Well, to be honest, many things are missing from Communism. One would be freedom. Communism doesn't offer freedom. All authority is given to the governing elite. They make all the decisions and they decide where all the money goes. Another thing missing is a good economy. You won't find a good economy in Communistic societies.
But there is one thing that is missing that is very sad. I was thinking of how, in America, we can make so many different dishes and recipes using a wide variety of ingredients. There is a lot of creativity we have available to us in designing dinner plates.
People even get jobs and have careers in restaurants. If the person is a skilled chef, he or she can get hired on the spot. These people are valued for their skills.
We have ingredients available to us to use in our recipes. In fact, we have a wide variety of food co-ops we can join to satisfy our selection of ingredients and we can make some pretty spectacular meals.
In America, we can take our children to music lessons. We might have a son who plays the trumpet, or a daughter who plays the piano. On the radio, we can pick from a wide variety of music genre to listen to. It's great! We have Celtic, Blues, Rock, Pop, Country, Folk, symphony, and the list goes on. We have a lot to be grateful for.
Some people are skilled in mechanics and fixing machinery or cars. Others are good with a needle and thread. Others have math and skills in working with numbers. Some people like to work with hair and can make some fantastic hairstyles! This list could go on and on.
The point is, God created people in His image, with equal value, yet with different skills, talents, and strengths. Each person is unique and uses his or her skills to build a career they need to have to support themselves and their families.
This is called, 'Individuality'. This is how a community is built. Even in the body of Christ, God gives specific gifts to people, as well as talents and skills. Communism takes away individualism. They look at each person as a number instead of as a person.
Another point on this is that Communism/Socialism looks at these individual skills as competition, which they consider unjust. They think it isn't fair if a person can make a lot of money using his or her skill, when other people do not have that skill. In their minds, everyone should have the same skill, and get the same recognition as well as make the same amount of money.
Communism is really an object of worship. Worship involves trust. A Communistic government wants each person to depend upon the government for everything, including the individual's decision making and his or her trust for their needs. The government decides where you live and what job you will have, plus, the government requires a large portion of your hard earned money. They would say they are going to use it to help everyone have equal wealth, but in reality, they will pocket much, if not most of the money for themselves. (We have seen this in the past with Communistic governments).
Yes, it would be boring to live in a Communist country. Americans today are not aware of the struggles people have had in the past who lived in Communist countries. These people are being lied to by the mainstream media, college professors, and teachers.
Right now, the Socialists in our country are bribing people with their offers of free healthcare, and other such items. But if you are somewhat logical, you can figure out that this can never happen. Even if everyone's salaries were put in a pot and distributed equally to everyone, we would all end up poor. Not only would our creativity be suppressed, but we would not have much food to eat. Think of this, farmers would have little incentive to grow food and produce meat because the government would put too many restrictions on them and they would get little in return.
Do you think that physicians are going to work for free when people get sick? How about men and women who are planning on going to medical school to become doctors, when they graduate and get their practices going, would they really work for nothing? They would lose their incentive to work, and who knows, maybe there would be a large shortage on medical practitioners.
Do you know what the most important thing missing from Communism is? Would you miss it if we end up under Communism?
Communism is basically Atheistic in its religious belief. Communism requires that each subject is Atheistic as well. Everyone worships something and in Communism, the government is the object of worship.
The missing item which is so great, is God. In places like North Korea, the leaders have actually taken the Bible, and in parts of it they have rewritten the words putting their names in the place of where God's name is. And children are required to learn this in school. The leaders in North Korea are requiring their citizens to worship them. If you could ever to North Korea, you would see pictures of the leader in all the stores and public places.
One suggestion would be to find the Voice of the Martyrs website. I know they have to be careful of what they post, because of security reasons for those who live in countries that are hostile to the Gospel message. They put out a magazine every month and the articles that talk about the difficulties of living in these countries. I have learned more about Communism from their magazines than I have from the news or actual History books!
Communism is real, and it is a threat to America. There have always been threats to our country's freedom and this one is coming on strong. Years ago, those who proposed Communism in our country were rejected. They were ostracized, and looked down upon. But for the past 40 years or so, principles of Socialism and Communism have been subtly taught in our schools as well as trumpeted by the mainstream media, and now politicians are proudly identifying as Socialists and promoting it as a type of Utopia.
* For people to be made aware of what Communism really is.
* For people to come to know the Lord and have radical conversions.
* For people in America to learn the 'fear of the Lord'.
* For criminals to be caught and penalized.
* For churches in America to be spiritually healthy and growing.
* For God's people to become discerning and spiritually sharp.
Before Communism After Communism |