Lenin Quote

The Goal of Socialism
Saturday, January 23, 2021
What Can Happen When We Pray Continually?
Saturday, January 16, 2021
The Obvious Hypocrisy of the Left
I am reading through the Rush Limbaugh magazine this month, and found an article spotlighting the double standard of the Left, specifically where it comes to using masks, quarantines, and social distancing.
The magazine does not want reprints made because of copyright reasons, but I will summarize the article and post it here.
The article is called, 'Democrats Flout Their Own COVID Rules'
The article highlights the recent activities of certain Democrats who called for a mask mandate or even more recently, have requested families to not gather for holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. These Democrats have also closed down the businesses in their towns, but these individuals have appeared in public places that are closed down because of COVID, and many times, not even wearing a mask!
Let's go through the list of these Democratic leaders who played the role of the hypocrite in the past few months.
1. Mayor Steve Adler from Austin - Recommended a no travel restriction. He was found traveling to Mexico. To his credit, he issued an apology for setting a bad example.
2. Mayor Muriel Bowser from D.C. - Issued a travel restriction and quarantine. Attended a Biden victory speech in Delaware and did not self quarantine herself. She considered the event as 'essential' and did not practice the social requirements at the speech according to pictures on social media.
3. Governor Andrew Cuomo from NY - " Don't have family gatherings". "We (Cuomo's family) are going to be alone physically..." referring to the upcoming Thanksgiving usual gathering they had every year. His mom wanted to come for Thanksgiving but he did cancel the event, after being called out for his hypocrisy. Also, he has been seen without a mask, even hugging the mayor from Savannah, GA., nor did he follow the quarantine regulations after a visit to GA.
4. Mayor Bill De Blasio from NYC - He instructed the NYPD to arrest those who gather in large groups. Yet, he gathered with a large group of protestors in Harlem who deemed the cause of BLM as more serious than the potential of spreading the virus.
5. Senator Dianne Feinstein from California - "Wearing masks in public should be mandatory. Period". She was pictured inside a Dulles airport without a face covering on. Another video showed her chatting with her aides, without a mask, in the halls of a government building before entering a hearing in November.
6. Mayor Michael Hancock from Denver - He pleads with everyone to stay home (Youtube 11/20/20). He urged people to host virtual gatherings on Thanksgiving, instead of in-person dinners. And to avoid travel. He boarded a plane to Mississippi to visit family for Thanksgiving, following his statement on his recommendation to stay home and avoid travel.
7. Mayor Jim Kenney from Philadelphia - Also recommends that people stop congregating and that people stay home. He also recommended, along with a medical expert, that people avoid indoor situations where the virus could easily spread. He was found, not wearing a mask, at a public restaurant in Maryland.He justified his actions by saying that the COVID virus cases in Maryland was much lower than that in Philadelphia.
8. Senator Chuck Shumer from NY - "Wear a mask". Schumer was found maskless in NYC while ranting about the President who was supposedly holding a 'super-spreader' event at the White House. He also was found screaming, without a mask on, and in a crowd at the Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, about how they would take over the world if they were to take GA.
There were more mayors, senators, and people of importance in the article, but I will not post them all here in order to save space. But you get the point. There are a few Democrats who are moderate in their understanding of how life works, but, many have turned to the far-left. Most, if not all of these above Democrats are Socialistically minded and give way too much power to government.
Also, when I make future references to the President (who will be former president in a couple of days, most likely), I will refer to him as Mr. T. I know that Google, etc. are coming down hard in finding those who would find Trump supporters and restrict them, so, I will use another term for that. The Left doesn't want to take any chance of this man running again for President.