There are those who are asking the question, 'Don't they know that what they are doing is destructive to the foundation of our country?'. They are making the assumption that everyone who seems to be patriotic wants the best for our country. But that isn't really so.
There are those in the upper levels of government who oppose everything the President is doing. When he makes decisions to build up the military, or to protect our country, these people focus on something other than the serious issues we need to face and work with.
Our young people are the ones I am concerned about. They have been indoctrinated into believing lies about our country's History and foundation, and they have bought into the lies of the left.
Make no mistake about this. The Left does not care about you. They are addicted to rage, as someone put it. They are indifferent to low unemployment. The Left is not jumping for joy because the economy is doing so well. In fact, I have seen lies even about this. I have seen articles telling of the imminent collapse of our economy. Nothing is based upon accuracy, just wishful thinking.
The Left also is not concerned with building up the military. You have to ask the question, when someone joins the army or navy, are they fighting for the America that we know and love, or, did they join the army or navy just for the benefits with no real desire to protect freedom?
Let's go back to the first point I made. Does the Left know that what they are doing is destructive to the foundation of our country? I believe they do know, and I also believe that what they are doing is intentional. They really do want to destroy our country. And this is the most logical way of doing this.
This begs the next question; why would the Left want to destroy America? Simple answer; they want to destroy the America we know, simply because once they destroy it, they can remake it into a Socialistic nation.
The devil is the god of this world. He is not the true and living God, but since the fall, he has stolen the authority over us, and he works through anyone who allows him to. So, the devil works through people in the government, many times. He will work through those, especially, who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. The people who the devil works through, have darkened minds. They do not have the mind of Christ, nor do they have God's wisdom. They have the wisdom of the world instead. Also, they become puppets for Satan, doing his bidding. These people don't see things through spiritual eyes. They are blind to spiritual truth.
The devil has always wanted to take freedom away from people. He knows that if he can keep people in the dark, they will not hear the Gospel message and they will not come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
America was founded as a free nation. Not many countries have had the kind of freedom America has experienced. I personally believe that God led the original people, as flawed as they were, to America, for the sole purpose of providing a nation where the church could thrive and grow. This church, could be a means of grace to other nations that aren't as fortunate as America has been.
Many missionaries have been sent out of America to other countries. Today, because of technology and good communication methods, Americans have been able to minister to people who live in other nations.
The question is, has America been faithful with what she has been given, or have the people in America turned away from God and are they using His blessings to make themselves happy and keep themselves in a selfish state?
We need to be praying for our local churches, as well as for the leaders of our country. God can change hearts. We need to be praying for the lost, to come to know the Lord.
It's not by coincidence that whenever the President wants to do something important to help our country, the Left tries their best to stop it. Not only does the Left lie, but they actually want to destroy the country. They want to destroy it, so they can remake it once it crumbles. It will be in their hands, and they will remake it the way they desire, which is into a Socialist/Communist country.
They are not teaching people to be responsible for themselves. They are shaping the people to be dependent upon others, i.e., the government. When they (the government) have their full allegiance, then they (the government) will have full control over the people. Thus, the people lose their freedoms.
Lenin Quote

The Goal of Socialism
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Thursday, November 14, 2019
What is Going On Behind the Decoy?
A couple of days ago, I responded to a post with a comment. A few people thanked me for the comment. What I wasn't aware of was that many people probably are unaware of this information. So, I will take it and post it here for all to be informed.
"The attack from the Left is not just about Trump. It is toward all of us who hold conservative views. I believe Trump is just a decoy and they want to get him out of the way so they can continue marching on destroying our country so they can remake it into a Socialistic country. They hate Trump. But they hate anyone who doesn't go along with or support their immorality and corruption. What is amazing to me is that there is a greater persecution against Trump and his followers than there is to the Lord, although, I think these people hate God's principles and that's why they hate conservatism and anything that gets in the way of their agenda."
I have said this before, but just want to reiterate it in this blog post.
Also, I have learned much about this from Dinesh D'Souza, a man whose family came over here from India when he was a boy, and became American citizens during that time. Dinesh is brilliant and has a good understanding of what is going on in America today. He has a way better understanding of American History than I ever had! You can find info on him by doing a search on the Internet. He also has books available that you can order from
"The attack from the Left is not just about Trump. It is toward all of us who hold conservative views. I believe Trump is just a decoy and they want to get him out of the way so they can continue marching on destroying our country so they can remake it into a Socialistic country. They hate Trump. But they hate anyone who doesn't go along with or support their immorality and corruption. What is amazing to me is that there is a greater persecution against Trump and his followers than there is to the Lord, although, I think these people hate God's principles and that's why they hate conservatism and anything that gets in the way of their agenda."
I have said this before, but just want to reiterate it in this blog post.
Also, I have learned much about this from Dinesh D'Souza, a man whose family came over here from India when he was a boy, and became American citizens during that time. Dinesh is brilliant and has a good understanding of what is going on in America today. He has a way better understanding of American History than I ever had! You can find info on him by doing a search on the Internet. He also has books available that you can order from
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