If this subject is hard for you, my reader friends, to handle, I ask that you please skip reading this one. I know that people have preconceived ideas about things, and those ideas form a whole belief system on whatever the subject is. None of us has the whole picture of life before us. Plus, we must skillfully separate the truth from the lies.
Recently, there has been an uproar in social media, television, radio, and whatever means are available to broadcast information. One of the more recent uproars has to do with children being separated from their parents while the parents are being questioned after they come into this country across the border.
First of all, this whole issue is not new. Children have been separated from their parents for a couple of decades while trying to get into this country. This situation was going on when Bill Clinton was president as well as when Obama was president. I don't remember seeing or hearing about anyone being concerned about these children during those time periods.
Second, Time magazine has taken upon itself, the task of publishing a picture of a child, and putting the blame on Donald Trump for this crying child, who was supposedly separated from her parents while the parents had illegally come into our country. But the situation of what really happened was quite different. The mother of the child was leaving her husband and coming to America with her child. She had paid a lot of money for someone to illegally get in here. The child was not crying because she was being separated from her mother. But the mother abandoned her husband and other children in the family. She left her home and took the little girl with her, paid coyotes to help her get in. Here is the link to what really happened: https://www.dailywire.com/news/32165/father-says-girl-never-separated-border-mom-paid-ryan-saavedra
O.K. that is just part of what upsets me. I hate slander and framing people because they aren't liked. I have seen that done in the church as well as in the political realm.
But here's what really bothers me. Do you know that little children are often kidnapped and taken away from their parents for good, because of sexual predators? I have read horror stories of children being taken away, or almost taken away from these pedophiles. I learned of a story where a mom was shopping and had her six year old with her. He was getting tired and bored, and someone was noticing and took advantage of the situation. A young man in his early to mid 20s came over to them. He was as friendly and sympathetic as could be. He offered to take the child down to the video store, as he said he had a child too, who gets bored. He promised to bring the child back when they were finished. The mom said no, but he continued his sweet, friendly dialog. Finally, the mom trusted the man enough to let her take her son to the video store. She never saw him again.
People are getting bolder now about this. I remember reading about a woman in Target or somewhere, where the friendly lady in front of her just picked up her baby and almost walked off with the baby. I have heard stories where moms and their children were being followed in the store, but it had a good ending because the mom never gave in and was perceptive to what was going on. I had also heard that the people who take these children, many times, send them overseas, and I guess they put them on the black market.
This, to me, should be what we are upset about. Sure, I don't think children should be separated from their parents for a day, while going through a process. But do we realize how serious it is when children are taken from their parents and never seen again? Where is our outrage for this?
Some of these children are killed. But many of them are just used in the sex slave trade.
Friends, please learn and educate yourselves and your families on how to protect your children from this horror. Can you imagine what it would be like for a child who has been taken and brought into the sex slave trade, when he or she becomes an adult? Talk about mental illness. This kind of treatment would lead to PTSD.
Sadly, sometimes those who have served in the military come back with PTSD. The trauma these people go through is horrific. The trauma children go through who have been taken out of their homes and used as a sex toy is unimaginable.
Personally, I believe we should have been concerned about the children who were separated from their parents during the Clinton and Obama years. But, I think we should be more proactive in protecting our children today from pedophiles and sexual predators. We need to protect the children, and we need to see through the tricks of the mainstream media in trying to use a situation, that should have been addressed years ago, to frame someone who they are angry about because he won the election.
For those interested, here is an article describing what actually happens when a family crosses the border, and the children getting separated from their parents.
How should we pray?
*Pray for those who truly need asylum, to be able to enter the country through the right channels and safely.
*Pray for those who are drug smugglers to be caught and penalized.
*Pray also for God's protection for children from being taken by pedophiles.
*Pray that God will intervene and reveal those who have been brought into the sex slave trade.
*Pray that God will reveal and set free those who have been taken hostage and are hidden from everyone else.
*Pray for the salvation of lost people and those who are in bondage to their sin, especially pornography and drugs.

If you are interested in learning about the story of 3 women who were held hostage and used sexually for 10 years, and how they are doing today, 5 years later, please click on this link: https://people.com/crime/cleveland-kidnapping-survivors-where-five-years-later/