Why is Capitalism evil in the eyes of some people? It is simply because our culture has been ingrained to believe in a philosophy that originally comes from Eastern religions.
The philosophy is called, 'Yin-Yang'. Whether we want to believe it or not, we, as a nation, seemed to have embraced this idea. Probably even without realizing it.
So, what is Yin-Yang* anyway? It is the thought that everything must be balanced. Everything in this universe is balanced naturally. Some examples are things that are opposite, like light and darkness, and life and death. But it even affects wealth and poverty, for they are also opposites which balance each other out.
How does this tie in with Capitalism? Capitalism works because people want to work to earn a living, by using their skills and talents which ultimately, not only serve the person's family, but also serves others. When Capitalism excels, people earn more money. Some become wealthy. In the understanding of people who embrace Yin-Yang, that means that there will be people in poverty. That is how Yin-Yang balances itself out.
I remember listening to a teaching on apologetics a while back, and the instructor was having a dialog with an Indian waitress. India is a very poor country, if you have never studied this before. Years ago, because of their religious belief in reincarnation, they didn't eat meat. They also had a caste system working for them which put people in different places or classes, depending upon their finances. There is a lot of poverty in India. It is indeed very sad. The instructor was talking with this waitress, and she was not open to Christianity. When the instructor drew her out, it had to do with the fact that there were Indian boys suffering in poverty, while American boys, were able to have video games and other such nice toys. In the understanding of the Indian waitress, she believed that the Indian boys who were suffering, suffered because American boys were wealthy. For every rich American boy, there would be a balance of a poverty stricken boy, somewhere in the world. That is how Yin-Yang balances itself out.
What does God say about this? God sends blessings to those who know Him, as well as to those who do not know Him. God allows difficulties to come to those who know Him, and to those who don't. His blessings are common blessings to all.
But as far as wealth and poverty go, God blesses those who work hard. The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about working hard verses being lazy. It is not about nature balancing economics out around the world. God expects all of us to work hard, with the skills and abilities He has given to each one of us.
Third World countries suffer mainly because of the type of government they have. Many governments are oppressive and do not allow freedom for people to use their skills and talents, to build a community. Women are oppressed in many of these cultures, and there is not enough opportunity for them to build a community which will in turn, provide jobs for people to have. It doesn't have anything to do with America being the wealthiest nation in the world. It's not like America is wealthy, so that means another large nation will become poverty stricken. It doesn't balance itself out like that.
Actually, America is the wealthiest nation in the world, and that the world has ever had. If one wants to balance this out, then one other large nation would be poverty stricken. Out of all the nations in the world, there would be an equal amount of wealthy nations to poor nations.
Whenever God entrusts something to us, we must be faithful with it and use it to serve others. I believe God brought America about in order for our country to be able to serve other countries and to even help them to prosper, or at least teach them how to be prosperous. I think this could happen, but as I mentioned above, the governments of many of these countries will get in the way, and help will not be available to the people.
One other thing; It is not good for people to uproot themselves and leave their societies. Sometimes, this has to be done though, for safety or survival reasons, but generally speaking, people should stay planted where they are and develop their own societies. Also, for an American to go to another country and to try to change things and 'Americanize' the people group, is wrong. We go over there to help other people get started. It is up to them to take the ball and run with it.
For more information on Yin-Yang, please go to https://feng-shui.lovetoknow.com/Ying_Yang_Meaning
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