfit physically for being president.

I wonder what it was that the president did to get such a good health report anyway? By the way, I am not convinced that he drinks Diet Cokes and eats McDonalds all the time. That's probably wishful thinking on the part of the Left to try to construct a story to disqualify the President's ability to be in office because of his poor health that would result from such a diet.

But whatever the reason for his strong stamina and clean bill of health, many will see this as more evidence that he is a bully. May God give him continued strength and health and wisdom in leading out country for the next 3-7 years.

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