I think, a lot of times, we blame God for things that the devil is responsible for. We blame God for all the wars that have been fought throughout History. We blame Him for the evil that happens to people, especially children. We see people suffering with hunger in third world countries. And many blame God for all that.
Yet, could there be another element to this dilemma? Maybe something or someone else is responsible for all the suffering and hardships people are facing in this world. Could it be that we all have another common Enemy. And could it be that this Enemy is skilled at deception and blame shifting?
God created the world perfectly, to begin with. He set boundaries for the first people He created. There would be consequences for violating those boundaries. God made His rules and principles clear to His people. Yet, the people He created chose to disobey and disregard the rules He made and the boundaries He placed around them.
And there were consequences. We experience those consequences today, as we speak. Chaos and disorder abound. Wars seem inevitable. We become so filled with ourselves, that we end up hating ourselves and others. We listen to the lies of the devil and take them seriously, as if our lives depended upon them. We hate, and we are hated by others.
This is not the kind of world God created for us to live in! There was a war in heaven, and the Enemy of our souls defied the true and living God. Although we don't know what that looked like or what exactly might have taken place, the Bible is very clear that it happened. The devil has no fear of God, and challenges God all the time. The devil tricks us and we fall into his traps. We believe his lies. Then he laughs at us and accuses us before God.
Yet, we are very sure that God is the one who intends to hurt us and make us unhappy. We blame God for the wars that have gone on throughout History. We blame God for the suffering in the world. Yet, who is the real cause of our suffering? Who is behind it all?
When God first created the world, the first man, Adam, lived in a Paradise type land. Every type of plant was available for him to eat and to look at. God created a woman for Adam and he called her name, 'Eve'. Adam was very happy with Eve, yet, there was a time when Adam wanted to test the boundaries that God had placed around him.
Adam walked with God. God had taught Adam many things and one of those things was that Adam could eat of any tree in the Garden. Any tree, except one, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If he ate from that tree, there would be consequences. The devil came up to Eve one time (notice, the devil did not come to Adam!) and he lied to her about what would happen if Eve were to take of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve was curious, and thought it would be a desirable thing to do, so she took. Satan lied to her about becoming like God, if she should eat of this fruit. Not only did she take, but she gave some to Adam, and he took as well. He knew better and was tricked into thinking he would get a better deal if he took the fruit. Instead of having to trust in God for wisdom now, he could have wisdom independent of God. So, both Adam and Eve took the fruit and there were consequences. God found them and told them the consequences. One of the things that happened, was that there would, from that point on, be enmity between human beings and the devil.
From that point on, the devil has been making war against people. But people don't understand that. They can't see the devil, so, they think the person they are arguing with, or the person who is hating them, is the bad guy. Yes, we all have to give account for what we do. And if we listen to the devil, which we will do, by default, if we are not listening to God, we will be deceived.
The devil is behind all the wars going on. He incites people and causes them to fight against each other. Satan is raging with hatred, and when people express this kind of hatred, they are carrying the devil's hatred for people in their own hearts.
I never want us to think that when we do something bad or wrong, that the devil made me do it. We still have a choice not to listen or obey the devil. But many times, even out of ignorance, we blindly follow the devil's instructions. We will be accountable to God, for disobeying God!
But you may ask, how would anyone even know what God is saying? Has God spoken to us? The answer is, yes! God has given us His word. His word tells us of His promises to us. Not only that, but, when we are in God's word, we learn to be discerning. We can learn to recognize when God is speaking to us, and when the devil is tempting us to believe a lie. God's word helps us to be discerning. It helps us to separate the truth from the lies.
The devil is like a puppet master. He is behind the scenes orchestrating the activities of people and nations. He is the Father of Lies and lies to his people continually. But we don't see them as lies, because they appear to us as the truth. Again, that is where knowing what the Bible says can help.
There is a term used by magicians called, misdirection. What the magician does, is to make the audience focus on something in a particular direction, while the magician does something that could be visible, that will make his trick work. He doesn't want the audience to see what he is doing, so, by some action, he gets the audience to focus on something elsewhere. That way, the audience won't see what he is doing in order to get the trick or illusion to work out right, because they will be focused on the other thing. The devil is like that as well. He gets us to focus on the wrong things, while he accomplishes many things behind our backs, or while we aren't looking.
Satan causes a lot of suffering in the world. But none of us has to be subject to the devil. We can put our trust in God, and we can turn to Him in repentance and faith. When we trust in what Jesus did on the Cross, then we can be forgiven of all our sins, and we can become a new creature in Christ. The power of God will live in us and give us victory over sin and the devil. God the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. Then we will more easily be able to separate the truth from the lies. Plus, the love of God will be in our hearts, and we will be able to be reconciled to people around us.
When we are born again, we are born into God's family. Our spirit, which was dead, is now alive. We are alive spiritually and have eternal life with God.
Isn't living like this much better than living in a world filled with hate and fighting? In the kingdom of God, there are no bullies. God is the God of peace and reconciliation.
Lenin Quote

The Goal of Socialism
Monday, November 12, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
2018 Midterm Contrast
This meme says it all. I have nothing more to say about this except that all of us need to vote, and we need to vote wisely.
Monday, November 5th, has been designated as a day of prayer and fasting for our country. Let's be praying and fasting for the continuation of a free nation, and let's make sure we get out and vote on or before November 6th!
May God make the people in this country discerning. May we learn how to separate the truth from the lies. May we be able to separate good from evil and light from darkness. May we walk in the light and promote the truth in love!
Monday, November 5th, has been designated as a day of prayer and fasting for our country. Let's be praying and fasting for the continuation of a free nation, and let's make sure we get out and vote on or before November 6th!
May God make the people in this country discerning. May we learn how to separate the truth from the lies. May we be able to separate good from evil and light from darkness. May we walk in the light and promote the truth in love!
Monday, October 22, 2018
Why Some People Think Capitalism Is Evil
Some light has been shed on the subject. Now I understand why some people think Capitalism is evil. It makes sense like never before.
Why is Capitalism evil in the eyes of some people? It is simply because our culture has been ingrained to believe in a philosophy that originally comes from Eastern religions.
The philosophy is called, 'Yin-Yang'. Whether we want to believe it or not, we, as a nation, seemed to have embraced this idea. Probably even without realizing it.
So, what is Yin-Yang* anyway? It is the thought that everything must be balanced. Everything in this universe is balanced naturally. Some examples are things that are opposite, like light and darkness, and life and death. But it even affects wealth and poverty, for they are also opposites which balance each other out.
How does this tie in with Capitalism? Capitalism works because people want to work to earn a living, by using their skills and talents which ultimately, not only serve the person's family, but also serves others. When Capitalism excels, people earn more money. Some become wealthy. In the understanding of people who embrace Yin-Yang, that means that there will be people in poverty. That is how Yin-Yang balances itself out.
I remember listening to a teaching on apologetics a while back, and the instructor was having a dialog with an Indian waitress. India is a very poor country, if you have never studied this before. Years ago, because of their religious belief in reincarnation, they didn't eat meat. They also had a caste system working for them which put people in different places or classes, depending upon their finances. There is a lot of poverty in India. It is indeed very sad. The instructor was talking with this waitress, and she was not open to Christianity. When the instructor drew her out, it had to do with the fact that there were Indian boys suffering in poverty, while American boys, were able to have video games and other such nice toys. In the understanding of the Indian waitress, she believed that the Indian boys who were suffering, suffered because American boys were wealthy. For every rich American boy, there would be a balance of a poverty stricken boy, somewhere in the world. That is how Yin-Yang balances itself out.
What does God say about this? God sends blessings to those who know Him, as well as to those who do not know Him. God allows difficulties to come to those who know Him, and to those who don't. His blessings are common blessings to all.
But as far as wealth and poverty go, God blesses those who work hard. The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about working hard verses being lazy. It is not about nature balancing economics out around the world. God expects all of us to work hard, with the skills and abilities He has given to each one of us.
Third World countries suffer mainly because of the type of government they have. Many governments are oppressive and do not allow freedom for people to use their skills and talents, to build a community. Women are oppressed in many of these cultures, and there is not enough opportunity for them to build a community which will in turn, provide jobs for people to have. It doesn't have anything to do with America being the wealthiest nation in the world. It's not like America is wealthy, so that means another large nation will become poverty stricken. It doesn't balance itself out like that.
Actually, America is the wealthiest nation in the world, and that the world has ever had. If one wants to balance this out, then one other large nation would be poverty stricken. Out of all the nations in the world, there would be an equal amount of wealthy nations to poor nations.
Whenever God entrusts something to us, we must be faithful with it and use it to serve others. I believe God brought America about in order for our country to be able to serve other countries and to even help them to prosper, or at least teach them how to be prosperous. I think this could happen, but as I mentioned above, the governments of many of these countries will get in the way, and help will not be available to the people.
One other thing; It is not good for people to uproot themselves and leave their societies. Sometimes, this has to be done though, for safety or survival reasons, but generally speaking, people should stay planted where they are and develop their own societies. Also, for an American to go to another country and to try to change things and 'Americanize' the people group, is wrong. We go over there to help other people get started. It is up to them to take the ball and run with it.
For more information on Yin-Yang, please go to https://feng-shui.lovetoknow.com/Ying_Yang_Meaning
Why is Capitalism evil in the eyes of some people? It is simply because our culture has been ingrained to believe in a philosophy that originally comes from Eastern religions.
The philosophy is called, 'Yin-Yang'. Whether we want to believe it or not, we, as a nation, seemed to have embraced this idea. Probably even without realizing it.
So, what is Yin-Yang* anyway? It is the thought that everything must be balanced. Everything in this universe is balanced naturally. Some examples are things that are opposite, like light and darkness, and life and death. But it even affects wealth and poverty, for they are also opposites which balance each other out.
How does this tie in with Capitalism? Capitalism works because people want to work to earn a living, by using their skills and talents which ultimately, not only serve the person's family, but also serves others. When Capitalism excels, people earn more money. Some become wealthy. In the understanding of people who embrace Yin-Yang, that means that there will be people in poverty. That is how Yin-Yang balances itself out.
I remember listening to a teaching on apologetics a while back, and the instructor was having a dialog with an Indian waitress. India is a very poor country, if you have never studied this before. Years ago, because of their religious belief in reincarnation, they didn't eat meat. They also had a caste system working for them which put people in different places or classes, depending upon their finances. There is a lot of poverty in India. It is indeed very sad. The instructor was talking with this waitress, and she was not open to Christianity. When the instructor drew her out, it had to do with the fact that there were Indian boys suffering in poverty, while American boys, were able to have video games and other such nice toys. In the understanding of the Indian waitress, she believed that the Indian boys who were suffering, suffered because American boys were wealthy. For every rich American boy, there would be a balance of a poverty stricken boy, somewhere in the world. That is how Yin-Yang balances itself out.
What does God say about this? God sends blessings to those who know Him, as well as to those who do not know Him. God allows difficulties to come to those who know Him, and to those who don't. His blessings are common blessings to all.
But as far as wealth and poverty go, God blesses those who work hard. The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about working hard verses being lazy. It is not about nature balancing economics out around the world. God expects all of us to work hard, with the skills and abilities He has given to each one of us.
Third World countries suffer mainly because of the type of government they have. Many governments are oppressive and do not allow freedom for people to use their skills and talents, to build a community. Women are oppressed in many of these cultures, and there is not enough opportunity for them to build a community which will in turn, provide jobs for people to have. It doesn't have anything to do with America being the wealthiest nation in the world. It's not like America is wealthy, so that means another large nation will become poverty stricken. It doesn't balance itself out like that.
Actually, America is the wealthiest nation in the world, and that the world has ever had. If one wants to balance this out, then one other large nation would be poverty stricken. Out of all the nations in the world, there would be an equal amount of wealthy nations to poor nations.
Whenever God entrusts something to us, we must be faithful with it and use it to serve others. I believe God brought America about in order for our country to be able to serve other countries and to even help them to prosper, or at least teach them how to be prosperous. I think this could happen, but as I mentioned above, the governments of many of these countries will get in the way, and help will not be available to the people.
One other thing; It is not good for people to uproot themselves and leave their societies. Sometimes, this has to be done though, for safety or survival reasons, but generally speaking, people should stay planted where they are and develop their own societies. Also, for an American to go to another country and to try to change things and 'Americanize' the people group, is wrong. We go over there to help other people get started. It is up to them to take the ball and run with it.
For more information on Yin-Yang, please go to https://feng-shui.lovetoknow.com/Ying_Yang_Meaning
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Yin-Yang symbol |
Thursday, October 11, 2018
So Who Are The Real Nazis?
During the 2016 presidential campaign, a rumor went out saying that Donald Trump is a Nazi. Many bought into this fairy tale, and to this day, the story continues, at least on the side that is opposed to Trump.
In the 1930s, Hitler made his mark on the world. He had it out with a group of people he hated, and had over 6 million of them killed. It was mainly one group of people, the Jews, who were the hated targets. He hated them because they were great business people and were doing so well economically, that he saw them as a threat.
Fast forward to the present. Conservatives, and in particular, Donald Trump, are labeled as 'Nazis'. I find this ironic, especially since these people have been asked why they consider Trump as a Nazi, they either give some unrelated answer or no answer at all.
Maybe a theory would be, since Donald Trump wants to build a border wall, he must be targeting a group of people he hates, and in this case, it would be people with brown skin. Anyone who has been aware of events happening in the past 50+ years knows that there is a drug epidemic that is not helped because people from Central and South America can enter into the country at will. Not only are there problems with drugs, but also the sex-slave trade benefits from having no boundary that will keep the criminals out. But the Left disregards this information, and holds onto their belief system that Donald Trump is a Nazi.
But who are the real Nazis today? Could it be that the Liberal Left are the true Nazis of our day? Take a look at what they are doing, and see the similarities between them and Hitler.
The Left has a targeted group they attack as well as Hitler did. These people they are seeking out to destroy are not the Jews though. They are not blacks, Puerto Ricans, Oriental, or any other race of people. But they are non other than the white males who live in America and call themselves Americans.
Not only does the Left have their targeted group, but they are even taking stabs at destroying this group of people. The cause of their hatred of white males is called, 'White Supremacy'. They accuse every person born with white skin and of the male gender, of being a supremacist.
We see this action carried out when a practice baseball game is underway, and a shooter comes out and uses his gun on these people. Oh, did I mention that the group is even more refined than just white males. This hated group is made up of 'Christian' white males, meaning Conservative white men. In this incident, one white male, who is Conservative almost lost his life.
Yes, the white 'Christian' male poses a threat to everyone else, according to their theory. They would get rid of them in a heart beat, if they could.
So, who are the real Nazis here? I think you can begin to see who the true Socialists are. May the true Nazis stand up and admit who they are! (No, they won't because they use something called, deflection, which takes the focus off themselves, and puts it on others to make the others look like the bad guys).
Next time you hear Maxine Waters order her followers to harass people who are Conservatives, and supporters of Donald Trump, remember who the real Nazis are. Next time you see a comedian depicting acts of killing Donald Trump, remember who the real Nazi is. The next time you read an email from MoveOn organization (funded and supported by George Soros), you will be freshly aware of who the real Nazis are. And it isn't Donald Trump. Nor is it the Conservatives or white Christian men.
* Pray that God would open our eyes, and the eyes of those who know Him, to the truth.
* Pray for God to help us separate the truth from the lies.
* Pray for the salvation of lost souls who are caught in the midst of the ideology of the Liberal Left.
* Pray for God to raise up God fearing men and women to be put in places of authority especially in the government.
* Pray that God will remove unrighteous authority from their office. Pray for them to be replaced by Godly people.
In the 1930s, Hitler made his mark on the world. He had it out with a group of people he hated, and had over 6 million of them killed. It was mainly one group of people, the Jews, who were the hated targets. He hated them because they were great business people and were doing so well economically, that he saw them as a threat.
Fast forward to the present. Conservatives, and in particular, Donald Trump, are labeled as 'Nazis'. I find this ironic, especially since these people have been asked why they consider Trump as a Nazi, they either give some unrelated answer or no answer at all.
Maybe a theory would be, since Donald Trump wants to build a border wall, he must be targeting a group of people he hates, and in this case, it would be people with brown skin. Anyone who has been aware of events happening in the past 50+ years knows that there is a drug epidemic that is not helped because people from Central and South America can enter into the country at will. Not only are there problems with drugs, but also the sex-slave trade benefits from having no boundary that will keep the criminals out. But the Left disregards this information, and holds onto their belief system that Donald Trump is a Nazi.
But who are the real Nazis today? Could it be that the Liberal Left are the true Nazis of our day? Take a look at what they are doing, and see the similarities between them and Hitler.
The Left has a targeted group they attack as well as Hitler did. These people they are seeking out to destroy are not the Jews though. They are not blacks, Puerto Ricans, Oriental, or any other race of people. But they are non other than the white males who live in America and call themselves Americans.
Not only does the Left have their targeted group, but they are even taking stabs at destroying this group of people. The cause of their hatred of white males is called, 'White Supremacy'. They accuse every person born with white skin and of the male gender, of being a supremacist.
We see this action carried out when a practice baseball game is underway, and a shooter comes out and uses his gun on these people. Oh, did I mention that the group is even more refined than just white males. This hated group is made up of 'Christian' white males, meaning Conservative white men. In this incident, one white male, who is Conservative almost lost his life.
Yes, the white 'Christian' male poses a threat to everyone else, according to their theory. They would get rid of them in a heart beat, if they could.
So, who are the real Nazis here? I think you can begin to see who the true Socialists are. May the true Nazis stand up and admit who they are! (No, they won't because they use something called, deflection, which takes the focus off themselves, and puts it on others to make the others look like the bad guys).
Next time you hear Maxine Waters order her followers to harass people who are Conservatives, and supporters of Donald Trump, remember who the real Nazis are. Next time you see a comedian depicting acts of killing Donald Trump, remember who the real Nazi is. The next time you read an email from MoveOn organization (funded and supported by George Soros), you will be freshly aware of who the real Nazis are. And it isn't Donald Trump. Nor is it the Conservatives or white Christian men.
* Pray that God would open our eyes, and the eyes of those who know Him, to the truth.
* Pray for God to help us separate the truth from the lies.
* Pray for the salvation of lost souls who are caught in the midst of the ideology of the Liberal Left.
* Pray for God to raise up God fearing men and women to be put in places of authority especially in the government.
* Pray that God will remove unrighteous authority from their office. Pray for them to be replaced by Godly people.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Bingo - The Reason Why Many Professing Christians Are Thinking Like Leftists
For a couple of years now, I have been puzzled as to why there are people who profess to know Jesus Christ, yet, they think like a Leftist.
I know one person, at least, who voted for Hillary, because of disgust with the Conservatives. There are pastors or Bible teachers out there dissing President Trump for his supposed bigotry and desire for building a border wall. Yet, in the past, Conservatives everywhere would have backed any president wanting to build a wall to help prevent crimes like drug use and the acts of the sex slave trade.
It makes sense when a president wants to build up the military for his country, and when he honors those who have served our country in war time, yet, there are some professing believers that have no regard for this. The question is, why?
I finally figured out what the problem is, why professing Christians are thinking and siding with the Left. Finally, it came to me.
Recently, I saw a post from someone I know and respect, who is recommending a black candidate for governor. I was surprised, because this man is openly Socialistic. He also supports abortion and other wrongs being committed and carried out in this country.
So, what it is that I am now seeing? It was so simple, I missed it. The issue has to do with 'social justice', or maybe we should call it, 'social injustice'.
God has put in each one of us, a justice system. We know right from wrong, and when we see someone being treated unfairly, or an innocent person being charged as guilty, something rises up inside of us. We want to stand in the place and be the judge. If nobody fixes it, we become angry.
Here's where these people go wrong; they go wrong when they fail to see the bigger picture of issues. They go wrong when they listen to the wrong people who are deciding what is right and wrong. They are listening to the wrong people who are making up issues that either don't exist, or are exaggerated and morphed into something else.
Lots of examples I could give, but let's just keep it simple. The concept of 'White Supremacy' is one example that is being blown up into something really weird. Yes, there have been white people who have been mean to people of other color, all throughout our country's History. What is never recognized though, are the white people who have sacrificed so that people of other colors can also achieve status. You will never hear anything like that from the Left. In their minds, every white person, especially men, are white supremacists. That ideology causes division between blacks and whites, and is not helpful for racial reconciliation.
So, for some of the people who are professing Christians who lean to the Left, empowering black people, no matter what they stand for, trumps over anything the candidate stands for. We went through this when Obama ran for office and won. Much of the reason he won was due to the fact that people felt like voting for him was a good thing as it will empower black people. While we want to empower black people, should we vote for them just because they are black, regardless of what they stand for?
Yet, if you point this out to people, certain ones will think of you as a white supremacist. Another example of this kind of thing happened in Florida, and affected a school shooting incident last year. In Florida, a law was passed that allowed Black youth as well as other minorities, to commit a crime, yet, instead of being arrested, they would go to some type of counseling. The reason for this was, the ratio of black people is small compared with the ratio of white people, yet, the ratio of black youths who were guilty of crimes was higher than the ratio of blacks to whites. Obama didn't think that was fair, so, a law was passed to keep them from being arrested, if they were black or a person of color. Some people would applaud this kind of law, thinking it would help empower minorities. The problem is, it won't. Anyone who commits a crime needs to be punished. If there are no consequences, they will continue to live a life of crime, and if they are black or a person of color, there will be no consequences for their behavior. This is unjust. But this is exactly what certain professing Christians think is needed to help the cause of racial reconciliation.
People should be understood in light of their behavior and what they stand for, not for the color of their skin. If white people do criminal activities, then they should be penalized. Same for any other group as well.
We need just and fair laws. We don't create these laws based upon people's skin color or sexual orientation.
The other big situation that these professing Christians hold to is the idea of agreeing with the Left on open borders. What is amazing is that presidents in the past have talked about this very thing, and nobody reacted to it then. All of the sudden it becomes a serious issue somehow tied in with bigotry. And the professing Christians are sometimes the worst people in recognizing this as a problem. They would accuse other Christians of not being merciful to the poor, and turning them away. But is this really true?
America is a nation, one of the few, that sends out many, many missionaries to other countries. Not only that, but in our country, we have many groups which send relief to wherever it needs to go, throughout the world. These groups have people who are ready to go in a moment's notice, to help a country in desperate need. They also raise money from donations from generous donors everywhere. Yet, professing Christians sometimes diss these groups or maybe they just don't see them in the bigger picture*.
I recall reading one time, about professing Christians who were now changing their minds about Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse ministry, in particular, the Christmas Shoebox drive. They would stop doing this ministry and were going to recreate their own version of it. I had to ask, why? Again, this question came to mind. Why would someone diss this man's ministry? As I read the words sadly from one of the leaders in a church, he said that he was tired of hearing Graham's rhetoric and his hatred of those who were of the Islamic faith. To me, that is perverted. What has happened to the minds of these Christians? What are they thinking?
The Bible says to 'speak the truth, in love'. What is hard about that? What is hard is hearing the truth. Nevermind that it was done in love. The truth hurts, sometimes. It is hard to swallow. We have to point out that the doctrines of Islam are wrong. Not only are they wrong, but they are harmful.
Yes, these professing Christians will value perceived social justices as everything. And, they have listened to the propaganda of the Left and believed it. There has been hypocrisy on the Right as well, which they are quick to point out.
The point isn't, is the Left or the Right, right? The question shouldn't be, should I be Democrat or Republican? What we need to look at is, what is right and what is wrong? These are issues of the heart. Let's have the right kind of social justice and let's pray for wisdom to make the right kinds of judgments in everything, and especially in our society. We need to make proper judgments.
* Pray for those in the Supreme Court and in local court systems to have wisdom as they make judgments.
* Pray for wisdom for those in leadership, in our churches and in our country.
* Pray for people who know the Lord Jesus Christ, to grow in discernment.
* Pray that God will fill our hearts with His love.
*The big picture is, America is a free nation, where people fought and died to have this freedom. The freedom has always been under threat, but, the possibility of our losing our freedoms is very close now. We must do everything to protect our freedom. We will lose it to Communism, Socialism, Islam, or some other form of Tyrannical government if we aren't paying attention.
I know one person, at least, who voted for Hillary, because of disgust with the Conservatives. There are pastors or Bible teachers out there dissing President Trump for his supposed bigotry and desire for building a border wall. Yet, in the past, Conservatives everywhere would have backed any president wanting to build a wall to help prevent crimes like drug use and the acts of the sex slave trade.
It makes sense when a president wants to build up the military for his country, and when he honors those who have served our country in war time, yet, there are some professing believers that have no regard for this. The question is, why?
I finally figured out what the problem is, why professing Christians are thinking and siding with the Left. Finally, it came to me.
Recently, I saw a post from someone I know and respect, who is recommending a black candidate for governor. I was surprised, because this man is openly Socialistic. He also supports abortion and other wrongs being committed and carried out in this country.
So, what it is that I am now seeing? It was so simple, I missed it. The issue has to do with 'social justice', or maybe we should call it, 'social injustice'.
God has put in each one of us, a justice system. We know right from wrong, and when we see someone being treated unfairly, or an innocent person being charged as guilty, something rises up inside of us. We want to stand in the place and be the judge. If nobody fixes it, we become angry.
Here's where these people go wrong; they go wrong when they fail to see the bigger picture of issues. They go wrong when they listen to the wrong people who are deciding what is right and wrong. They are listening to the wrong people who are making up issues that either don't exist, or are exaggerated and morphed into something else.
Lots of examples I could give, but let's just keep it simple. The concept of 'White Supremacy' is one example that is being blown up into something really weird. Yes, there have been white people who have been mean to people of other color, all throughout our country's History. What is never recognized though, are the white people who have sacrificed so that people of other colors can also achieve status. You will never hear anything like that from the Left. In their minds, every white person, especially men, are white supremacists. That ideology causes division between blacks and whites, and is not helpful for racial reconciliation.
So, for some of the people who are professing Christians who lean to the Left, empowering black people, no matter what they stand for, trumps over anything the candidate stands for. We went through this when Obama ran for office and won. Much of the reason he won was due to the fact that people felt like voting for him was a good thing as it will empower black people. While we want to empower black people, should we vote for them just because they are black, regardless of what they stand for?
Yet, if you point this out to people, certain ones will think of you as a white supremacist. Another example of this kind of thing happened in Florida, and affected a school shooting incident last year. In Florida, a law was passed that allowed Black youth as well as other minorities, to commit a crime, yet, instead of being arrested, they would go to some type of counseling. The reason for this was, the ratio of black people is small compared with the ratio of white people, yet, the ratio of black youths who were guilty of crimes was higher than the ratio of blacks to whites. Obama didn't think that was fair, so, a law was passed to keep them from being arrested, if they were black or a person of color. Some people would applaud this kind of law, thinking it would help empower minorities. The problem is, it won't. Anyone who commits a crime needs to be punished. If there are no consequences, they will continue to live a life of crime, and if they are black or a person of color, there will be no consequences for their behavior. This is unjust. But this is exactly what certain professing Christians think is needed to help the cause of racial reconciliation.
People should be understood in light of their behavior and what they stand for, not for the color of their skin. If white people do criminal activities, then they should be penalized. Same for any other group as well.
We need just and fair laws. We don't create these laws based upon people's skin color or sexual orientation.
The other big situation that these professing Christians hold to is the idea of agreeing with the Left on open borders. What is amazing is that presidents in the past have talked about this very thing, and nobody reacted to it then. All of the sudden it becomes a serious issue somehow tied in with bigotry. And the professing Christians are sometimes the worst people in recognizing this as a problem. They would accuse other Christians of not being merciful to the poor, and turning them away. But is this really true?
America is a nation, one of the few, that sends out many, many missionaries to other countries. Not only that, but in our country, we have many groups which send relief to wherever it needs to go, throughout the world. These groups have people who are ready to go in a moment's notice, to help a country in desperate need. They also raise money from donations from generous donors everywhere. Yet, professing Christians sometimes diss these groups or maybe they just don't see them in the bigger picture*.
I recall reading one time, about professing Christians who were now changing their minds about Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse ministry, in particular, the Christmas Shoebox drive. They would stop doing this ministry and were going to recreate their own version of it. I had to ask, why? Again, this question came to mind. Why would someone diss this man's ministry? As I read the words sadly from one of the leaders in a church, he said that he was tired of hearing Graham's rhetoric and his hatred of those who were of the Islamic faith. To me, that is perverted. What has happened to the minds of these Christians? What are they thinking?
The Bible says to 'speak the truth, in love'. What is hard about that? What is hard is hearing the truth. Nevermind that it was done in love. The truth hurts, sometimes. It is hard to swallow. We have to point out that the doctrines of Islam are wrong. Not only are they wrong, but they are harmful.
Yes, these professing Christians will value perceived social justices as everything. And, they have listened to the propaganda of the Left and believed it. There has been hypocrisy on the Right as well, which they are quick to point out.
The point isn't, is the Left or the Right, right? The question shouldn't be, should I be Democrat or Republican? What we need to look at is, what is right and what is wrong? These are issues of the heart. Let's have the right kind of social justice and let's pray for wisdom to make the right kinds of judgments in everything, and especially in our society. We need to make proper judgments.
* Pray for those in the Supreme Court and in local court systems to have wisdom as they make judgments.
* Pray for wisdom for those in leadership, in our churches and in our country.
* Pray for people who know the Lord Jesus Christ, to grow in discernment.
* Pray that God will fill our hearts with His love.
*The big picture is, America is a free nation, where people fought and died to have this freedom. The freedom has always been under threat, but, the possibility of our losing our freedoms is very close now. We must do everything to protect our freedom. We will lose it to Communism, Socialism, Islam, or some other form of Tyrannical government if we aren't paying attention.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Recent Anger Responses Are Cleverly Planned By The Skilled Absurd Liberal Left
Someone harasses a White House Press Secretary for Donald Trump, by asking her to leave a restaurant. *1
A House Majority Representative, gets shot while playing a practice baseball game. He is a supporter of Donald Trump as well. *2
A package containing toxic substance 'ricin' was sent to the White House recently. *3
Restaurant manager refuses to serve man wearing a MAGA hat. *4
These stories are not all unrelated to each other.
Could it be that they are following the advice of one of their leaders, Maxine Waters?
Is Maxine Waters credible? Does she appear to you to be professional? Do you realize that if we don't take a stand for what we know is true, and if we don't support candidates who have a good reputation and integrity, that this is what we can look forward to as the future leaders of our country?
This woman is a nut case. She is one of many absurd leaders in our country. If you don't want this woman and those who think like she does, to be in the upper levels of our government, then you need to take time and learn about what the candidates stand for.
They live in a world of lies.
They create lies and expect others to believe them without question. These people have no conscience. Oh, yeah, they have a conscience when it comes to their feelings and when their desires aren't met. Make no mistake. They have no compassion on people and will step on whoever gets in their way as they try to make their way to the top.
There is a network that has been knitted together, that works in unison to try to destroy this country.
They want you to believe they are advocates for social justice. But in reality, they are division makers creating their own groups of victims which they create special laws for in order to protect their victimized groups. These laws are not good for us because they violate the rights of the average citizen.
Yes, there is a double standard. One for them and one for the rest of us. They can call people all kinds of names, but, if someone misspeaks to one who belongs to their precious 'victim' groups, God forbid. That person could go to jail.
All these stories, and more, are all part of a well planned out scheme to destroy the America that was founded by our founding fathers, with plans to remake a new America that would be under Socialism.
How to pray:
* Pray for lost people to come to know the Lord
* Pray for the church to wake up and repent of idolatry
* Pray that God will raise up God-fearing people to run this country
* Pray for this evil network to begin to unravel
* Pray that God would remove evil people from their place of vital leadership in the country
Disclaimer: I am not against Maxine Waters because of her skin color. If Maxine Waters had skin like Snow White, I would be just as against her as I am now. It's not the skin color that matters. It's what the person stands for that counts.
1. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sarah-sanders-heckled-by-red-hen-owner-even-after-leaving-mike-huckabee-says
2. http://time.com/4817777/alexandria-shooting-steve-scalise/
3. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/police-suspect-custody-mailing-multiple-212334225.html
4. https://madworldnews.com/manager-maga-hat-customers/
A House Majority Representative, gets shot while playing a practice baseball game. He is a supporter of Donald Trump as well. *2
A package containing toxic substance 'ricin' was sent to the White House recently. *3
Restaurant manager refuses to serve man wearing a MAGA hat. *4
These stories are not all unrelated to each other.
Could it be that they are following the advice of one of their leaders, Maxine Waters?
Is Maxine Waters credible? Does she appear to you to be professional? Do you realize that if we don't take a stand for what we know is true, and if we don't support candidates who have a good reputation and integrity, that this is what we can look forward to as the future leaders of our country?
They live in a world of lies.
They create lies and expect others to believe them without question. These people have no conscience. Oh, yeah, they have a conscience when it comes to their feelings and when their desires aren't met. Make no mistake. They have no compassion on people and will step on whoever gets in their way as they try to make their way to the top.
There is a network that has been knitted together, that works in unison to try to destroy this country.
They want you to believe they are advocates for social justice. But in reality, they are division makers creating their own groups of victims which they create special laws for in order to protect their victimized groups. These laws are not good for us because they violate the rights of the average citizen.
Yes, there is a double standard. One for them and one for the rest of us. They can call people all kinds of names, but, if someone misspeaks to one who belongs to their precious 'victim' groups, God forbid. That person could go to jail.
All these stories, and more, are all part of a well planned out scheme to destroy the America that was founded by our founding fathers, with plans to remake a new America that would be under Socialism.
How to pray:
* Pray for lost people to come to know the Lord
* Pray for the church to wake up and repent of idolatry
* Pray that God will raise up God-fearing people to run this country
* Pray for this evil network to begin to unravel
* Pray that God would remove evil people from their place of vital leadership in the country
Disclaimer: I am not against Maxine Waters because of her skin color. If Maxine Waters had skin like Snow White, I would be just as against her as I am now. It's not the skin color that matters. It's what the person stands for that counts.
1. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sarah-sanders-heckled-by-red-hen-owner-even-after-leaving-mike-huckabee-says
2. http://time.com/4817777/alexandria-shooting-steve-scalise/
3. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/police-suspect-custody-mailing-multiple-212334225.html
4. https://madworldnews.com/manager-maga-hat-customers/
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Reason Why We Can Win And Get The House Back
This is all I will post on this post today. Maybe a pic to go with it.
"There are 60 million Evangelical Christians in the US. If only 10 million would vote republican, we could win this election and SAVE America. Things will only get worse for us if we don't get into action and vote."
Governor Mike Huckabee
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
What Is The Bigger Picture, Politically Speaking?
What is the goal of humankind when it comes to government, etc.? Human beings, created in the image of God, carry also the image of Satan, and when it comes to the political world, what can we expect?
One of the biggest cravings mankind has is for power. Another craving is greed, usually in the form of money. Power, greed, and status is what people look for to attain.
Why am I laying this foundation down? This has been the problem since the time of the fall. If you study world History as well as the History written down in the Bible, you will see these traits easily.
Why is this so important for us to understand? America is not only battling with people inside its own country, there are spiritual forces that want to use people to control others in a wrong way. We need to understand what these spiritual forces are doing, and the weapons they are using, so we can fight in the spiritual realm with the spiritual weapons we have.
Throughout History, most governments have been oppressive. The rulers of the countries had too much power and the people had too little power. Some countries had more freedom than others. But some countries were under oppression for the heavy rules with severe consequences when they were broken.
I believe America is a gift from God, not that we should enjoy our freedom in a selfish way, but that we can be loosed and provided for, because we live in a free land. But what is happening to America?
At the top levels of our government, we have Trojan Horses which came in when we weren't paying attention. Now these Trojan Horses are trying to betray us and push for a country that has more governmental powers and less freedom for the people.
Governments that have all power are called 'tyrannies'. People who live under tyrannical governments are oppressed. Don't listen to John Lennon's song 'Imagine'. His song depicts a Utopian type of society where no one owns anything and life is meaningless. Lennon indicates that he hopes someday everyone will join him and his throng, and then the world will be as one. Living under a government where someone else makes your decisions is not freedom!
Those who hold to Socialism/Communism aren't understanding the bigger picture of what all that involves. They bribe people with free stuff, to get the support of the people. They create victim groups and divide people groups against each other. Groups which are supported legally are formed to punish anyone they claim is using hate speech or who says anything negative about something or someone.
Communism does not solve the problem of poverty. The principles of Socialism will actually serve to keep a group of people in a welfare state. Those people will have no choice but to depend upon the government for everything they need. This welfare underclass will be very large. It will receive its funding from the citizens who will be heavily taxed. Many people with good paying jobs today, could find themselves in this underclass someday.
How does this all start in America? It begins by corrupting society. Some of the ways society is corrupted is by the breakdown of the home unit. Healthy homes will result in a healthy society. Broken homes will result in a broken society. Corruption always is the result of immorality.
We have successfully turned our backs on God and rejected His standard. The Bible is very clear on many things. For example, the Bible says that we are not allowed to commit adultery. But today, somehow, we think things have changed. Somehow, in our minds, God must have changed His mind about those things He said, thousands of years ago. But God's word is very clear. His words will never pass away. God does not change His mind on sin. His standard will never change, no matter how much society wants it to change.
The next step is to work with lies and deception. Also, it involves changing the rules when necessary. So, if someone in a governmental position lies under oath, its ok to say that they really didn't mean to do what they did. Or, as in a fairly recent case, the charge was 'carelessness'. Doesn't matter that they commit perjury.
After that, the following step is to use the weapon of hatred. Along with that comes the action of character assassination, and slander. If their scheme is threatened, then they use these weapons and they do not care if they hurt people or not. They live in a world of lies, and many of them actually do believe their own lies.
Then there is the division making. They create people groups and pit people against each other. One thing I would like to point out is that, although there are still bigots in our country, there are many, many people who just want everyone to get along with each other. Many are open to racial reconciliation, and many sympathize with minority groups and want to empower the people in these groups. Yet, there are those who are emphasizing racial division. They would lead the public to believe that this is still a big problem in our country, and that it is getting worse.
First of all, concerning this problem, if a person is truly in Christ, the love of God will be there. I can't imagine anyone who has a healthy relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who, at the same time, hates people who have another skin tone or color. This doesn't make any sense, and it is unbiblical. Many churches are trying hard to learn how to reconcile different cultures. So when the mainstream media starts shouting about how bad America is with racial problems, take a look at what is happening in the church.
So, here are some of the evil weapons used to bring corruption in our land:
1. lies
2. Deception
3. Hatred
4. Manipulation
5. Broken Homes
6. Division
7. Slander/Character Assassination
And I am sure the list could go on.
So, the bigger picture is not what the mainstream media portrays and gives us. The bigger picture involves a movement of people who are pressing in hard to destroy our country through corruption, then, once destroyed, they will remake it into a Socialistic/Communistic nation. When people are ignorant, they will fall for the lies. When people stop fearing God, they live their lives without a conscience to protect them from doing wrong. When they stop fearing God, they will listen to the wrong voices for wisdom and direction. The country will fall apart, and the ones who will pick it back up again are the ones who hate America, for what it has always stood for; freedom, and they will remake it into the image they want, which is Socialism/Communism.
How do we pray?
* Pray for solid homes
* Pray for the standard of right and wrong, good and evil, and light and darkness to be raised up
* Pray for God to fill our hearts with His love.
* Pray for God's love to reach the lost.
* Pray that God will raise up evangelists to share and proclaim the Gospel message
* Pray that God will guide us into all truth, and that we will listen.
* Pray for God to have mercy to those who are in darkness and that He will pull out of darkness, those who will come to know Him.
* Pray for Bible believing, Spirit filled churches to be planted all throughout America.
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." - Adolf Hitler
One of the biggest cravings mankind has is for power. Another craving is greed, usually in the form of money. Power, greed, and status is what people look for to attain.
Why am I laying this foundation down? This has been the problem since the time of the fall. If you study world History as well as the History written down in the Bible, you will see these traits easily.
Why is this so important for us to understand? America is not only battling with people inside its own country, there are spiritual forces that want to use people to control others in a wrong way. We need to understand what these spiritual forces are doing, and the weapons they are using, so we can fight in the spiritual realm with the spiritual weapons we have.
Throughout History, most governments have been oppressive. The rulers of the countries had too much power and the people had too little power. Some countries had more freedom than others. But some countries were under oppression for the heavy rules with severe consequences when they were broken.
I believe America is a gift from God, not that we should enjoy our freedom in a selfish way, but that we can be loosed and provided for, because we live in a free land. But what is happening to America?
At the top levels of our government, we have Trojan Horses which came in when we weren't paying attention. Now these Trojan Horses are trying to betray us and push for a country that has more governmental powers and less freedom for the people.
Governments that have all power are called 'tyrannies'. People who live under tyrannical governments are oppressed. Don't listen to John Lennon's song 'Imagine'. His song depicts a Utopian type of society where no one owns anything and life is meaningless. Lennon indicates that he hopes someday everyone will join him and his throng, and then the world will be as one. Living under a government where someone else makes your decisions is not freedom!
Those who hold to Socialism/Communism aren't understanding the bigger picture of what all that involves. They bribe people with free stuff, to get the support of the people. They create victim groups and divide people groups against each other. Groups which are supported legally are formed to punish anyone they claim is using hate speech or who says anything negative about something or someone.
Communism does not solve the problem of poverty. The principles of Socialism will actually serve to keep a group of people in a welfare state. Those people will have no choice but to depend upon the government for everything they need. This welfare underclass will be very large. It will receive its funding from the citizens who will be heavily taxed. Many people with good paying jobs today, could find themselves in this underclass someday.
How does this all start in America? It begins by corrupting society. Some of the ways society is corrupted is by the breakdown of the home unit. Healthy homes will result in a healthy society. Broken homes will result in a broken society. Corruption always is the result of immorality.
We have successfully turned our backs on God and rejected His standard. The Bible is very clear on many things. For example, the Bible says that we are not allowed to commit adultery. But today, somehow, we think things have changed. Somehow, in our minds, God must have changed His mind about those things He said, thousands of years ago. But God's word is very clear. His words will never pass away. God does not change His mind on sin. His standard will never change, no matter how much society wants it to change.
The next step is to work with lies and deception. Also, it involves changing the rules when necessary. So, if someone in a governmental position lies under oath, its ok to say that they really didn't mean to do what they did. Or, as in a fairly recent case, the charge was 'carelessness'. Doesn't matter that they commit perjury.
After that, the following step is to use the weapon of hatred. Along with that comes the action of character assassination, and slander. If their scheme is threatened, then they use these weapons and they do not care if they hurt people or not. They live in a world of lies, and many of them actually do believe their own lies.
Then there is the division making. They create people groups and pit people against each other. One thing I would like to point out is that, although there are still bigots in our country, there are many, many people who just want everyone to get along with each other. Many are open to racial reconciliation, and many sympathize with minority groups and want to empower the people in these groups. Yet, there are those who are emphasizing racial division. They would lead the public to believe that this is still a big problem in our country, and that it is getting worse.
First of all, concerning this problem, if a person is truly in Christ, the love of God will be there. I can't imagine anyone who has a healthy relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who, at the same time, hates people who have another skin tone or color. This doesn't make any sense, and it is unbiblical. Many churches are trying hard to learn how to reconcile different cultures. So when the mainstream media starts shouting about how bad America is with racial problems, take a look at what is happening in the church.
So, here are some of the evil weapons used to bring corruption in our land:
1. lies
2. Deception
3. Hatred
4. Manipulation
5. Broken Homes
6. Division
7. Slander/Character Assassination
And I am sure the list could go on.
So, the bigger picture is not what the mainstream media portrays and gives us. The bigger picture involves a movement of people who are pressing in hard to destroy our country through corruption, then, once destroyed, they will remake it into a Socialistic/Communistic nation. When people are ignorant, they will fall for the lies. When people stop fearing God, they live their lives without a conscience to protect them from doing wrong. When they stop fearing God, they will listen to the wrong voices for wisdom and direction. The country will fall apart, and the ones who will pick it back up again are the ones who hate America, for what it has always stood for; freedom, and they will remake it into the image they want, which is Socialism/Communism.
How do we pray?
* Pray for solid homes
* Pray for the standard of right and wrong, good and evil, and light and darkness to be raised up
* Pray for God to fill our hearts with His love.
* Pray for God's love to reach the lost.
* Pray that God will raise up evangelists to share and proclaim the Gospel message
* Pray that God will guide us into all truth, and that we will listen.
* Pray for God to have mercy to those who are in darkness and that He will pull out of darkness, those who will come to know Him.
* Pray for Bible believing, Spirit filled churches to be planted all throughout America.
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." - Adolf Hitler
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Our Economy Could Completely Collapse
You might ask, how could our economy collapse when it is doing so well? Certainly things are going well right now.
But in less than two months, it is possible that the Democrats will take over the house. I use the word 'Democrat' because the Left has hijacked the Democratic party and they are the agents who are going to be working to undo the economy of our nation.
In the year, 2012, the Democratic Party made a choice to remove the phrase, 'In God We Trust' from their platform. Ever since that time, the Left has been working through the Democratic party to do what it always wanted to do; to make our country Socialistic, and ultimately, Communistic.
This is why it will be important for Conservatives to vote in November. The goal of the Democrats is to impeach Donald Trump, and to use every means available to remove him from office. In fact, they are working hard to make sure all their supporters vote in November, and they will get their way, if they win.
Make no mistake about it. The Democrats care less about how well the economy is doing. Their only real goal is to weaken our country to the point where people will have to become dependent upon the government. That is their goal.
Open borders, a failing economy, and allowing and enabling illegal immigrants to live in America and receive the rights and privileges that belong to the citizens of this country, is what will end up destroying our country. Then, the Left will rebuild America to their liking.
Listen, we live in 2 different Americas. We live in the America which was founded by our forefathers, upon principles of fairness, justice, and equality, as well as the freedoms we have which so many gave their lives for, and we live in a Socialistic wanna-be America, which really isn't here yet, but many have been shaped to believe that Socialism will solve all of our problems, and get people out of poverty. One big problem is, Socialism doesn't work.
So, why could our country collapse economically? If the Democrats get the house back, they will impeach Donald Trump on false charges they are making up, even at this moment*. When they win the house back, and when Trump is impeached, they will undo everything he has done to make our economy boom. They will reverse all of his actions. Remember, a thriving economy is not what the Democrats want. They want a society to depend upon the government for their needs. They do not want people to be self sufficient, and if they are in office running the show, they will begin to put penalties on those who are successful, whether they be corporations or individual business people.
Once the economy collapses, they get what they want. Americans will have no choice but to start begging the government for help. And they will be pleased to give it. Of course, only on their terms.
* I watched part of a video where, if I understand correctly, Donald Trump was holding with a group of evangelicals. He brought out the fact that, the Left has devised 17 cases where they are going to open them up all in one day, against Trump. They are things that have to do with his business and past life before presidency. If they win the house in November, they will use them to incriminate Trump and remove him from office. The Left is relentless, and I believe it is because they are puppets for Satan, doing his bidding, even if they don't really understand themselves what is going on.
The point is, we need to be praying, first of all. This, I believe, even calls for fasting and prayer. Next, we can vote. For Conservatives, we need to know who to vote for. But even if we don't, the choice isn't hard anymore. One can pretty much vote Republican, and chances are good that almost all Republicans today hold conservative views, and conversely, most Democrats hold liberal, and I will add, immoral views. So, the choice will not be hard to make, But we have to decide to get out there and vote. The Democrats will be voting. Will we end up losing the hose or will we be concerned enough to make an effort to vote, even if it is a mail in vote. Do it for the sake of our grandchildren and future descendants, Lord willing.
But in less than two months, it is possible that the Democrats will take over the house. I use the word 'Democrat' because the Left has hijacked the Democratic party and they are the agents who are going to be working to undo the economy of our nation.
In the year, 2012, the Democratic Party made a choice to remove the phrase, 'In God We Trust' from their platform. Ever since that time, the Left has been working through the Democratic party to do what it always wanted to do; to make our country Socialistic, and ultimately, Communistic.
This is why it will be important for Conservatives to vote in November. The goal of the Democrats is to impeach Donald Trump, and to use every means available to remove him from office. In fact, they are working hard to make sure all their supporters vote in November, and they will get their way, if they win.
Make no mistake about it. The Democrats care less about how well the economy is doing. Their only real goal is to weaken our country to the point where people will have to become dependent upon the government. That is their goal.
Open borders, a failing economy, and allowing and enabling illegal immigrants to live in America and receive the rights and privileges that belong to the citizens of this country, is what will end up destroying our country. Then, the Left will rebuild America to their liking.
Listen, we live in 2 different Americas. We live in the America which was founded by our forefathers, upon principles of fairness, justice, and equality, as well as the freedoms we have which so many gave their lives for, and we live in a Socialistic wanna-be America, which really isn't here yet, but many have been shaped to believe that Socialism will solve all of our problems, and get people out of poverty. One big problem is, Socialism doesn't work.
So, why could our country collapse economically? If the Democrats get the house back, they will impeach Donald Trump on false charges they are making up, even at this moment*. When they win the house back, and when Trump is impeached, they will undo everything he has done to make our economy boom. They will reverse all of his actions. Remember, a thriving economy is not what the Democrats want. They want a society to depend upon the government for their needs. They do not want people to be self sufficient, and if they are in office running the show, they will begin to put penalties on those who are successful, whether they be corporations or individual business people.
Once the economy collapses, they get what they want. Americans will have no choice but to start begging the government for help. And they will be pleased to give it. Of course, only on their terms.
* I watched part of a video where, if I understand correctly, Donald Trump was holding with a group of evangelicals. He brought out the fact that, the Left has devised 17 cases where they are going to open them up all in one day, against Trump. They are things that have to do with his business and past life before presidency. If they win the house in November, they will use them to incriminate Trump and remove him from office. The Left is relentless, and I believe it is because they are puppets for Satan, doing his bidding, even if they don't really understand themselves what is going on.
The point is, we need to be praying, first of all. This, I believe, even calls for fasting and prayer. Next, we can vote. For Conservatives, we need to know who to vote for. But even if we don't, the choice isn't hard anymore. One can pretty much vote Republican, and chances are good that almost all Republicans today hold conservative views, and conversely, most Democrats hold liberal, and I will add, immoral views. So, the choice will not be hard to make, But we have to decide to get out there and vote. The Democrats will be voting. Will we end up losing the hose or will we be concerned enough to make an effort to vote, even if it is a mail in vote. Do it for the sake of our grandchildren and future descendants, Lord willing.
May the true and living God have mercy on our country and may many lost souls come to know Him today. May the word of God continue to be sown in the hearts of Americans today and may lives be changed forever by the power of God.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
The Core Of The Problem In Our Politics In A Nutshell
As I was thinking this morning, what does all this mess with hatred, especially of our president, boil down to?
It is really very simple to figure out. It's not a new problem. It has gained momentum since we have elected Godless people into places of leadership who are now at the top levels in our governmental system.
When I was a child, my mom was keenly aware of what the politicians stood for, and she even knew which ones were Communist! I had not yet heard of the word 'Socialist', but that would come in the future.
The real issue is not how evil and corrupt Donald Trump is. There is one unsettling factor for the Left, one which goes even deeper than the fact that Hillary lost the election.
For the past decades, Socialism has been taught in our schools as something to be desired. Remember, I have posted a few times how a course that was taught when I was in high school, called, Americanism vs. Communism, was removed from the school curriculum. I actually wished I could have taken that course, but it was no longer offered when I was a senior in high school in 1973. Our young people are shaped into believing that Socialism is a good thing for all people.
I did a search to find the reason why this course was no longer being taught in the schools, and basically, the conclusion was that it was no longer needed. Hmm.
Today, Socialism concepts are being taught in schools throughout the country. It's actually been this way for years. Young people today believe that Socialism is a good thing. They are taught that they can get nice things from the government if we lived under a Socialistic regime. And if you talk with many college age students, if you ask them how they feel about Socialism, they will tell you that Socialism is good and desirable.
I doubt that many schools are teaching about countries which were under the Communist rule. There seems to be a rise in awareness of Nazi ism, which I find interesting, because for years, the Holocaust wasn't being taught in the schools either. Now there are people who have decided to label our current president as a Nazi. I find that interesting. They never labeled Obama as a Socialist (which is a Communist in its beginning forms), or Hillary, even though everything they did pointed to that fact. But they label our president as a Nazi or authoritarian. Or even a Nationalist. Do young people even know what those words mean?
Yes, Socialism eventually leads to Communism. The goal is to take the freedoms away from the people and give all the power to the government. Today, many people haven't learned how to think for themselves, and having a government do their thinking is appealing to them. They are not aware though, that the government will end up stealing your heart, and you will no longer have choices to make about what you believe is true, and whatever you end up doing will have to support and empower the government. Kind of like a bunch of preschool kids having to sit in a house with a nanny taking care of them and making their decisions because they are too young to make many decisions in life at their young age.
So, what is the basic core of the problem that we face today. Why so many accusations and name calling of the president? Here it is; The Left has gained hold of and been placed in our governmental system at the top levels. The Left wants nothing to stop the momentum of implementing a Socialistic government.
When Donald Trump was elected president, almost 2 years ago, their dream fell apart. Not only could they not handle their loss, but, they knew if Trump became president, he would nominate people for the Supreme Court who would be Pro-life. You see, Socialists like the availability for women to have an abortion if the woman chooses to kill her baby. If Donald Trump has his way, it would make it much harder for women to be able to choose to have abortions. Plus, the Left would love nothing more than to have all of us pay higher taxes in order to pay for the abortions that they feel women should have a right to.
The Climate Change lie (or Global Warming) ties into this. The Left believes so strongly that there are too many people on this earth, especially in America today, and we should be cutting this number down. The reason why they think the weather is so hot, is because of Global Warming. Global Warming is to blame. Too many people are to blame. People breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, and it is because there are too many people here in this country breathing out carbon dioxide that is causing this terrible problem. America is to blame because there are too many selfish people living here. America's resources need to be redistributed so that everyone is equal. And people need to be eliminated, as much as possible.
Donald Trump is just a decoy. The Left is angry because now they cannot continue to implement Socialism into the culture. Trump got in the way of their progress, and now everyone else who is plotting with them to develop a Socialistic society is being exposed. Their goal of redistributing everyone's money so that everyone is happy, is being destroyed.
So, it all boils down to this; The Left is angry because they can no longer easily and deceptively implement principles that will turn our country Socialist/Communist, because Donald Trump got in the way and is ruining their plans.
Listen, if you think Socialism is a good thing, I am concerned that you have never been made aware of what it is like to live in a Communist country. Go study China and North Korea. How about Cuba and Venezuela? Study true History and see how so many countries were under oppression because of their totalitarian governments.
And if you are so desirous of living under a Communist rule, please consider moving to Cuba, if you can get in, or Venezuela. You will learn the joys of Socialism in those countries.
I have learned more about third world countries and countries under Socialism and Communism from publications by The Voice of the Martyrs, and other Christian organizations which help people to know what is going on in countries where Christians are being persecuted. Sign up for newsletters from organizations like these, and you will learn quickly what it is like for a person who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and holds God's standards, who lives in a country that doesn't have the freedoms we have here in America today.
How we can pray:
* Pray for those who live in America, to learn the 'fear of the Lord'.
* Pray for college professors and school teachers to come to know the Lord, and that God will remove those professors and teachers who teach lies to the students.
* Pray for God fearing people to be raised up to lead our country.
* Pray for the family unit to be restored.
* Pray that the word of God will go out in power, before we have our bibles taken away from us.
* Pray for the lost in our country, to come to know the Lord.
* Pray for our churches to be able to effectively minister to those struggling with sexual sins.
* Pray for the church in America to be healthy again, and to grow in love and unity.
It is really very simple to figure out. It's not a new problem. It has gained momentum since we have elected Godless people into places of leadership who are now at the top levels in our governmental system.
When I was a child, my mom was keenly aware of what the politicians stood for, and she even knew which ones were Communist! I had not yet heard of the word 'Socialist', but that would come in the future.
The real issue is not how evil and corrupt Donald Trump is. There is one unsettling factor for the Left, one which goes even deeper than the fact that Hillary lost the election.
For the past decades, Socialism has been taught in our schools as something to be desired. Remember, I have posted a few times how a course that was taught when I was in high school, called, Americanism vs. Communism, was removed from the school curriculum. I actually wished I could have taken that course, but it was no longer offered when I was a senior in high school in 1973. Our young people are shaped into believing that Socialism is a good thing for all people.
I did a search to find the reason why this course was no longer being taught in the schools, and basically, the conclusion was that it was no longer needed. Hmm.
Today, Socialism concepts are being taught in schools throughout the country. It's actually been this way for years. Young people today believe that Socialism is a good thing. They are taught that they can get nice things from the government if we lived under a Socialistic regime. And if you talk with many college age students, if you ask them how they feel about Socialism, they will tell you that Socialism is good and desirable.
I doubt that many schools are teaching about countries which were under the Communist rule. There seems to be a rise in awareness of Nazi ism, which I find interesting, because for years, the Holocaust wasn't being taught in the schools either. Now there are people who have decided to label our current president as a Nazi. I find that interesting. They never labeled Obama as a Socialist (which is a Communist in its beginning forms), or Hillary, even though everything they did pointed to that fact. But they label our president as a Nazi or authoritarian. Or even a Nationalist. Do young people even know what those words mean?
Yes, Socialism eventually leads to Communism. The goal is to take the freedoms away from the people and give all the power to the government. Today, many people haven't learned how to think for themselves, and having a government do their thinking is appealing to them. They are not aware though, that the government will end up stealing your heart, and you will no longer have choices to make about what you believe is true, and whatever you end up doing will have to support and empower the government. Kind of like a bunch of preschool kids having to sit in a house with a nanny taking care of them and making their decisions because they are too young to make many decisions in life at their young age.
So, what is the basic core of the problem that we face today. Why so many accusations and name calling of the president? Here it is; The Left has gained hold of and been placed in our governmental system at the top levels. The Left wants nothing to stop the momentum of implementing a Socialistic government.
When Donald Trump was elected president, almost 2 years ago, their dream fell apart. Not only could they not handle their loss, but, they knew if Trump became president, he would nominate people for the Supreme Court who would be Pro-life. You see, Socialists like the availability for women to have an abortion if the woman chooses to kill her baby. If Donald Trump has his way, it would make it much harder for women to be able to choose to have abortions. Plus, the Left would love nothing more than to have all of us pay higher taxes in order to pay for the abortions that they feel women should have a right to.
The Climate Change lie (or Global Warming) ties into this. The Left believes so strongly that there are too many people on this earth, especially in America today, and we should be cutting this number down. The reason why they think the weather is so hot, is because of Global Warming. Global Warming is to blame. Too many people are to blame. People breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, and it is because there are too many people here in this country breathing out carbon dioxide that is causing this terrible problem. America is to blame because there are too many selfish people living here. America's resources need to be redistributed so that everyone is equal. And people need to be eliminated, as much as possible.
Donald Trump is just a decoy. The Left is angry because now they cannot continue to implement Socialism into the culture. Trump got in the way of their progress, and now everyone else who is plotting with them to develop a Socialistic society is being exposed. Their goal of redistributing everyone's money so that everyone is happy, is being destroyed.
So, it all boils down to this; The Left is angry because they can no longer easily and deceptively implement principles that will turn our country Socialist/Communist, because Donald Trump got in the way and is ruining their plans.
Listen, if you think Socialism is a good thing, I am concerned that you have never been made aware of what it is like to live in a Communist country. Go study China and North Korea. How about Cuba and Venezuela? Study true History and see how so many countries were under oppression because of their totalitarian governments.
And if you are so desirous of living under a Communist rule, please consider moving to Cuba, if you can get in, or Venezuela. You will learn the joys of Socialism in those countries.
I have learned more about third world countries and countries under Socialism and Communism from publications by The Voice of the Martyrs, and other Christian organizations which help people to know what is going on in countries where Christians are being persecuted. Sign up for newsletters from organizations like these, and you will learn quickly what it is like for a person who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and holds God's standards, who lives in a country that doesn't have the freedoms we have here in America today.
How we can pray:
* Pray for those who live in America, to learn the 'fear of the Lord'.
* Pray for college professors and school teachers to come to know the Lord, and that God will remove those professors and teachers who teach lies to the students.
* Pray for God fearing people to be raised up to lead our country.
* Pray for the family unit to be restored.
* Pray that the word of God will go out in power, before we have our bibles taken away from us.
* Pray for the lost in our country, to come to know the Lord.
* Pray for our churches to be able to effectively minister to those struggling with sexual sins.
* Pray for the church in America to be healthy again, and to grow in love and unity.
Sunday, September 2, 2018
NYC Mayor de Blasio Wants To Scrap High School Admission Tests Due To Unfairness Of Some Poor Minority Groups
I listened to part of a video today by Michelle Malkin, where there is an entrance test available for students who want to get into eight elite high schools, and the American Asian students are acing this test!
But Bill deBlasio is not happy.
Since the video by Michelle Malkin can only be found on Facebook at this time, I found another article on this same subject.
Basically, Bill de Blasio has been made aware of these tests, and now that the American Asians are acing the test, de Blasio thinks that is unfair. He wants to now, do away with these tests. These admission tests are given to the poor so they can have a chance at entering these eight elite high schools in New York.
Are the American Asians a minority group? Yes, and they should have the same opportunities as other minority groups are given.
As Soo Kim, president of the Stuyvesant association would say, "de Blasio would unfairly disenfranchise many poor Asian kids, who account for a disproportionate number of the city’s top students." Soo Kim continues, "We are absolutely on the side of equity. But we don’t believe that the solution is taking from one needy community and giving to another needy community.“
But Bill deBlasio is not happy.
Since the video by Michelle Malkin can only be found on Facebook at this time, I found another article on this same subject.
Basically, Bill de Blasio has been made aware of these tests, and now that the American Asians are acing the test, de Blasio thinks that is unfair. He wants to now, do away with these tests. These admission tests are given to the poor so they can have a chance at entering these eight elite high schools in New York.
Are the American Asians a minority group? Yes, and they should have the same opportunities as other minority groups are given.
As Soo Kim, president of the Stuyvesant association would say, "de Blasio would unfairly disenfranchise many poor Asian kids, who account for a disproportionate number of the city’s top students." Soo Kim continues, "We are absolutely on the side of equity. But we don’t believe that the solution is taking from one needy community and giving to another needy community.“
So, is it unfair, if the test is offered to many minority groups, and certain ones actually ace it and get into these high schools?
So, you have some poor minority groups in New York, and one of those minority groups who do not come from wealthy families, are doing exceedingly higher on their scores than the other poor minority groups, and de Blasio thinks this is unfair. To him, it is unfair to the Latinos and the blacks.
He thinks it is unfair to the Latinos and Blacks because they didn't score as well as the American Asians did in these admission tests.
So, in an absurd world where everything has to be exactly even for everyone, the only answer a mayor can come up with, is to 'scrap' the test. Instead of helping others to achieve their goals, let's just lower the standard so everyone can get in.
Didn't this happen with reading skills in our public school systems already? Students who can't read at a young age, while in elementary schools, are just passed on. They fumble into high school, and just give up because it is too hard. Could this be the reason for the high drop out rate in high schools in America today?
Here's how we can pray:
*Pray for integrity to be brought back into our school systems.
*Pray for God-fearing school board members to be elected into office
*Pray for Godly teachers and principals to be raised up in our schools systems.
*Pray for those who work hard to be rewarded.
*Pray for those who have learning difficulties to find help.
*Pray for protection for our schools and colleges from would be shooters who would come into the schools to kill students and teachers.
*Pray for the standard of right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, and, truth and error to be raised up high again.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Crime Brings Corruption and Corruption Brings Destruction - Destruction Paves the Way For Remaking
The Left knows that corruption brings destruction. Crime brings corruption. It weakens a nation. When crimes are committed and when there are no consequences for committing them, the natural outcome is corruption.
The Left wants us to live in a society where laws can be broken and the lawbreaker will not be penalized. The heart of this issue is simple to understand; when America is finally destroyed, then it came be remade into a Socialistic country.
The Left plays upon the sympathies of the people. They create and publicize issue that appeal to our emotions. That way, when we catch onto their schemes, they put us on a guilt trip.
The latest scandal the Left is promoting is this 'separation of families' when illegal immigrants cross the Border. Children are taken away from their parents (in some cases reported by the Left, they are 'ripped' away from their parents). The Left blames Donald Trump for this and well as those who support the President. But is this the actual case of what really happens?
Yes and no. First, if the Left is so concerned about children being taken away from their parents, as they would say, then why weren't they this upset during the Obama administration? Or when Clinton or Bush were presidents? No one heard about this issue until now!!
Donald Trump recently passed a bill that would keep the children with their parents. Of course, the mainstream media is not going to talk about this because it ruins their narrative.
What actually happens, for the most part, is that children are placed with the Health and Human Resources, I believe, while the parents are being interviewed. They are in a safe place until they are reunited with their parents. This usually takes no more than a day. The problem comes when an illegal immigrant comes in with his family, and the children are kept for up to 20 days. If the parent has committed a felony, then he will be held for more than 20 days, which leaves the child in a place where he or she has no place to go once the 20 days are over, unless they already have family or friends in the U.S.
The President wants closed borders. He wants people to come to America in a legal way. When we go to another country, normally we will get a passport or visa. We respect the rules of the country we are visiting, and we leave when the time for our trip is over.
The closed borders will protect the American people from having those come in with criminal records. It will help protect the United States from crime, which leads to corruption. The Left knows this and the Left is ok with criminals coming in. The Left does not enforce boundaries nor does the Left care to punish wrongdoers (unless of course, the wrongdoing opposes their ideology).
Closed borders will help keep crime down. It will protect our country from corruption. The Left is counting on the votes of those who are illegal immigrants. That's why they are fighting so badly to keep the borders open.
Remember, a country without borders is no longer a country.
*Pray for the safety of our nation.
*Pray for those who are truly seeking asylum, that they would find a legal way to enter our country. *Pray also that God would destroy the groups that are banded together to sell drugs in America.
*Pray they will be caught and penalized.
*Pray for the salvation of lost people.
The Left wants us to live in a society where laws can be broken and the lawbreaker will not be penalized. The heart of this issue is simple to understand; when America is finally destroyed, then it came be remade into a Socialistic country.
The Left plays upon the sympathies of the people. They create and publicize issue that appeal to our emotions. That way, when we catch onto their schemes, they put us on a guilt trip.
The latest scandal the Left is promoting is this 'separation of families' when illegal immigrants cross the Border. Children are taken away from their parents (in some cases reported by the Left, they are 'ripped' away from their parents). The Left blames Donald Trump for this and well as those who support the President. But is this the actual case of what really happens?
Yes and no. First, if the Left is so concerned about children being taken away from their parents, as they would say, then why weren't they this upset during the Obama administration? Or when Clinton or Bush were presidents? No one heard about this issue until now!!
Donald Trump recently passed a bill that would keep the children with their parents. Of course, the mainstream media is not going to talk about this because it ruins their narrative.
What actually happens, for the most part, is that children are placed with the Health and Human Resources, I believe, while the parents are being interviewed. They are in a safe place until they are reunited with their parents. This usually takes no more than a day. The problem comes when an illegal immigrant comes in with his family, and the children are kept for up to 20 days. If the parent has committed a felony, then he will be held for more than 20 days, which leaves the child in a place where he or she has no place to go once the 20 days are over, unless they already have family or friends in the U.S.
The President wants closed borders. He wants people to come to America in a legal way. When we go to another country, normally we will get a passport or visa. We respect the rules of the country we are visiting, and we leave when the time for our trip is over.
The closed borders will protect the American people from having those come in with criminal records. It will help protect the United States from crime, which leads to corruption. The Left knows this and the Left is ok with criminals coming in. The Left does not enforce boundaries nor does the Left care to punish wrongdoers (unless of course, the wrongdoing opposes their ideology).
Closed borders will help keep crime down. It will protect our country from corruption. The Left is counting on the votes of those who are illegal immigrants. That's why they are fighting so badly to keep the borders open.
Remember, a country without borders is no longer a country.
*Pray for the safety of our nation.
*Pray for those who are truly seeking asylum, that they would find a legal way to enter our country. *Pray also that God would destroy the groups that are banded together to sell drugs in America.
*Pray they will be caught and penalized.
*Pray for the salvation of lost people.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Where Is The Outrage Over Children Taken By Pedophiles?
I hope and pray I write this post gracefully. Another inconsistency is before my eyes and I could react in anger, but want to write the truth in love, with grace.
If this subject is hard for you, my reader friends, to handle, I ask that you please skip reading this one. I know that people have preconceived ideas about things, and those ideas form a whole belief system on whatever the subject is. None of us has the whole picture of life before us. Plus, we must skillfully separate the truth from the lies.
Recently, there has been an uproar in social media, television, radio, and whatever means are available to broadcast information. One of the more recent uproars has to do with children being separated from their parents while the parents are being questioned after they come into this country across the border.
First of all, this whole issue is not new. Children have been separated from their parents for a couple of decades while trying to get into this country. This situation was going on when Bill Clinton was president as well as when Obama was president. I don't remember seeing or hearing about anyone being concerned about these children during those time periods.
Second, Time magazine has taken upon itself, the task of publishing a picture of a child, and putting the blame on Donald Trump for this crying child, who was supposedly separated from her parents while the parents had illegally come into our country. But the situation of what really happened was quite different. The mother of the child was leaving her husband and coming to America with her child. She had paid a lot of money for someone to illegally get in here. The child was not crying because she was being separated from her mother. But the mother abandoned her husband and other children in the family. She left her home and took the little girl with her, paid coyotes to help her get in. Here is the link to what really happened: https://www.dailywire.com/news/32165/father-says-girl-never-separated-border-mom-paid-ryan-saavedra
O.K. that is just part of what upsets me. I hate slander and framing people because they aren't liked. I have seen that done in the church as well as in the political realm.
But here's what really bothers me. Do you know that little children are often kidnapped and taken away from their parents for good, because of sexual predators? I have read horror stories of children being taken away, or almost taken away from these pedophiles. I learned of a story where a mom was shopping and had her six year old with her. He was getting tired and bored, and someone was noticing and took advantage of the situation. A young man in his early to mid 20s came over to them. He was as friendly and sympathetic as could be. He offered to take the child down to the video store, as he said he had a child too, who gets bored. He promised to bring the child back when they were finished. The mom said no, but he continued his sweet, friendly dialog. Finally, the mom trusted the man enough to let her take her son to the video store. She never saw him again.
People are getting bolder now about this. I remember reading about a woman in Target or somewhere, where the friendly lady in front of her just picked up her baby and almost walked off with the baby. I have heard stories where moms and their children were being followed in the store, but it had a good ending because the mom never gave in and was perceptive to what was going on. I had also heard that the people who take these children, many times, send them overseas, and I guess they put them on the black market.
This, to me, should be what we are upset about. Sure, I don't think children should be separated from their parents for a day, while going through a process. But do we realize how serious it is when children are taken from their parents and never seen again? Where is our outrage for this?
Some of these children are killed. But many of them are just used in the sex slave trade.
Friends, please learn and educate yourselves and your families on how to protect your children from this horror. Can you imagine what it would be like for a child who has been taken and brought into the sex slave trade, when he or she becomes an adult? Talk about mental illness. This kind of treatment would lead to PTSD.
Sadly, sometimes those who have served in the military come back with PTSD. The trauma these people go through is horrific. The trauma children go through who have been taken out of their homes and used as a sex toy is unimaginable.
Personally, I believe we should have been concerned about the children who were separated from their parents during the Clinton and Obama years. But, I think we should be more proactive in protecting our children today from pedophiles and sexual predators. We need to protect the children, and we need to see through the tricks of the mainstream media in trying to use a situation, that should have been addressed years ago, to frame someone who they are angry about because he won the election.
For those interested, here is an article describing what actually happens when a family crosses the border, and the children getting separated from their parents.
How should we pray?
*Pray for those who truly need asylum, to be able to enter the country through the right channels and safely.
*Pray for those who are drug smugglers to be caught and penalized.
*Pray also for God's protection for children from being taken by pedophiles.
*Pray that God will intervene and reveal those who have been brought into the sex slave trade.
*Pray that God will reveal and set free those who have been taken hostage and are hidden from everyone else.
*Pray for the salvation of lost people and those who are in bondage to their sin, especially pornography and drugs.

If you are interested in learning about the story of 3 women who were held hostage and used sexually for 10 years, and how they are doing today, 5 years later, please click on this link: https://people.com/crime/cleveland-kidnapping-survivors-where-five-years-later/
If this subject is hard for you, my reader friends, to handle, I ask that you please skip reading this one. I know that people have preconceived ideas about things, and those ideas form a whole belief system on whatever the subject is. None of us has the whole picture of life before us. Plus, we must skillfully separate the truth from the lies.
Recently, there has been an uproar in social media, television, radio, and whatever means are available to broadcast information. One of the more recent uproars has to do with children being separated from their parents while the parents are being questioned after they come into this country across the border.
First of all, this whole issue is not new. Children have been separated from their parents for a couple of decades while trying to get into this country. This situation was going on when Bill Clinton was president as well as when Obama was president. I don't remember seeing or hearing about anyone being concerned about these children during those time periods.
Second, Time magazine has taken upon itself, the task of publishing a picture of a child, and putting the blame on Donald Trump for this crying child, who was supposedly separated from her parents while the parents had illegally come into our country. But the situation of what really happened was quite different. The mother of the child was leaving her husband and coming to America with her child. She had paid a lot of money for someone to illegally get in here. The child was not crying because she was being separated from her mother. But the mother abandoned her husband and other children in the family. She left her home and took the little girl with her, paid coyotes to help her get in. Here is the link to what really happened: https://www.dailywire.com/news/32165/father-says-girl-never-separated-border-mom-paid-ryan-saavedra
O.K. that is just part of what upsets me. I hate slander and framing people because they aren't liked. I have seen that done in the church as well as in the political realm.
But here's what really bothers me. Do you know that little children are often kidnapped and taken away from their parents for good, because of sexual predators? I have read horror stories of children being taken away, or almost taken away from these pedophiles. I learned of a story where a mom was shopping and had her six year old with her. He was getting tired and bored, and someone was noticing and took advantage of the situation. A young man in his early to mid 20s came over to them. He was as friendly and sympathetic as could be. He offered to take the child down to the video store, as he said he had a child too, who gets bored. He promised to bring the child back when they were finished. The mom said no, but he continued his sweet, friendly dialog. Finally, the mom trusted the man enough to let her take her son to the video store. She never saw him again.
People are getting bolder now about this. I remember reading about a woman in Target or somewhere, where the friendly lady in front of her just picked up her baby and almost walked off with the baby. I have heard stories where moms and their children were being followed in the store, but it had a good ending because the mom never gave in and was perceptive to what was going on. I had also heard that the people who take these children, many times, send them overseas, and I guess they put them on the black market.
This, to me, should be what we are upset about. Sure, I don't think children should be separated from their parents for a day, while going through a process. But do we realize how serious it is when children are taken from their parents and never seen again? Where is our outrage for this?
Some of these children are killed. But many of them are just used in the sex slave trade.
Friends, please learn and educate yourselves and your families on how to protect your children from this horror. Can you imagine what it would be like for a child who has been taken and brought into the sex slave trade, when he or she becomes an adult? Talk about mental illness. This kind of treatment would lead to PTSD.
Sadly, sometimes those who have served in the military come back with PTSD. The trauma these people go through is horrific. The trauma children go through who have been taken out of their homes and used as a sex toy is unimaginable.
Personally, I believe we should have been concerned about the children who were separated from their parents during the Clinton and Obama years. But, I think we should be more proactive in protecting our children today from pedophiles and sexual predators. We need to protect the children, and we need to see through the tricks of the mainstream media in trying to use a situation, that should have been addressed years ago, to frame someone who they are angry about because he won the election.
For those interested, here is an article describing what actually happens when a family crosses the border, and the children getting separated from their parents.
How should we pray?
*Pray for those who truly need asylum, to be able to enter the country through the right channels and safely.
*Pray for those who are drug smugglers to be caught and penalized.
*Pray also for God's protection for children from being taken by pedophiles.
*Pray that God will intervene and reveal those who have been brought into the sex slave trade.
*Pray that God will reveal and set free those who have been taken hostage and are hidden from everyone else.
*Pray for the salvation of lost people and those who are in bondage to their sin, especially pornography and drugs.

If you are interested in learning about the story of 3 women who were held hostage and used sexually for 10 years, and how they are doing today, 5 years later, please click on this link: https://people.com/crime/cleveland-kidnapping-survivors-where-five-years-later/
Monday, May 28, 2018
The Current Problem With Immigration
One of the neatest things about our country, is that much of it is made up of people who have emigrated to America from other countries for the past 400 years. People came here to find freedom to start their businesses and develop their God-given skills to make a living for themselves and their families, as well as to build healthy communities.
My ancestors came from other countries and landed in America. Some of them were Dutch and others were German. My great grandparents came here in the early 1900s, and they used their skills to build their businesses which served those who lived in the communities they lived in.
They did well here in America. My uncle asked my great grandmother, whom we called, 'Oma', "Why did you not stay in Austria?" I believe he asked this while watching the Sound of Music, which was the area where my great grandmother grew up in. She replied, in her broken English tongue, "You can't eat the flowers." Yes, Edelweiss grows well in Austria, but one cannot make a living from the flowers which grow in the Alps!
I learned from a distant cousin I met on the Internet, that my dad's great grandparents came from Alsace-Lorraine. Alsace-Lorraine was owned on and off by the Germans and the French. My ancestors came over here and worked with produce and meat. They had a market in Orange, NJ, which they started. They helped build the economy here, and became part of the fabric of our society in New Jersey. They probably came here for economic reasons, but, they also may have come here for religious reasons as well.
My ancestors became American citizens and never went back to their old countries to stay. They lived the rest of their lives as law abiding citizens in this country.
It is interesting to look at old census records, especially in New York City. Lots of people came into the city. The people from whatever country they came from, settled in specific places in the city. For example, you can find groups of Italian families who came in and settled in a particular area in New York City. The same way with the Germans and even the Irish. There were people from Russia who came to New York City, as well as those who came from France and England. Many nationalities came together in this place. These people were the builders of our society, as we know it today.
But what has happened today? We still have immigrants coming into America. We have a lot of people going through the process of becoming American citizens. Our country continues to grow. But there is a problem.
People come to America for a variety of reasons today. Some stay here, because they have a work pass and are working here for a period of time. Others may be here because a relative or family member came over and decided that America was the place to stay, and they want to join them! But there are those who come over here for the wrong reasons too. There is a lot of drug smuggling, and one way to get drugs into the country is to bring them into this country. Also, there are people here who are trying to escape living in a Communist country, or a country with a harsh ruler. Some are also prisoners, trying to flee the country they live in, so, they choose to live here. And some just want the benefits of living in America without the hard work of living as a citizen here.
When the Left makes accusations of the President being a bigot or prejudice, they are trying to make a case against the President to make him look like a bad guy. First of all, the President in no way, is against immigration. What the President is after, is specifically 'illegal' immigrants.
I have heard enough of the opinions from the Left concerning this subject. When they are in conversations about immigration, they intentionally leave off the word, 'illegal' to try to make it look like the President is against all immigrants. The Left wants the world to think that the President thinks America is better than everyone else and that he hates everyone else. They are using this whole thought to discredit him in this area. But nothing could be further from the truth.
What is the problem with having illegal immigrants living in our country. On the surface, probably not a whole lot. The problem comes when the Left starts elevating the illegal immigrants above the American citizens. It has come to the point where illegal immigrants are receiving the privileges that only belong to American citizens. Not only that, it costs money for the American citizens to host these illegal immigrants who want to live in this country.
Think about it this way; There are a lot of children who need homes. Many were not wanted and have been put up for adoption. Adoption is a great option, and we need people to adopt children. But could each family take in 25 children or more? That would be kind of hard for us to do. The need is great, but, no one could afford to raise that many children in one home.
The problem that the Left has, is with boundaries. The Left does not want us to place boundaries on these people who come to our country and live here illegally. The Left has a different set of boundaries for society. The kind of boundaries the Left lays out would be put around Christians who believe the word of God is true. The Left would call the words in the Bible, 'hate speech' simply because it puts boundaries around them that they don't like. But the Left doesn't want the American boundaries placed around the illegal immigrants because they want the illegal immigrants to be one of their 'victimized' groups that they can come to their rescue. In return for their 'being rescued' by the Left, the Left depends upon the illegal immigrants for their votes. They are even trying to make laws in California to make it legal for illegal immigrants to vote!
So yes, the problem is not with immigrants. Not at all. The key word is 'illegal'. If someone comes to this country and wants to receive the benefits of being an American citizen, then go through the process to become a citizen. There is a way to do this, and it can be done right!
People who support 'illegal' immigration should always leave their doors unlocked. Their homes should be made open to the public, so, whoever wants to come in should be able to, any time of the day or night. There should be no restrictions on these 'visitors' either. They should have full access to everything in the fridge, and should be able to use the wi-fi connection as well. Make sure the visitors know where the credit card is too, so they can help themselves to whatever they need. They have had a hard life and they deserve better.
While we have illegal immigrants here in our country, we can take advantage of this situation by sharing the Gospel message with them. Pray for those who are around you, and don't become bitter because of their taking advantage of American privileges. Perhaps this is God's way of positioning them so they can hear the Gospel message and be saved. They may be here for a season, even illegally, but God can have mercy on them and convict them of their sinful condition and their need for a Savior. This may be the only opportunity for them to hear the Gospel message.
My ancestors came from other countries and landed in America. Some of them were Dutch and others were German. My great grandparents came here in the early 1900s, and they used their skills to build their businesses which served those who lived in the communities they lived in.
They did well here in America. My uncle asked my great grandmother, whom we called, 'Oma', "Why did you not stay in Austria?" I believe he asked this while watching the Sound of Music, which was the area where my great grandmother grew up in. She replied, in her broken English tongue, "You can't eat the flowers." Yes, Edelweiss grows well in Austria, but one cannot make a living from the flowers which grow in the Alps!
I learned from a distant cousin I met on the Internet, that my dad's great grandparents came from Alsace-Lorraine. Alsace-Lorraine was owned on and off by the Germans and the French. My ancestors came over here and worked with produce and meat. They had a market in Orange, NJ, which they started. They helped build the economy here, and became part of the fabric of our society in New Jersey. They probably came here for economic reasons, but, they also may have come here for religious reasons as well.
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Ancestors from Alsace-Lorraine |
My ancestors became American citizens and never went back to their old countries to stay. They lived the rest of their lives as law abiding citizens in this country.
It is interesting to look at old census records, especially in New York City. Lots of people came into the city. The people from whatever country they came from, settled in specific places in the city. For example, you can find groups of Italian families who came in and settled in a particular area in New York City. The same way with the Germans and even the Irish. There were people from Russia who came to New York City, as well as those who came from France and England. Many nationalities came together in this place. These people were the builders of our society, as we know it today.
But what has happened today? We still have immigrants coming into America. We have a lot of people going through the process of becoming American citizens. Our country continues to grow. But there is a problem.
People come to America for a variety of reasons today. Some stay here, because they have a work pass and are working here for a period of time. Others may be here because a relative or family member came over and decided that America was the place to stay, and they want to join them! But there are those who come over here for the wrong reasons too. There is a lot of drug smuggling, and one way to get drugs into the country is to bring them into this country. Also, there are people here who are trying to escape living in a Communist country, or a country with a harsh ruler. Some are also prisoners, trying to flee the country they live in, so, they choose to live here. And some just want the benefits of living in America without the hard work of living as a citizen here.
When the Left makes accusations of the President being a bigot or prejudice, they are trying to make a case against the President to make him look like a bad guy. First of all, the President in no way, is against immigration. What the President is after, is specifically 'illegal' immigrants.
I have heard enough of the opinions from the Left concerning this subject. When they are in conversations about immigration, they intentionally leave off the word, 'illegal' to try to make it look like the President is against all immigrants. The Left wants the world to think that the President thinks America is better than everyone else and that he hates everyone else. They are using this whole thought to discredit him in this area. But nothing could be further from the truth.
What is the problem with having illegal immigrants living in our country. On the surface, probably not a whole lot. The problem comes when the Left starts elevating the illegal immigrants above the American citizens. It has come to the point where illegal immigrants are receiving the privileges that only belong to American citizens. Not only that, it costs money for the American citizens to host these illegal immigrants who want to live in this country.
Think about it this way; There are a lot of children who need homes. Many were not wanted and have been put up for adoption. Adoption is a great option, and we need people to adopt children. But could each family take in 25 children or more? That would be kind of hard for us to do. The need is great, but, no one could afford to raise that many children in one home.
The problem that the Left has, is with boundaries. The Left does not want us to place boundaries on these people who come to our country and live here illegally. The Left has a different set of boundaries for society. The kind of boundaries the Left lays out would be put around Christians who believe the word of God is true. The Left would call the words in the Bible, 'hate speech' simply because it puts boundaries around them that they don't like. But the Left doesn't want the American boundaries placed around the illegal immigrants because they want the illegal immigrants to be one of their 'victimized' groups that they can come to their rescue. In return for their 'being rescued' by the Left, the Left depends upon the illegal immigrants for their votes. They are even trying to make laws in California to make it legal for illegal immigrants to vote!
So yes, the problem is not with immigrants. Not at all. The key word is 'illegal'. If someone comes to this country and wants to receive the benefits of being an American citizen, then go through the process to become a citizen. There is a way to do this, and it can be done right!
People who support 'illegal' immigration should always leave their doors unlocked. Their homes should be made open to the public, so, whoever wants to come in should be able to, any time of the day or night. There should be no restrictions on these 'visitors' either. They should have full access to everything in the fridge, and should be able to use the wi-fi connection as well. Make sure the visitors know where the credit card is too, so they can help themselves to whatever they need. They have had a hard life and they deserve better.
While we have illegal immigrants here in our country, we can take advantage of this situation by sharing the Gospel message with them. Pray for those who are around you, and don't become bitter because of their taking advantage of American privileges. Perhaps this is God's way of positioning them so they can hear the Gospel message and be saved. They may be here for a season, even illegally, but God can have mercy on them and convict them of their sinful condition and their need for a Savior. This may be the only opportunity for them to hear the Gospel message.
What Is Freedom In America All About?
While we celebrate Memorial Day, I am sure many do not understand what we are celebrating. Why is this?
As History becomes older, it tends to fade in the background. Our reference point for everything we do and the way we understand how life works, is where we are at today. Even though we are human beings, just like we were 200 years ago, we have different surroundings. We even have different meanings for words.
All throughout History, human beings have always wanted freedom. Freedom of religion. Freedom to develop the skills we want to grow in. Freedom to vote for the candidates we want to be in office. Freedom to go to the grocery store or market. Freedom to look for a job we will be good at. The list could go on and on.
Most of the time, throughout world History, governments were already in place. Rules were set. Even if they were unfair, they had to be obeyed, or there would be severe consequences.
People were tired of having to submit to authorities and governments where they could never develop well. God created people with dignity, and has a plan for each person to live out. But in ages past, there has never been the freedom to develop and grow, and build the kind of communities we need to live in. The types of governments would never allow that to happen.
But, there was a country that started with the intentions of all people who live here to be able to develop their God given abilities and to start their own businesses, to provide for their families, and to be able to be charitable to those in need in the communities.
There has always been threats to our freedom in America. Many people in other countries are jealous of Americans simply because Americans have worked hard to preserve their freedoms. And those freedoms have allowed the Americans to flourish. Other countries would like to destroy us and make us like them, having little or no freedom.
Those who started our country were God-fearing men and women. Yes, there were others who came into our country who were not God-fearing and have brought about many challenges that we have to deal with, even to this day. There were those who did not do their part in building this country, but, there were many, many who did. And many of these people went to war to keep our freedom alive.
The reason the word 'freedom' has little or no meaning today (especially to young people) is that we either did not learn the whole spectrum of History where people were under tyranny. People lived century after century under dictatorships and experienced little or not freedom at all. Even in those countries where there was some freedom, it was limited.
I am pretty sure that most schools cover very little, if any, information on the subjects of Communism, Socialism, or even Radical Islam. Young people are not familiar with what the living conditions were for those who lived in Communist countries. Many have never heard of the horrors of the Holocaust. So, for many, the word 'freedom' doesn't really have a whole lot of meaning.
And to others, especially in our day, freedom has become another word for being free to do whatever we want. It basically means 'lawlessness'. There are little consequences for lawbreakers today, and people want their freedom to do whatever they think will make them happy. But this kind of freedom is not the freedom that the war veterans fought and died for.
So, when we meet someone who came out of a Communist country, or if we get to hear someone on television or radio who went through the horrors of the Holocaust, we need to pay attention to what they say. They will tell you what life is like without having freedom. And if they have the choice, they will never go back to a land where freedom is not there.
We need to pray for our country to continue to have freedom. We need to pray for our churches, that God would guide our spiritual leaders into all truth, and that the hearts of those leaders will follow after the truth. We need to pray for people who live in America, to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and respond to Him in repentance and faith (trust). People need to experience true freedom in Christ.
"A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days." Proverbs 28:16 ESV
Friday, May 18, 2018
Another Gun Shooting - Possible Hidden Motive?
Another Gun Shooting - A Possible Hidden Motive?
It is so sad to hear about another gun shooting. I believe this one was at a school also,
and happened in Texas. This is very sad. I am sad for the families who lost loved ones.
Today and throughout this whole year and in the years past.
We grieve when we hear of gun shootings. It breaks families apart. Loved ones are gone
into eternity. It is painful to lose family members.
While this is extremely sad and grievous, I want to share my opinion on why I think
this is happening so much today. But I want to be careful to not sound callous when I
share my opinion. I am praying for those who are grieving today. I would put myself in
their place and can’t imagine how much pain this would bring about.
I do want to share this opinion though, because I think there is something we might
need to learn.
So here it is. My two-cents on the subject. I think the Liberal Left is somehow to blame for
these shootings. Whether the shooter is a Left-winger or not, or perhaps is hired or influenced by someone on the Left, I am beginning to see a trend here.
The Left does not want people to own guns. They know very well that if you put up
signs telling people that a place is a ‘Gun-free zone’ that people will still bring guns and
use them to shoot those they want to attack. A Gun-free zone sign means nothing to the
potential shooter.
It starts with an idea that if we ban guns, then there will not be gun shootings at
schools and other public places. So, if the Left can bring about people who will carry
out this activity, then they will be making a statement that will making the need for
banning guns imperative.
If you look at the 8 years Obama was in office, you will notice a trend. He worked to
make the military minimal, and worked toward gun control. Think about it. If our
military is weak and if we don’t have access to guns, then how can we protect
I see the goal of removing guns as a way for the people to become powerless. In a
Socialistic world, they would lead one to believe that everyone is happy and everyone
loves each other so we don’t need guns. The problem is, everyone does not love their neighbors.
In fact, the Bible describes human beings as very selfish and arrogant as
well as being hurtful to others. It takes a new heart that can only come from God, to
be able to love other people.
The ultimate goal of gun control is not just for gun control. It’s what it will lead to. Eventually, they will take away everyone’s guns and no one will be able to fight to protect themselves and what they have because the government will have all the weapons they need.
You have to see what all this means. The goal of Obama and Clinton would be to make the government big and powerful. They would want the government to have way more control than
well as being hurtful to others. It takes a new heart that can only come from God, to
be able to love other people.
The ultimate goal of gun control is not just for gun control. It’s what it will lead to. Eventually, they will take away everyone’s guns and no one will be able to fight to protect themselves and what they have because the government will have all the weapons they need.
You have to see what all this means. The goal of Obama and Clinton would be to make the government big and powerful. They would want the government to have way more control than
what the government is supposed to have.
The government is to serve the people by protecting them and providing laws that will
enable them to work and serve in their communities. The government comes in to
provide protection for people when their rights have been violated. The government
allows us to have guns to protect ourselves.
The more power the government has, the less power you and I will have. We have to understand
The government is to serve the people by protecting them and providing laws that will
enable them to work and serve in their communities. The government comes in to
provide protection for people when their rights have been violated. The government
allows us to have guns to protect ourselves.
The more power the government has, the less power you and I will have. We have to understand
this when we vote for the candidates running for office. Are they running to make the Socialistic cause greater (big government, small people power), or are they there to provide protection for the people to serve and live in the way they are called?
I will be praying for those who are suffering with their losses because of this violent
act. I will also be praying that God will reveal the schemes of the Enemy of our souls,
so that we will know how to take the next step. May God help us all to see the bigger
picture of what is really going on behind the scenes here in our country.
Prayer: Father God, we ask that You will be with those who are grieving their losses
right now. We ask that You help those who are in critical condition, to recover fully.
We pray that You will be with them in a strong way. We pray also that You will give
us eyes to see You with. Please help us to see through the tricks of the Enemy of
our souls. We pray that You will raise up Godly men and women who will give
vital leadership in this country. We pray for people to learn the 'fear of the Lord'.
Please protect students as they go to school in the coming weeks. For those who
would bring guns in to attack, please keep the bullets from hitting anyone and may
the guns not work. We also ask that the shooters would be caught and penalized
for their evil action. We pray for the law to be enforced, so people will learn to fear
Your name. Be with our law-makers and those in our court systems. Help these
people to have eyes to see You with. Help them to see their need for a Savior, and
we pray that they will make just laws and decisions that will serve the people
well. We ask in Jesus' name.
I will be praying for those who are suffering with their losses because of this violent
act. I will also be praying that God will reveal the schemes of the Enemy of our souls,
so that we will know how to take the next step. May God help us all to see the bigger
picture of what is really going on behind the scenes here in our country.
Prayer: Father God, we ask that You will be with those who are grieving their losses
right now. We ask that You help those who are in critical condition, to recover fully.
We pray that You will be with them in a strong way. We pray also that You will give
us eyes to see You with. Please help us to see through the tricks of the Enemy of
our souls. We pray that You will raise up Godly men and women who will give
vital leadership in this country. We pray for people to learn the 'fear of the Lord'.
Please protect students as they go to school in the coming weeks. For those who
would bring guns in to attack, please keep the bullets from hitting anyone and may
the guns not work. We also ask that the shooters would be caught and penalized
for their evil action. We pray for the law to be enforced, so people will learn to fear
Your name. Be with our law-makers and those in our court systems. Help these
people to have eyes to see You with. Help them to see their need for a Savior, and
we pray that they will make just laws and decisions that will serve the people
well. We ask in Jesus' name.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Exposing The Hidden Works of Darkness - Praying For Healing In the Church
"We need a Disney princess who's had an abortion. We need a Disney princess who's pro-choice. We need a Disney princess who's an undocumented immigrant. We need a Disney princess who's actually a union worker. We need a Disney princess who's trans." Guess who said this?
----Planned Parenthood Keystone (Pennsylvania branch), on Twitter, 3/27/18
I think this article is very telling. It specifically reveals the heart of Planned Parenthood. Many in the past, seem to think that Planned Parenthood is actually a good and helpful organization to women in desperate need. But today, the veil is being removed as Planned Parenthood doesn't have to fear the law anymore because the law actually supports them and their ideology.
But what I want to point out in this quote is that those things listed above, really do express the heart of the liberal Left. Every point in that quote is what the Left stands for. Sadly, the Democratic party has been highjacked by the liberal Left and is now going in that same direction.
Let's look at the points made in the quote:
* abortion
* pro-choice
* undocumented immigrant
* union worker
* trans
Years ago, many Democrats would not necessarily hold to these views. There were some who registered Democrat because of employment issues. Others believed the Democratic party was strong in helping minorities and those in poverty. While these things may have been true in the past, sadly, they are not true today.
I will say that there are a few Democrats who still hold onto some values, but those are rare. There's been a morphing into something bold and evil that is coming forth as an ugly monster today.
Today, we are facing a black and white issue when it comes to which side we are going to support. During the elections, we receive information sheets on what the candidates stand for on certain key issues. Some of the candidates refuse to answer, while some are open and honest about what they believe in. One thing I have noticed is that you can look at this sheet and clearly see a difference between what the Republicans and the Democrats believe in and stand for. It's not a guessing game any more.
Generally speaking, on the questions of pro-choice/abortion, LGBT issues, parental rights, religious freedom, and educational issues, the Democrats are for the wrong choices. For example, they would be more for having the state have more control and say over the area of education than the parents. Almost straight down the line, they are all for abortion and supportive of pro-choice groups.
I don't know that it was always like this, but, what would you expect from a political party which removes 'In God we trust' from their platform?
So, what can we do? We can elect Godly officials into office. We can also pray. We need to be praying for our country.
Here are some prayer points:
* Pray for Americans to learn 'the fear of the Lord' again
* Pray for the church in America to be healthy.
* Pray for the body of Christ to work together in unity and love.
* Pray for the healing of broken relationships in the church(es).
* Pray that Americans will learn the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, and truth and error.
* Pray that wrongdoing will be found and penalized
Our hope is in the true and living God. There is no other hope or help outside Him.
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