Lately, I have been hearing a lot about bullies, on the radio. What is amazing though, is the concept of who the bullies are. There is no looking at the heart to determine if a person is a bully or not. According to some, being a bully is determined at birth by the color of your skin and your gender.
It's amazing too, that most of these people who have decided that a human being born as a white male is a bully, while at the same time, they believe that gender is something that has to be decided later on by the child as he or she grows older.
This is another example of the absurdity of the Left. They think in darkness and the results of their thinking don't even match!
I was thinking about this last night as we were watching a man perform in song. This man makes a lot of money and he is white. His name is Josh Groban. The show was top notch and this man has a voice that is unbelievable. Not only that, but the orchestra was top notch as well. This was one of the best performances I had ever been to.
But, I had to wonder what some people might have been thinking who have ever watched this man performing. They probably would be surprised, because this man is rich (I'm sure), he is male (that's obvious), and he is white.
Another thought that people have which ties in with bullying is racism. The two seem to go hand in hand. If you are a white male, you are a white supremist as well as a bully. These people seem to think that because many white people are rich, that is unfair to those who aren't, and these white people supposedly are taking away the wealth from the poor and they should be penalized. So, white people, especially males, are not only bullies, but they are racist too.
Has there ever been a case where a white male is a bully? Or maybe a racist? Yes, especially 50+ years ago. We have some who are racist, and I think they should be penalized. But this is a heart issue. It's not a skin color issue. The root sin is pride.
Lenin Quote

The Goal of Socialism
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
The Hidden Dangers Of Communism
Friends, I am very concerned about something happening in our country. We all should learn many lessons from History, and what has happened in the world in the past 5,000 + years.
One thing we can learn is that tyranny has always been a threat to any society, even if the society seems peaceful and good.
We have an unseen Enemy who hates human beings and would love it if every one of us were destroyed. He is relentless and will do whatever he can to take us off guard. He operates in lies, deception, and slander, and is actively working overtime to accomplish his goal.
One big goal the devil has is to take our freedom away from us. He does not want us to be free to think for ourselves, and make our own decisions. He doesn't want us to choose our jobs or occupations. He wants us to go around blindly, so we can be led by someone else in everything we do. Of course, that someone else, is no other than the government.
One of the big concerns I have is about Communism entering our society. When I was a child, my mom was very perceptive about Communism and what it could do to our country. I even remember when she wrote a letter to the president about how she felt about the Cold War that was going on.
I don't think we understand the dangers of Communism, and what it is that makes it dangerous and ultimately undesirable. But if we look back, even just a few years, we can see the horrific situations people were in who lived in Communist countries, such as the former U.S.S.R. or even Cuba.
Years ago, when I was in school, I was not the brightest bulb in the classroom, but, I did learn some things that actually stuck with me. I learned about how those who want to change our government work through infiltration. A Communist country is not necessarily going to march into the United States and take over by conquest. If they want to take over, they have to sell us on their ideology, and we have to accept it.
But when I was in school, years ago, people were vigilant against the tactics of Communism. Our leadership was wise and smart, and could discern where Communism was trying to make its entry points.
It's different today though, for some of those vigilant people are either gone or asleep. For example, when I was in high school, a class that used to be required, was no longer available to the students. I was looking forward to taking the class. It was called, 'Americanism vs. Communism'. I looked up on the Internet the reason why it was taken out of the schools, and the answer was that it was no longer needed.
Friends, those people who hold tightly onto the Communistic philosophy, have successfully infiltrated our colleges as well as our schools. These people are in Hollywood and are also running the mainstream media. We call them by different names; Liberals, Progressives, the Left, Socialists, to name a few.
The Liberal Left does not hide their agenda any more. Young people readily adhere to its concept. Many young people in college are going in the direction of Communism, but when asked why they would believe in that type of society, most of them haven't even thought it through. They are just following the ideology of the college professors and high school teachers.
How do we get from where we are now to becoming a Communistic society? Let's see, where can we start? What is the goal of Communism anyway?
The goal of Communism ends up being where the people have a total allegiance to the government. The government is everything to the people. The government makes decisions for the people. God intended for people to do their own thinking and make their own decisions, but under Communist rule, the people cannot decide for themselves anymore. That way, if someone makes a decision that is a threat to the government's ruling over them, the government won't have to worry about it.
Our school systems are no longer designed to teach students how to think for themselves (critical thinking). I am not saying that there aren't any good teachers out there. They are probably those who are in our schools and colleges who know exactly what is going on and are using their teaching positions to help students learn how to think for themselves so they can make their own decisions.
Communist societies do not encourage people to build communities and start businesses. Before a country turns Communist, the government caters to specific minority groups (and I am not just talking about races of people). The government specifically focuses on the poor and needy, not because they want to help them, but because they want to use them. If the government hands out goodies such as free health care and free food to people, the people will lose their incentive to work, and they will likely vote for the Communistically minded presidential candidate. They know the government will take care of them. It will also keep this group of people in a state of poverty, which they will have a hard time getting out of. Communists hate capitalism. They will accuse those who work hard to build their careers or businesses of 'stealing' or some unfair claim about them to make them look bad in the eyes of society.
Those who hold to Socialism or Communism will oppose capitalism, which will ultimately cause the economy to fall apart. When the economy falls apart, guess who we have to turn to? Who will rescue us? The government will be our hero. It will be our rescuer. That way, we will have to trust in the government. That is what they will want.
A word about the gun issue here. When our country was founded, most everyone had guns. They used them responsibly, almost always. Being able to have a gun legally is guaranteed in our Constitution. But what if those in the government can twist around the Second Amendment and take all our guns away? That would be a Communistic goal simply because when Communism takes over, we will be disarmed and we will not be able to fight against those coming in to implement a Communist government.
It's kind of like the devil disarming the one who has trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The devil lies to us and does whatever he can to disarm us, so we will not have the weapons we need to fight in the spiritual battle. Did you know that when you came to know the Lord, you were enlisted in a spiritual conflict? The Bible tells us of the many spiritual weapons we can use against the Enemy of our souls, but if we do not know what they are, then we will not use them. Most of us have no idea that we are engaged in this war, and there are many Christian casualties to show proof of this fact.
The last point I want to make about Communist countries is that in a Communist mindset, everyone is supposed to be equal. It is more than just treating people with equal respect, which is what all of us should be doing. But Communism thinks that if someone is wealthy, than that is unfair to those who are not wealthy. It is unequal in their minds, and they want to equalize it. So, one idea they use is to tax wealthy people with a high tax rate, and the taxes go to the government. The government then takes the money and allocates it to everyone else. Ever hear the phrase, 'Share the wealth', or 'Spread the wealth'? That is what that means.
In John Lennon's song, Imagine, he talks about a world without religion. He talks about having no possessions. I wonder what he was thinking when he penned those words. Would he be willing to give up his musical equipment for the sake of Communism, or, is he hypocritical like all the rest of the Communistic minded Liberals?
"Promises are like a pie crust, made to be broken." Stalin
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One thing we can learn is that tyranny has always been a threat to any society, even if the society seems peaceful and good.
We have an unseen Enemy who hates human beings and would love it if every one of us were destroyed. He is relentless and will do whatever he can to take us off guard. He operates in lies, deception, and slander, and is actively working overtime to accomplish his goal.
One big goal the devil has is to take our freedom away from us. He does not want us to be free to think for ourselves, and make our own decisions. He doesn't want us to choose our jobs or occupations. He wants us to go around blindly, so we can be led by someone else in everything we do. Of course, that someone else, is no other than the government.
One of the big concerns I have is about Communism entering our society. When I was a child, my mom was very perceptive about Communism and what it could do to our country. I even remember when she wrote a letter to the president about how she felt about the Cold War that was going on.
I don't think we understand the dangers of Communism, and what it is that makes it dangerous and ultimately undesirable. But if we look back, even just a few years, we can see the horrific situations people were in who lived in Communist countries, such as the former U.S.S.R. or even Cuba.
Years ago, when I was in school, I was not the brightest bulb in the classroom, but, I did learn some things that actually stuck with me. I learned about how those who want to change our government work through infiltration. A Communist country is not necessarily going to march into the United States and take over by conquest. If they want to take over, they have to sell us on their ideology, and we have to accept it.
But when I was in school, years ago, people were vigilant against the tactics of Communism. Our leadership was wise and smart, and could discern where Communism was trying to make its entry points.
It's different today though, for some of those vigilant people are either gone or asleep. For example, when I was in high school, a class that used to be required, was no longer available to the students. I was looking forward to taking the class. It was called, 'Americanism vs. Communism'. I looked up on the Internet the reason why it was taken out of the schools, and the answer was that it was no longer needed.
Friends, those people who hold tightly onto the Communistic philosophy, have successfully infiltrated our colleges as well as our schools. These people are in Hollywood and are also running the mainstream media. We call them by different names; Liberals, Progressives, the Left, Socialists, to name a few.
The Liberal Left does not hide their agenda any more. Young people readily adhere to its concept. Many young people in college are going in the direction of Communism, but when asked why they would believe in that type of society, most of them haven't even thought it through. They are just following the ideology of the college professors and high school teachers.
How do we get from where we are now to becoming a Communistic society? Let's see, where can we start? What is the goal of Communism anyway?
The goal of Communism ends up being where the people have a total allegiance to the government. The government is everything to the people. The government makes decisions for the people. God intended for people to do their own thinking and make their own decisions, but under Communist rule, the people cannot decide for themselves anymore. That way, if someone makes a decision that is a threat to the government's ruling over them, the government won't have to worry about it.
Our school systems are no longer designed to teach students how to think for themselves (critical thinking). I am not saying that there aren't any good teachers out there. They are probably those who are in our schools and colleges who know exactly what is going on and are using their teaching positions to help students learn how to think for themselves so they can make their own decisions.
Communist societies do not encourage people to build communities and start businesses. Before a country turns Communist, the government caters to specific minority groups (and I am not just talking about races of people). The government specifically focuses on the poor and needy, not because they want to help them, but because they want to use them. If the government hands out goodies such as free health care and free food to people, the people will lose their incentive to work, and they will likely vote for the Communistically minded presidential candidate. They know the government will take care of them. It will also keep this group of people in a state of poverty, which they will have a hard time getting out of. Communists hate capitalism. They will accuse those who work hard to build their careers or businesses of 'stealing' or some unfair claim about them to make them look bad in the eyes of society.
Those who hold to Socialism or Communism will oppose capitalism, which will ultimately cause the economy to fall apart. When the economy falls apart, guess who we have to turn to? Who will rescue us? The government will be our hero. It will be our rescuer. That way, we will have to trust in the government. That is what they will want.
A word about the gun issue here. When our country was founded, most everyone had guns. They used them responsibly, almost always. Being able to have a gun legally is guaranteed in our Constitution. But what if those in the government can twist around the Second Amendment and take all our guns away? That would be a Communistic goal simply because when Communism takes over, we will be disarmed and we will not be able to fight against those coming in to implement a Communist government.
It's kind of like the devil disarming the one who has trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The devil lies to us and does whatever he can to disarm us, so we will not have the weapons we need to fight in the spiritual battle. Did you know that when you came to know the Lord, you were enlisted in a spiritual conflict? The Bible tells us of the many spiritual weapons we can use against the Enemy of our souls, but if we do not know what they are, then we will not use them. Most of us have no idea that we are engaged in this war, and there are many Christian casualties to show proof of this fact.
The last point I want to make about Communist countries is that in a Communist mindset, everyone is supposed to be equal. It is more than just treating people with equal respect, which is what all of us should be doing. But Communism thinks that if someone is wealthy, than that is unfair to those who are not wealthy. It is unequal in their minds, and they want to equalize it. So, one idea they use is to tax wealthy people with a high tax rate, and the taxes go to the government. The government then takes the money and allocates it to everyone else. Ever hear the phrase, 'Share the wealth', or 'Spread the wealth'? That is what that means.
In John Lennon's song, Imagine, he talks about a world without religion. He talks about having no possessions. I wonder what he was thinking when he penned those words. Would he be willing to give up his musical equipment for the sake of Communism, or, is he hypocritical like all the rest of the Communistic minded Liberals?
The Naked Communist lays out the entire graphic story of communism, its past, present, and future. |
"Promises are like a pie crust, made to be broken." Stalin
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